Friday, July 27, 2012

USA - Voice of America: US Ambassador to Burma Sees Growing Ties Between Countries

USA - Voice of America
US Ambassador to Burma Sees Growing Ties Between Countries
Jul 28th 2012, 01:33

The U.S. ambassador to Burma says there is "excellent momentum" in the relationship between the United States and Burma, but acknowledged there are enormous challenges ahead.   Derek Mitchell told VOA that his new appointment demonstrates Washington's commitment to building the relationship. Mitchell arrived in Burma earlier this month as the first U.S. ambassador to that country in 22 years.   "My appointment, whether it is me or anyone else - the fact that there ...

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Americas - Voice of America: Cuba Blames Driver for Dissident's Death

Americas - Voice of America
Cuba Blames Driver for Dissident's Death
Jul 28th 2012, 02:05

Authorities in Cuba say driver error was to blame for the car accident in which prominent activist Oswaldo Paya died.   The Interior Ministry said Friday the driver, Angel Carromero of Spain, was speeding when the car hit an unpaved stretch of road and spun out of control.   It said the vehicle hit a tree, killing Paya and another Cuban activist on Sunday.   On Paya's Web site, his daughter, Rosa Maria, posted an audio clip saying Pay's family believed a second car was ...

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Americas - Voice of America: Kenya Investigating Venezuelan Diplomat's Death

Americas - Voice of America
Kenya Investigating Venezuelan Diplomat's Death
Jul 27th 2012, 23:46

Kenyan police say a top Venezuelan diplomat has been found dead and that she appears to have been strangled.   Nairobi Police Chief Anthony Kibuchi said the body of the acting Venezuelan envoy and charge d'affaires, Olga Fonseca, was found Friday at the official residence in the Kenyan capital.   Kenyan police also say they have begun interviewing two staff members at the residence.   The Venezuelan Foreign Ministry mourned the career diplomat's death and said it was ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Kenya Investigating Venezuelan Diplomat's Death

Africa - Voice of America
Kenya Investigating Venezuelan Diplomat's Death
Jul 27th 2012, 23:46

Kenyan police say a top Venezuelan diplomat has been found dead and that she appears to have been strangled.   Nairobi Police Chief Anthony Kibuchi said the body of the acting Venezuelan envoy and charge d'affaires, Olga Fonseca, was found Friday at the official residence in the Kenyan capital.   Kenyan police also say they have begun interviewing two staff members at the residence.   The Venezuelan Foreign Ministry mourned the career diplomat's death and said it was ...

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Economy - Voice of America: In Time of Drought, China Reaches Out to Ukraine to Guarantee Food Supplies

Economy - Voice of America
In Time of Drought, China Reaches Out to Ukraine to Guarantee Food Supplies
Jul 27th 2012, 22:30

LOKHVITSA, Ukraine -  The worst drought in half a century is hitting corn and wheat harvests in the United States, the world's largest food exporter.  So China, a major food importer, is turning to a new source of supply -- Ukraine, a nation once known as the breadbasket of Europe. The drought in the United States reinforces expert forecasts that world food supplies will steadily tighten this decade, and that prices will rise.  When grain prices go up, so do the prices of ...

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USA - Voice of America: Drought Taking Toll on Midwest Corn Producers

USA - Voice of America
Drought Taking Toll on Midwest Corn Producers
Jul 27th 2012, 18:14

DU BOIS, Illinois — Record high temperatures and lack of rain across the United States continue to fuel the worst drought in a generation.  For some farmers in the hardest hit areas, like the Midwest state of Illinois, the damage to corn and soybeans is already severe.  Farmers are facing tough decisions about what to do with their wilting crops. One of those farmers, Alan Bowers Junior, can see and hear the profits from his corn disintegrating.  The corn stalks on his field ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Mali's Traore Returns Home to Hefty Challenges

Africa - Voice of America
Mali's Traore Returns Home to Hefty Challenges
Jul 27th 2012, 20:15

DAKAR -- Mali's interim president Diouncounda Traore returned to Bamako Friday, more than two months after he was beaten by protesters in his office and sought treatment in France.  Traore returns home to a hefty workload, facing a deepening post-coup political crisis in the capital and mounting pressure to wrest the northern part of the country from al-Qaida-linked Islamist militants.  Regional bloc ECOWAS (Economic Community of West African States) wants him to revamp his ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Drought Taking Toll on Midwest Corn Producers

Economy - Voice of America
Drought Taking Toll on Midwest Corn Producers
Jul 27th 2012, 18:14

DU BOIS, Illinois — Record high temperatures and lack of rain across the United States continue to fuel the worst drought in a generation.  For some farmers in the hardest hit areas, like the Midwest state of Illinois, the damage to corn and soybeans is already severe.  Farmers are facing tough decisions about what to do with their wilting crops. One of those farmers, Alan Bowers Junior, can see and hear the profits from his corn disintegrating.  The corn stalks on his field ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Changing the Course of the Epidemic

Africa - Voice of America
Changing the Course of the Epidemic
Jul 27th 2012, 20:02

A former president of the International AIDS Society says it will take a combination of scientific and human rights advances to end the epidemic. Dr. Julio Montaner made his comments at the 19th International AIDS Conference in Washington. Montaner pioneered Treatment as Prevention at Canada's BC Center for Excellence in HIV/AIDS. The method of using antiretroviral drugs not only to treat infected people, but to protect uninfected as well, is now an accepted practice. But despite having a ...

