Thursday, May 10, 2012

VOA News: Africa: Guinea Police Fire Tear Gas at Protesters

VOA News: Africa
Africa Voice of America
Guinea Police Fire Tear Gas at Protesters
May 10th 2012, 17:19

Police in Guinea have fired tear gas to disperse protesters demanding the government hold long-delayed legislative elections.

A VOA reporter says police used the tear gas Thursday as demonstrators tried to gather for a march to a stadium in the capital, Conakry. The reporter says the protesters were also attacked by youths who support President Alpha Conde.

There were no immediate reports of arrests or injuries.

Elections were scheduled for July 8 but President Conde postponed them last month, citing technical problems with the voter registration system.

Guinea's last legislative elections took place in June 2002, during the rule of President Lansana Conte.

The European Union, which cut off aid to Guinea after a 2008 military coup, has said the polls must be held before it fully resumes its aid programs.

Guinean opposition parties are demanding an audit of the voter rolls and changes in the country's electoral commission, which they say favors the ruling party.

President Conde was elected in 2010, during Guinea's first free and fair presidential election since independence in 1958.

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