Monday, June 25, 2012

Africa - Voice of America: Uganda Begins Search for Landslide Victims

Africa - Voice of America
Uganda Begins Search for Landslide Victims
Jun 26th 2012, 05:25

Uganda has sent a rescue team to eastern Bududa district where more than a 100 people may have been killed Monday by a landslide caused by heavy rainfall. It is believed as many as three villages might have been buried.   A member of parliament from the region was quoted as saying that most people were likely indoors when huge blocks of mud and rocks started to roll down hills, toppling homes and burying an unspecified number of people alive. Issa Aliga, a reporter with the ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Egyptian Scholar Calls for Inclusive Government

Africa - Voice of America
Egyptian Scholar Calls for Inclusive Government
Jun 26th 2012, 00:29

Egyptian scholar Said Sadek said many Egyptians will be displeased if President-elect Mohammed Morsi's cabinet is filled with only members of the Muslim Brotherhood. Sadek, a professor of political sociology at the American University in Cairo, said the new president would have to allay the concerns of some Egyptians who he said are suspicious of the Muslim Brotherhood. "The last thing Egyptians want to see in a new cabinet is that it is all dominated by the Muslim Brotherhood, ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Recent Economic Conference a Lesson for South Sudan, says Official

Africa - Voice of America
Recent Economic Conference a Lesson for South Sudan, says Official
Jun 25th 2012, 22:55

An economic adviser to South Sudan President Salva Kiir says the recent conference of the New York Forum Africa provided a learning platform that would help Africa's newest nation formulate policies to attract investors. Aggrey Tisa Sabuni, who led the South Sudan delegation to the conference, said Juba highly values the three-day meeting held in early June in the Gabonese capital, Libreville. Learning through the experiences of others, he said, is the easiest and fastest for the ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Rwanda ‘Committed to Strong’ Regional Integration—and Growth

Africa - Voice of America
Rwanda 'Committed to Strong' Regional Integration—and Growth
Jun 25th 2012, 22:09

Rwanda's foreign minister says her country is committed to strong peace, stability, integration among East and Central African countries. Louise Mushikiwabo made her comments a recent three-day meeting of the New York Forum Africa held in the Gabonese capital, Libreville. The group brings together international investors and African business leaders on the continent in an effort to foster partnerships. Mushikiwabo said Kigali seeks robust bilateral relations with its neighbors to ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Former Canadian PM Calls for Improved Africa Infrastructure

Africa - Voice of America
Former Canadian PM Calls for Improved Africa Infrastructure
Jun 25th 2012, 23:06

Former Canadian Prime Minister Jean Chretien says African countries have the potential to attract massive foreign investment by significantly developing their infrastructure. Mr. Chretien said improving access to natural resources could be a financial boost for the countries. He was a main speaker on the topic of maximizing growth Africa at the recently concluded New York Forum Africa, held in Gabon's capital, Libreville.  The group brings together international investors and African ...

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USA - Voice of America: Obama Pleased, Concerned about Immigration Ruling

USA - Voice of America
Obama Pleased, Concerned about Immigration Ruling
Jun 25th 2012, 22:18

WHITE HOUSE - President Barack Obama on Monday welcomed the ruling by the Supreme Court of the United States striking down key provisions of an immigration law in the state of Arizona.  But Obama says he is concerned about a remaining provision upheld by the high court. The court struck down three key provisions of the law the Arizona legislature approved in 2010 as part of a series of measures to stem illegal immigration in the state. The law made it a crime for immigrants ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Pakistan Protests Cross-border Attack that Kills 13 Troops

Asia - Voice of America
Pakistan Protests Cross-border Attack that Kills 13 Troops
Jun 25th 2012, 22:21

Pakistan on Monday lodged a formal protest with Afghanistan after a cross-border attack that the Pakistani military says killed 13 soldiers. Pakistani authorities say more than 100 militants from Afghanistan attacked the troops in the northwestern Upper Dir region late Sunday.   Pakistan's military said six troops and 14 of the attackers were killed in the ensuing clash, while seven soldiers went missing and were later beheaded. The Pakistani Taliban claimed ...

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Africa - Voice of America: South Sudan Introduces Programs to Attract Investors

Africa - Voice of America
South Sudan Introduces Programs to Attract Investors
Jun 25th 2012, 21:41

South Sudan's Minister of Commerce, Industry and Investment says Africa's newest nation is implementing policies to overcome its economic challenges. Garang Diing Akuong said that includes measures to create an enabling environment for foreign investment.  "As at now we are attracting investors, but it's not enough to [satisfy] our ambitions. We hope to have more," he said. "We are supposed to put a couple of things in place to enable South Sudanese to invest and also to attract ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Tanzania Official Calls for Strong Partnerships in Africa

Africa - Voice of America
Tanzania Official Calls for Strong Partnerships in Africa
Jun 25th 2012, 21:58

Tanzania's Minister for East African Cooperation (EAC) has called for strong bilateral relations among African countries to create a hospitable environment for investment. Samuel Sitta made his remarks during a talk he gave on regional integration and competitiveness at the recently concluded New York Forum Africa, held in Gabon's capital, Libreville. The group brings together international investors and African business leaders in an effort to foster partnerships. Sitta said the ...