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USA - Voice of America: Cards Protect Combat Zone Historic Sites

USA - Voice of America
Cards Protect Combat Zone Historic Sites
Jul 27th 2012, 18:34

AMELIA, Italy — Laurie Rush is on a mission. The American scientist is teaching the U.S. military about the value of archeological sites and ancient artifacts in combat zones. Rush joined forces with the U.S. military in 1998, when she accepted a civilian post as an archeologist at Fort Drum, New York. The area is rich in Native American history, Rush's specialty, and part of her job is to ensure that construction and training on the vast base don't harm any valuable archeological sites. ...

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Africa - Voice of America: In London, Kenyans Confident of Olympic Gold

Africa - Voice of America
In London, Kenyans Confident of Olympic Gold
Jul 27th 2012, 17:53

LONDON -- Kenya was the top performing African team at the 2008 Beijing Olympics, winning a total of 14 medals, six of them gold.  But this summer in London, says Gordon Oluoch, Nairobi's Commissioner of Sports, the team expects to best its medal tally of four years ago. Speaking with VOA in front of a big poster of David Rudisha -- world record holder at 800 meters and one the country's favorites for gold -- he says Kenya is offering perhaps its strongest Olympics lineup ...

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Asia - Voice of America: African Governments Criticized for Indifference Towards Chinese Abuses

Asia - Voice of America
African Governments Criticized for Indifference Towards Chinese Abuses
Jul 27th 2012, 13:58

HONG KONG — When a Nigerian businessman died in police custody after being attacked by a mob on the streets of a major Chinese city last month, the story made few headlines. African communities appear increasingly frustrated at the racial discrimination directed at them in China and, as Ivan Broadhead reports from Hong Kong, increasingly believe their own governments are complicit in hushing up such abuses in order not to embarrass Beijing and risk jeopardizing Chinese investment back home. ...

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USA - Voice of America: Phelps Aims for More Olympic Glory in London

USA - Voice of America
Phelps Aims for More Olympic Glory in London
Jul 27th 2012, 16:24

LONDON — The first London Olympics gold medals in swimming will be awarded Saturday evening.  Most eyes will be on American Michael Phelps as he tries to add to his legacy. In 2008 in Beijing, Michael Phelps became the first athlete to win eight gold medals at a single Olympic Games. Four years earlier at the Athens Olympics he won six gold and two bronze medals. He plans to swim in seven events in London, and if he wins medals in three, he will break the all-time record for total ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Senegal Moves to Solidify Gender Equality

Africa - Voice of America
Senegal Moves to Solidify Gender Equality
Jul 27th 2012, 16:23

DAKAR – On July 30, Senegal inaugurates its first national assembly since the passage of a gender parity law two years ago. Experts say much is at stake, both for restoring people's faith in the much-maligned body and for solidifying gender equality.    The fact that 65 of the 150 newly elected representatives are women is a big step forward, but women are quick to say it is just a first step. Gender experts and activists in Dakar say much is riding on their effectiveness as ...

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Africa - Voice of America: African Governments Criticized for Indifference Towards Chinese Abuses

Africa - Voice of America
African Governments Criticized for Indifference Towards Chinese Abuses
Jul 27th 2012, 13:58

HONG KONG — When a Nigerian businessman died in police custody after being attacked by a mob on the streets of a major Chinese city last month, the story made few headlines. African communities appear increasingly frustrated at the racial discrimination directed at them in China and, as Ivan Broadhead reports from Hong Kong, increasingly believe their own governments are complicit in hushing up such abuses in order not to embarrass Beijing and risk jeopardizing Chinese investment back home. ...

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USA - Voice of America: US Drought Linked to Climate Change

USA - Voice of America
US Drought Linked to Climate Change
Jul 27th 2012, 14:57

As one of the worst droughts ever continues to grip major portions of the United States, a new study links this summer's record-setting dry spell, and other extreme weather events, to the world's warming climate.       Parched earth In Texas, the earth is parched. Rivers have dried up, and pasture land has turned brown from the heat. It's been this way since January 2011. The southwestern state is the fourth largest producer of rice in the United States but the ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Malawi's Muslim Artists Experiment with New Sound

Africa - Voice of America
Malawi's Muslim Artists Experiment with New Sound
Jul 27th 2012, 14:28

Among the artists who have taken the country's Islamic song industry by storm are Ishmael Katawala, Ahmed Pilo and Ishmael Mtenje. Mtenje's popularity is owed to his hit R&B tune 'Ka Hijab' – which is sung in the local language, Chichewa.   The song depicts a young man who wants a wife who will always wear the Islamic headscarf, the Hijab. The singer fuses rap with his lyrics, describing the beauty of his dream girl. Malawi's only Islamic radio station banned the song after ...

