Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Africa - Voice of America: South Africa President Zuma Set to Meet Zimbabwe Leaders

Africa - Voice of America
South Africa President Zuma Set to Meet Zimbabwe Leaders
Aug 15th 2012, 02:07

South African President Jacob Zuma is scheduled to meet in Harare Wednesday with Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe, Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai and Deputy Prime Minister Arthur Mutambara. A scholar says he expects Mr. Zuma to encourage the Zimbabwe coalition government to fully embrace the ongoing draft constitution ahead of a possible election next year. Professor Shadrack Gutto at the University of South Africa, a constitutional law expert, says Mr. Mugabe's ZANU-PF party and opponent ...

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Asia - Voice of America: US Institute: North Korea May Complete Reactor Next Year

Asia - Voice of America
US Institute: North Korea May Complete Reactor Next Year
Aug 14th 2012, 23:49

A U.S. research institute says that North Korea seems to be on the path to complete the construction of a nuclear reactor  by the end of next year. The Washington-based Institute for Science and International Technology said Tuesday that imagery taken in May and June shows cranes, and a dome next to a sizeable structure, which is thought to be a reactor building.  The institute says on its website that major external work on the reactor and the adjacent building appears to be ...

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Americas - Voice of America: Brazil’s Coastal Rainforest Suffers Widespread Species Extinction

Americas - Voice of America
Brazil's Coastal Rainforest Suffers Widespread Species Extinction
Aug 14th 2012, 22:14

The Atlantic forest in Brazil, once a part of the great Amazon basin on the South American continent, is suffering from widespread species loss according to a new study.  Ecologist Carlos Peres with England's University of East Anglia and then University of Cambridge graduate student Gustavo Canale traveled through the region between 2003 and 2005.  They documented 200 of the largest and least disturbed old-growth forest fragments in the vast region of the Atlantic forest.  ...

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USA - Voice of America: US: Rain, Cooler Weather Helping Crops; Drought Not Over

USA - Voice of America
US: Rain, Cooler Weather Helping Crops; Drought Not Over
Aug 14th 2012, 22:23

U.S. officials say cooler weather and recent rain showers in the drought-stricken Midwest have largely stabilized crop conditions, but add that the drought is not over. The U.S. Agriculture Department said in a statement Tuesday that rainfall has been heaviest in the eastern Corn Belt, including Michigan and Ohio, and that nearly all of the Midwest has received some precipitation.  The USDA's weekly crop progress report, released Monday, showed crop conditions improved slightly, but ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Non-Profit Helps Street Children Get on Their Feet

Africa - Voice of America
Non-Profit Helps Street Children Get on Their Feet
Aug 14th 2012, 19:30

Some 210 million youngsters around the world, according to UNICEF, are orphaned or live on the streets, forced into a precarious life by war, poverty or illness. Among the organizations working to help them is one prompted by a chance meeting on a New Delhi street. Help for Orphans focuses on teaching street children the skills they need for a better future. In 2004, Sarah Ehrlich was on a trip to India with her husband, an art dealer. One day, as she waited in their car while he bought ...

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Americas - Voice of America: Non-Profit Helps Street Children Get on Their Feet

Americas - Voice of America
Non-Profit Helps Street Children Get on Their Feet
Aug 14th 2012, 19:30

Some 210 million youngsters around the world, according to UNICEF, are orphaned or live on the streets, forced into a precarious life by war, poverty or illness. Among the organizations working to help them is one prompted by a chance meeting on a New Delhi street. Help for Orphans focuses on teaching street children the skills they need for a better future. In 2004, Sarah Ehrlich was on a trip to India with her husband, an art dealer. One day, as she waited in their car while he bought ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Non-Profit Helps Street Children Get on Their Feet

Asia - Voice of America
Non-Profit Helps Street Children Get on Their Feet
Aug 14th 2012, 19:30

Some 210 million youngsters around the world, according to UNICEF, are orphaned or live on the streets, forced into a precarious life by war, poverty or illness. Among the organizations working to help them is one prompted by a chance meeting on a New Delhi street. Help for Orphans focuses on teaching street children the skills they need for a better future. In 2004, Sarah Ehrlich was on a trip to India with her husband, an art dealer. One day, as she waited in their car while he bought ...

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USA - Voice of America: Support System, Determination Help Autistic Man Lead Full Life

USA - Voice of America
Support System, Determination Help Autistic Man Lead Full Life
Aug 14th 2012, 19:15

Seventy million people - 1 percent of the world's population - have some form of autism, a neurologic disorder that affects their ability to interact with other people and to care for themselves. Although treatment is available in developed nations, advocates say the outlook for those with severe autism is poor, and many spend their lives in sheltered environments. Those with milder forms of the disorder, however, can have more success integrating into society. 26-year-old Kevin Gibson is one ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Panetta: Pakistan to Launch Long-Awaited Offensive Against Militants in North Waziristan

Asia - Voice of America
Panetta: Pakistan to Launch Long-Awaited Offensive Against Militants in North Waziristan
Aug 14th 2012, 18:17