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Africa - Voice of America: US Military Expands Presence in Africa

Africa - Voice of America
US Military Expands Presence in Africa
Jun 25th 2012, 20:26

PENTAGON - The commander of U.S. forces for Africa, Army General Carter Ham, said Monday that the U.S. military is increasing its operations on the continent as terrorist groups begin to work closer together to carry out attacks in the region. The head of the U.S. Africa Command, General Carter Ham, said the terrorist threat in Africa is growing and that U.S. forces under his command are focused on three main groups:  al Shabab in East Africa, al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb in the ...

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USA - Voice of America: Tropical Storm Debby Brings Heavy Rain To US Gulf Coast

USA - Voice of America
Tropical Storm Debby Brings Heavy Rain To US Gulf Coast
Jun 25th 2012, 20:50

Tropical storm Debby is bringing steady to parts of the southern U.S. state of Florida, flooding low-lying areas and raising the threat of tornadoes. Debbie weakened somewhat on Monday, but it remained nearly stationary over the northeast Gulf of Mexico, dumping nearly continuous rain on Florida's Gulf Coast. The storm has spawned isolated tornadoes that killed at least one person in Florida, and forecasters are warning about the possibility of more tornadoes. Rescuers in the ...

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USA - Voice of America: Supreme Court Immigration Ruling to Frame US Political Debate

USA - Voice of America
Supreme Court Immigration Ruling to Frame US Political Debate
Jun 25th 2012, 20:11

WASHINGTON - Monday's decision by the Supreme Court of the United States striking down most of Arizona's controversial immigration law virtually ensures that immigration will be a major issue in this year's presidential campaign.   Most of the Arizona law targeting illegal immigrants was struck down, including a provision that allowed police to arrest suspected illegal aliens in the state without warrants. But the Supreme Court allowed the most controversial aspect of the law ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Zimbabwe Gets Privately-Owned Radio Station

Africa - Voice of America
Zimbabwe Gets Privately-Owned Radio Station
Jun 25th 2012, 20:15

HARARE - For the first time in 32 years Zimbabwe has a privately-owned FM radio station.  Star Radio, which went on the air Monday, was awarded a license last year by the Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe. The station is owned by the company that operates the country's major newspapers, which politically support President Robert Mugabe and his ZANU-PF party.   Star Radio hit Zimbabwe's airwaves Monday afternoon, making it the first privately-owned radio to broadcast on the FM ...

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USA - Voice of America: Young Singer Wins Chance of a Lifetime

USA - Voice of America
Young Singer Wins Chance of a Lifetime
Jun 25th 2012, 18:32

BALTIMORE, Maryland - On July 4, Americans celebrate Independence Day with parades, fireworks and, in some communities, concerts of patriotic music. About 95 kilometers north of the nation's capital, the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra will perform outdoors, under the stars. This year's concert will open with Cassidy Hamilton belting out the "Star Spangled Banner," the U.S. national anthem. The young singer was chosen in April in a major competition. The National ...

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USA - Voice of America: Public Hearings on Popular Pesticide Spotlight Safety Concerns

USA - Voice of America
Public Hearings on Popular Pesticide Spotlight Safety Concerns
Jun 22nd 2012, 22:05

Responding to pressure from environmental groups and the requirements of regulators, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)  and a scientific advisory panel have held public hearings on the risks of atrazine, an agricultural pesticide.  It's the most commonly used farm chemical in the U.S. and 90 other countries. Atrazine has been banned by the European Union since 2004, and some studies suggest it may be harmful to human health and the environment. Every year, U.S. ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Small Farmer Organizations to Benefit From New Law in DRC

Economy - Voice of America
Small Farmer Organizations to Benefit From New Law in DRC
Jun 25th 2012, 17:13

GOMA, DRC - Small-farmer organizations in the Democratic Republic of Congo are welcoming a new law they say should improve local communities' access to land. They are urging peasants to mobilize to take advantage of the new legislation.   One of the most significant outcomes introduced by the new Congo law is that all agricultural land disputes must be submitted for mediation before they can be taken to court.   The DRC government is to set up a large number of ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Greeks Seek Shelter Overseas As Russians Move In

Economy - Voice of America
Greeks Seek Shelter Overseas As Russians Move In
Jun 21st 2012, 23:21

LONDON - As fears grow in Greece that the country may be forced to leave the eurozone, those with savings are looking for a safe haven. Meanwhile foreign buyers are moving to snap up Greek bargains as house prices take a tumble. Henry Ridgwell reports from London. Chelsea in London - the British capital's wealthiest enclave and home to many of Europe's richest residents. The latest arrivals are well-off Greeks looking for a safe place to park their money. Ed Meade is director of ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Kenya’s Olympic Trials Provide London Preview

Africa - Voice of America
Kenya's Olympic Trials Provide London Preview
Jun 25th 2012, 17:37