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Africa - Voice of America: A South African Group Gives Opera an African Feel

Africa - Voice of America
A South African Group Gives Opera an African Feel
Jul 27th 2012, 13:59

Isango Ensemble is a theatre group that does musicals, plays and opera with an added African twist. Their work focuses on re-imagining classics from Western theater and re-contextualizing them in a South African township setting. They recently flew back to the city following good reviews of their theater performances at The Globe and Hackney Empire Auditorium in London, as well as the Admiral's Palace in Berlin.   Thet group's musical director Mandisi Dyantyis said in London,  ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Graffiti Artists Paint Beijing

Asia - Voice of America
Graffiti Artists Paint Beijing
Jul 27th 2012, 12:17

BEIJING — In China's capital, graffiti art is gaining a following among young and fashionable Chinese. There is a small group of artists who use the city's public spaces to express their feelings about their lives and rapidly changing country.   Wang Mo is an artist who prefers to work on the surfaces he finds outdoors.  "If you paint on paper you have to paint within the boundaries of the paper," he explained. "But graffiti doesn't obey that.  Graffiti means you can ...

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USA - Voice of America: Young People Navigate Relationships, Romance and HIV

USA - Voice of America
Young People Navigate Relationships, Romance and HIV
Jul 27th 2012, 11:15

WASHINGTON — Relationships and romance. They are tough to navigate for all young men and women, and they are even more complicated for young people who are living with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.  HIV-positive youth who work with AIDS Alliance discussed disclosing one's HIV status at the International AIDS conference in Washington. The exercise in this panel discussion: whether to disclose HIV status in a hypothetical relationship. Red means no, green means yes and yellow ...

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USA - Voice of America: Technical Problems Knock Twitter Offline

USA - Voice of America
Technical Problems Knock Twitter Offline
Jul 27th 2012, 12:50

The social media website Twitter was offline for two hours Thursday after its systems unexpectedly failed. Twitter's vice president for engineering, Mazen Rawashdesh, wrote on the site's blog post that the blackout occurred when both its data system and its backup system failed simultaneously.  Rawashdesh apologized for the failure, which he described as a "infrastructural double-whammy." Thursday's failure was the second in as many months for the popular ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Facebook Earnings Fall Despite Higher Revenue

Economy - Voice of America
Facebook Earnings Fall Despite Higher Revenue
Jul 27th 2012, 12:33

Facebook, the world's most popular social network website, says it lost money during the second quarter of the year, despite higher than expected revenue. In its first earnings report since its initial public offering of stock last May, Facebook posted a net loss of $157 million on revenue of $1.18 billion, up more than 30% from the same period one year ago. The company attributes the loss to compensation for investors after computer mishaps and other problems during the IPO. Facebook ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Chinese Government Criticized for Downplaying Floods

Asia - Voice of America
Chinese Government Criticized for Downplaying Floods
Jul 27th 2012, 13:32

Chinese authorities in Beijing are coming under continuing criticism for allegedly downplaying the severity of deadly floods that have killed scores of people since last week.   Skepticism Internet users Friday reacted with skepticism to the official death toll, and called it a man-made disaster that has highlighted the government's poor emergency response.   Pan Anjun, deputy head of the municipal flood control and drought relief headquarters appeared at a news conference on ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Muslim Groups Increasingly Worried About Fate of Burma's Rohingyas

Asia - Voice of America
Muslim Groups Increasingly Worried About Fate of Burma's Rohingyas
Jul 27th 2012, 12:15

Muslim groups worldwide are increasing pressure on the Burmese government to stop human rights abuses committed against ethnic Rohingya Muslims. The plight of the technically stateless group in Burma's western Rakhine state has long been a concern of the global Muslim community. But attention has intensified in recent weeks after longstanding tensions erupted between the Rohingya and ethnic Rakhine Buddhists, leaving dozens dead and tens of thousands displaced. Rights groups such as ...

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Asia - Voice of America: China Reacts to Gu Kailai Murder Charge

Asia - Voice of America
China Reacts to Gu Kailai Murder Charge
Jul 27th 2012, 12:39

BEIJING – In China, the announcement of murder charges against the wife of one of China's most prominent politicians left many unanswered questions about a case that remains highly sensitive. News of murder charges against Gu Kailai, wife of Bo Xilai covered the front pages of Chinese newspapers Friday. Gu is charged with murdering British businessman, Neil Heywood. While news articles hail the trial as progress in establishing rule of law in China, Internet searches for Gu and her husband's ...

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Asia - Voice of America: New Chinese Base Raises Tensions in S. China Sea

Asia - Voice of America
New Chinese Base Raises Tensions in S. China Sea
Jul 27th 2012, 10:58

STATE DEPARTMENT — China's move to base troops on a disputed island in the South China Sea has raised concerns about a possible military confrontation in an area where China, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan, Brunei and the Philippines all have competing claims. Sansha City ​​China's newest city and military garrison is on an island that also is claimed by Vietnam and Taiwan, at a time of increasing tension over mineral and transport rights in the South China Sea. "The establishment ...

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