ISLAMABAD — U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta says Pakistan's military will soon be ready to begin a long-awaited offensive in its North Waziristan border region, where the al-Qaida-affiliated Haqqani network is reportedly based. Military officials in Pakistan have nothing to say about Panetta's claim, and Pakistan's political leaders say it would be premature to speculate on whether an operation is being planned.    Pakistan has long resisted pressure to mobilize troops ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Mugabe Warns Against Foreign Forces

Africa - Voice of America
Mugabe Warns Against Foreign Forces
Aug 14th 2012, 17:25

HARARE, Zimbabwe — Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe has told security forces that they must be on the watch for what he called foreigners who want to loot the country's resources. The 88-year-old Zimbabwean leader was speaking in Harare at Zimbabwe's Defense Forces Day. He urged all security forces and "progressive Zimbabweans" to remain "focused, loyal and patriotic" to defend the country's resources. "We should join hands to resist the unjustified pander of our ...

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USA - Voice of America: US Starts Deportation Reprieve for Young Illegal Immigrants

USA - Voice of America
US Starts Deportation Reprieve for Young Illegal Immigrants
Aug 14th 2012, 17:01

The United States is starting this week to take applications from young illegal immigrants who want to stay in the country for the next two years to work and go to school without the threat of deportation. President Barack Obama eased the country's immigration laws two months ago. Beginning Wednesday, 800,000 or more young people brought to the country illegally by their parents will be eligible for the reprieve if they meet certain standards, such as graduating from high school or ...

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Africa - Voice of America: 2 Confirmed Dead in Ugandan Helicopter Crash

Africa - Voice of America
2 Confirmed Dead in Ugandan Helicopter Crash
Aug 14th 2012, 15:52

A Kenyan official says two Ugandan soldiers are confirmed dead from the crash of a Ugandan military helicopter on Mount Kenya late Sunday. Simon Gitau, deputy warden of Mount Kenya National Park, says searchers found the two bodies outside the wreckage of the aircraft, which he said was still burning Tuesday and might contain other bodies. He said several soldiers from another Ugandan army helicopter that crashed on the mountain were rescued Tuesday after walking away from their crash ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Suicide Attacks Kill Nearly 30 in Afghanistan

Asia - Voice of America
Suicide Attacks Kill Nearly 30 in Afghanistan
Aug 14th 2012, 15:55

Afghan authorities said suicide bombers have killed nearly 30 people in a usually peaceful city in southwestern Afghanistan. More than 70 others were wounded in Tuesday's attacks in Zaranj, the capital of Nimroz province. Officials said most of the casualties are civilians. Security forces are also among the dead. Police said at least three suicide bombers carried out a series of coordinated attacks in different parts of the city, including a busy marketplace. Security forces detained ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Burma's President to Open Schools for Muslims

Asia - Voice of America
Burma's President to Open Schools for Muslims
Aug 14th 2012, 14:47

Burmese President Thein Sein says his government will open schools to improve the education of minority Rohingya Muslims who accuse the majority Buddhist state of persecuting them.  In an exclusive interview with VOA Burmese Service chief Lwin Htun Than in Naypyitaw, Thein Sein said education is an important tool to help different communities live in harmony and respect human rights.  The president said Bengalis, his term for the Rohingya, have only religious schools and lack what he ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Former Thai Leader's US Visit Renews Calls for Justice

Asia - Voice of America
Former Thai Leader's US Visit Renews Calls for Justice
Aug 14th 2012, 12:59

BANGKOK — Former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has been visiting the United States on his first trip to the country since he was ousted in a coup in 2006. His opponents have been demanding Washington revoke his visa and extradite the former leader to Thailand, where he faces jail time for conflict of interest charges from his time as leader. The opposition Democrats have urged the Thai government to push the United States, a close ally of Thailand, for his arrest and extradition. ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Clash in Northwest Pakistan Kills 30

Asia - Voice of America
Clash in Northwest Pakistan Kills 30
Aug 14th 2012, 13:30

At least 30 people, mostly militants, have been killed in a clash with security forces in Pakistan's northwest. Officials say militants ambushed soldiers Tuesday in the Ghaljo area of the Orakzai tribal agency. At least two soldiers were killed and 16 others were wounded in the resulting fighting. The military has been conducting operations against Taliban-linked militants in the region. On Sunday, jets bombed several hideouts in Orakzai, killing at least 10 suspected militants. ...

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USA - Voice of America: New Round of Wildfires Rage in Western United States

USA - Voice of America
New Round of Wildfires Rage in Western United States
Aug 14th 2012, 13:09

Firefighters are battling raging wildfires across much of the western United States, including California and Idaho. The U.S. Forest Service says a firefighter was killed Sunday when she was crushed by a falling tree while fighting a fire in northern Idaho.  In northern California, firefighters have made progress against a wildfire that has consumed several thousand hectares of land and forced the evacuation of nearly 500 homes near the city of San Francisco.  Firefighting crews ...