NAIROBI - Some of Kenya's finest runners battled for a spot on the National Olympic team Saturday at Nairobi's Nyayo National Stadium.  Thousands of spectators, Kenyan and foreign, came for a preview of the games that begin next month in London.   In a country that reveres its runners, many of whom are the best in the world, it is no surprise Kenya's National Olympic Trials were so well-attended by Kenyans and tourists from outside the country. Saturday's trials included ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Dump Provides Livelihood, Brings Perils to Nairobi Poor

Africa - Voice of America
Dump Provides Livelihood, Brings Perils to Nairobi Poor
Jun 25th 2012, 13:46

NAIROBI - Sprawling over 12 hectares and home to scavengers who both live and work on the site, the Dandora waste disposal dump on the outskirts of Nairobi is Kenya's largest and one of the biggest in Africa. It was officially declared full in 2001, yet 2,000 tons of waste continues to find its way here every day.  Due to health and environmental concerns, the Nairobi City Council claims it will relocate the dump, but this has been a slow-going process. ​​ Sixteen-year-old ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Small Farmer Organizations to Benefit From New Law in DRC

Africa - Voice of America
Small Farmer Organizations to Benefit From New Law in DRC
Jun 25th 2012, 17:13

GOMA, DRC - Small-farmer organizations in the Democratic Republic of Congo are welcoming a new law they say should improve local communities' access to land. They are urging peasants to mobilize to take advantage of the new legislation.   One of the most significant outcomes introduced by the new Congo law is that all agricultural land disputes must be submitted for mediation before they can be taken to court.   The DRC government is to set up a large number of ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Charities Say EU Budget Crunch Affects Foreign Aid

Economy - Voice of America
Charities Say EU Budget Crunch Affects Foreign Aid
Jun 25th 2012, 17:21

PARIS - Some of the planet's poorest countries may be feeling the fallout of Europe's financial crisis. New studies show that European Union development aid is falling, and that billions of dollars are not reaching needy countries. Released Monday, a report by Concord, a European non-government organization, found that a growing number of European Union countries are falling short of promises to earmark 0.7 percent of their gross domestic product for development aid. Perhaps ...

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USA - Voice of America: US Supreme Court Rejects Much of Arizona Immigration Law

USA - Voice of America
US Supreme Court Rejects Much of Arizona Immigration Law
Jun 25th 2012, 15:03

​​The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday struck down most of the state of Arizona's tough immigration law, but ruled that one of the more controversial elements of the statute could go forward. The court upheld the requirement that state police officers with "reasonable suspicions" check the immigration status of people they stop for other reasons.  However, they said the provision could be subject to additional legal challenges. The justices rejected three other provisions of the ...

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USA - Voice of America: Sharia Financing Helps US Muslims Achieve Home Ownership Dream

USA - Voice of America
Sharia Financing Helps US Muslims Achieve Home Ownership Dream
Jun 25th 2012, 15:28

Khadijah Sahak, 59, sits in the family room of her neatly-kept townhouse in Sterling, Virginia. The Afghan news program broadcasting from her wall-mounted flat-screen television is discussing the Taliban. This leafy Washington suburb is a long way from the refugee camp in Pakistan where Khadijah's family says they lived after leaving Kabul in 2002. "We like the house very much," she says in Dari, adjusting the white headscarf draped loosely around her face. "We are very comfortable ...

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Americas - Voice of America: US Supreme Court Rejects Much of Arizona Immigration Law

Americas - Voice of America
US Supreme Court Rejects Much of Arizona Immigration Law
Jun 25th 2012, 15:03

​​The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday struck down most of the state of Arizona's tough immigration law but ruled that one of the more controversial elements of the statute could go forward. The court upheld the requirement that state police officers with "reasonable suspicions" check the immigration status of people they stop for other reasons.  However, they said the provision could be subject to additional legal challenges. The justices rejected three other provisions of the ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Sharia Financing Helps US Muslims Achieve Home Ownership Dream

Economy - Voice of America
Sharia Financing Helps US Muslims Achieve Home Ownership Dream
Jun 25th 2012, 15:28

Khadijah Sahak, 59, sits in the family room of her neatly-kept townhouse in Sterling, Virginia. The Afghan news program broadcasting from her wall-mounted flat-screen television is discussing the Taliban. This leafy Washington suburb is a long way from the refugee camp in Pakistan where Khadijah's family says they lived after leaving Kabul in 2002. "We like the house very much," she says in Dari, adjusting the white headscarf draped loosely around her face. "We are very comfortable ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Nigerian President Seeks 'New Tactics' Against Boko Haram

Africa - Voice of America
Nigerian President Seeks 'New Tactics' Against Boko Haram
Jun 25th 2012, 15:40

DAKAR - Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan says the government needs "new tactics" against militant Islamist sect Boko Haram, which he accuses of trying to destabilize Nigeria.  The president appeared on a televised question-and-answer session Sunday, one week after deadly church bombings and unrest in the north sharpened criticism of his handling of the three-year-old insurgency.  On state television, President Goodluck Jonathan responded to questions from ...

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