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USA - Voice of America: Former Thai Leader's US Visit Renews Calls for Justice

USA - Voice of America
Former Thai Leader's US Visit Renews Calls for Justice
Aug 14th 2012, 12:59

BANGKOK — Former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra has been visiting the United States on his first trip to the country since he was ousted in a coup in 2006. His opponents have been demanding Washington revoke his visa and extradite the former leader to Thailand, where he faces jail time for conflict of interest charges from his time as leader. The opposition Democrats have urged the Thai government to push the United States, a close ally of Thailand, for his arrest and extradition. ...

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Africa - Voice of America: UN: Battle Is Near for Key Somali Port

Africa - Voice of America
UN: Battle Is Near for Key Somali Port
Aug 14th 2012, 13:19

The U.N.  humanitarian chief for Somalia says fighting for control of al-Shabab's largest remaining stronghold appears "imminent." In a statement Tuesday, U.N. official Mark Bowden said  he is "deeply concerned" about reports of civilian casualties in Port Kismayo caused by naval gunfire and airstrikes. He called for all parties to minimize the conflict's impact on civilians. Several African nations have troops in Somalia fighting al-Shabab, which is ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Indian Yoga Guru Ends Hunger Strike

Asia - Voice of America
Indian Yoga Guru Ends Hunger Strike
Aug 14th 2012, 12:22

A popular Indian yoga guru has ended a six-day hunger strike but vowed to continue his fight against government corruption. Baba Ramdev sipped a glass of juice Tuesday to break his fast as several thousand supporters cheered him in New Delhi. Ramdev criticized Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and the ruling-Congress Party, calling for its downfall in 2014 general elections. He also said his movement will continue to grow. On Monday, Ramdev was arrested in New Delhi after he tried to lead an ...

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Economy - Voice of America: China, North Korea Seek Better Economic Ties

Economy - Voice of America
China, North Korea Seek Better Economic Ties
Aug 14th 2012, 12:14

Jang Song Taek, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's influential uncle, is in China this week to discuss economic and trade ties. At a meeting on Tuesday, the two countries agreed to take further steps toward the opening of industrial economic zones along their shared borders. Analysts say the trip, which will include stops in China's northeastern border provinces of Jilin and Liaoning, is a sign the impoverished country is looking to open up its economy. Xie Tao, a political scientist at ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Japan-S. Korea Dispute Jeopardizes US Asia Plans

Asia - Voice of America
Japan-S. Korea Dispute Jeopardizes US Asia Plans
Aug 14th 2012, 11:48

Analysts say a worsening territorial dispute between Japan and South Korea could jeopardize U.S. policy in the Asia-Pacific region. The dispute escalated last week, when South Korean President Lee Myung-bak visited a group of uninhabited islands claimed by both countries, prompting Japan to recall its ambassador. It was the first visit by a South Korean president to the islands, called Dokdo in South Korea and Takeshima in Japan. Seoul and Tokyo have long had rocky relations, due in part to ...

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Asia - Voice of America: China, North Korea Seek Better Economic Ties

Asia - Voice of America
China, North Korea Seek Better Economic Ties
Aug 14th 2012, 12:14

Jang Song Taek, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un's influential uncle, is in China this week to discuss economic and trade ties. At a meeting on Tuesday, the two countries agreed to take further steps toward the opening of industrial economic zones along their shared borders. Analysts say the trip, which will include stops in China's northeastern border provinces of Jilin and Liaoning, is a sign the impoverished country is looking to open up its economy. Xie Tao, a political scientist at ...

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Economy - Voice of America: European Economy Shrinks

Economy - Voice of America
European Economy Shrinks
Aug 14th 2012, 11:11

The economy in the debt-crippled eurozone shrank in the second quarter of this year, after showing no growth in the first three months of 2012. Statistics released Tuesday show the gross domestic product in the 17-nation bloc contracted by 0.2 percent compared to the previous quarter. Germany - the eurozone's strongest economy - grew by a stronger-than-expected 0.3 percent. France posted its third consecutive quarter with stagnant growth.  The country's central bank said last ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Somali Journalist Group Condemns Reporter Killings

Africa - Voice of America
Somali Journalist Group Condemns Reporter Killings
Aug 14th 2012, 11:15

The National Union of Somali Journalists, NUSO, says it strongly condemns the killing of two Somali journalists in separate incidents Sunday, in Mogadishu. The first occurred in the morning when unidentified assailants gunned down Yusuf Ali Osman, widely known as Farey, in the Dharkenely district of Mogadishu. The union said three unknown gunmen dressed as school children shot Osman near a garage where he parked his car.  After the attack they immediately fled the scene.  Witnesses ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Beijing Denies Creating Rifts Over S. China Sea

Asia - Voice of America
Beijing Denies Creating Rifts Over S. China Sea
Aug 14th 2012, 10:38

China is denying that it is attempting to create discord within the ASEAN regional bloc in an attempt to exert more influence in disputed areas of the energy-rich South China Sea. Some observers say Beijing does not want the 10-member Southeast Asian grouping to unify on the matter because China would rather deal with its much weaker rival claimants separately. China's response But an article in China's official Xinhua news agency dismissed the allegations, calling them Western ...

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