Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Africa - Voice of America: Family Planning for Women in Conflict Areas Seen as Crucial

Africa - Voice of America
Family Planning for Women in Conflict Areas Seen as Crucial
Jul 11th 2012, 05:26

Wednesday is World Population Day, and the United Nations Population Fund says reproductive health is crucial for development.  Dr. Dhammika Perera, senior technical advisor for global reproductive health programs at the International Rescue Committee (IRC), said his organization believes that giving women in conflict areas access to family planning is the key to reducing maternal mortality. "Right now, the estimate this year is that 222 million women in developing countries need, but ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Clinton Makes Historic Visit to Laos

Asia - Voice of America
Clinton Makes Historic Visit to Laos
Jul 11th 2012, 05:50

It is the first time a US Secretary of State has visited the communist country in 57 years

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USA - Voice of America: Youngest Gymnast on US Olympic Team Prepares for London

USA - Voice of America
Youngest Gymnast on US Olympic Team Prepares for London
Jul 11th 2012, 00:42

LOS ANGELES — Fifteen-year-old Kyla Ross of southern California is the youngest member of the U.S. Olympic gymnastics team.  She says that going to London for the 2012 Summer Games is a dream come true.  But getting to this moment means she has had to work harder than most girls her age.  Kyla Ross does not live the life of an average American teenager.  She spends 30 to 35 hours a week training at Gym-Max Academy of Gymnastics, just south of Los Angeles.  She goes to ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Great Lakes Foreign Ministers Set to Meet Over DRC Crisis

Africa - Voice of America
Great Lakes Foreign Ministers Set to Meet Over DRC Crisis
Jul 10th 2012, 23:56

A Ugandan official says foreign ministers in the Great Lakes region are scheduled to begin discussions Wednesday to help resolve the Democratic Republic of Congo's security crisis ahead of the African Union summit.  Ambassador James Mugume, Permanent Secretary at Uganda's ministry of foreign affairs, said the ministers are expected to present a report to heads of state in the region. They in turn will discuss recommendations at the summit.  "The discussion between the acting ...

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Africa - Voice of America: DRC Says It Has Proof of Rwandan Troop Attacks

Africa - Voice of America
DRC Says It Has Proof of Rwandan Troop Attacks
Jul 11th 2012, 00:08

The Democratic Republic of Congo's information minister says his administration has proof that Rwandan soldiers and senior officers are directly engaged in combat operations inside his country.  "We are accusing them of implicating themselves in combat operations. We have evidence now that Rwandese soldiers and officers are directly implicated in combat operations in DRC," said Lambert Mende. He acknowledges growing diplomatic tension between Kinshasa and Kigali following accusations ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Study Finds Hungriest Countries Among Fastest-Growing

Economy - Voice of America
Study Finds Hungriest Countries Among Fastest-Growing
Jul 10th 2012, 22:24

WASHINGTON — Some of the world's hungriest countries are also the among the fastest-growing, according to a new measure of global food security. Several sub-Saharan African countries at the bottom of the new Global Food Security Index, including Mozambique, Ethiopia, Rwanda and Niger, are expected to be among the most rapidly expanding economies in the next two years. "That was a finding that was a bit unexpected," says Leo Abruzzese, global forecasting director for the research company the ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Obama, Republicans Spar Over Taxes

Economy - Voice of America
Obama, Republicans Spar Over Taxes
Jul 10th 2012, 21:38

WHITE HOUSE — President Barack Obama and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, Obama's probable Republican opponent in November's presidential election, are campaigning on economic issues.  The president campaigned Tuesday in the Midwestern state of Iowa, a likely battleground state in this year's election.   President Obama went to Cedar Rapids, Iowa to reconnect with voters who gave him his first victory in the 2008 campaign - a win in the Iowa caucuses. "This ...

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Africa - Voice of America: US Congressional Panel Examines Boko Haram Violence in Nigeria

Africa - Voice of America
US Congressional Panel Examines Boko Haram Violence in Nigeria
Jul 10th 2012, 22:04

CAPITOL HILL — A subcommittee of the U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Foreign Affairs on Tuesday held a hearing on U.S. policy toward Nigeria. A senior State Department official defended the Obama administration's decision not to designate the Islamic militant group Boko Haram as a terrorist organization.  The chairman of the Africa, Global Health, and Human Rights Subcommittee, New Jersey Republican Chris Smith, called on the United States and all members of the ...

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USA - Voice of America: Obama, Republicans Spar Over Taxes

USA - Voice of America
Obama, Republicans Spar Over Taxes
Jul 10th 2012, 21:38

WHITE HOUSE — President Barack Obama and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, Obama's probable Republican opponent in November's presidential election, are campaigning on economic issues.  The president campaigned Tuesday in the Midwestern state of Iowa, a likely battleground state in this year's election.   President Obama went to Cedar Rapids, Iowa to reconnect with voters who gave him his first victory in the 2008 campaign - a win in the Iowa caucuses. "This ...

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USA - Voice of America: World Food Prize Laureate Heads Global Food Security Center

USA - Voice of America
World Food Prize Laureate Heads Global Food Security Center
Jul 10th 2012, 19:58

WEST LAFAYETTE, Indiana — Purdue University scientist Gebisa Ejeta is known in agriculture for enhancing sorghum crops in Africa.  The 2009 World Food Prize Laureate is on a quest to help the world better understand the causes of global food insecurity as the world population increases.  Gebisa Ejeta's air conditioned office at Purdue University is a world away from the one-room thatched hut with mud floors where he grew up in Ethiopia. "There wasn't any school in the community ...

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Economy - Voice of America: World Food Prize Laureate Heads Global Food Security Center

Economy - Voice of America
World Food Prize Laureate Heads Global Food Security Center
Jul 10th 2012, 19:58

WEST LAFAYETTE, Indiana — Purdue University scientist Gebisa Ejeta is known in agriculture for enhancing sorghum crops in Africa.  The 2009 World Food Prize Laureate is on a quest to help the world better understand the causes of global food insecurity as the world population increases.  Gebisa Ejeta's air conditioned office at Purdue University is a world away from the one-room thatched hut with mud floors where he grew up in Ethiopia. "There wasn't any school in the community ...

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Americas - Voice of America: Venezuela's Chavez Says Cancer Gone

Americas - Voice of America
Venezuela's Chavez Says Cancer Gone
Jul 10th 2012, 19:14

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez says he has fully recovered from cancer and is ready to mount an aggressive bid for re-election. Chavez told reporters in Caracas Monday that he was "totally free" of the disease that was first discovered a year ago.  The 57-year-old leader has undergone two surgeries to remove tumors from his pelvis, plus several radiation treatments in Cuba since his initial diagnosis, although the exact nature of his cancer has never been revealed.  ...

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USA - Voice of America: US Bead Parties Boost Ugandan Women

USA - Voice of America
US Bead Parties Boost Ugandan Women
Jul 10th 2012, 18:06

It's party time for Madison Blandford and three dozen of her girlfriends. The 11-year-old invited her classmates and neighbors to see - and buy - beaded jewelry made by women in Uganda. "My grandma got me a bracelet," she says, "and that's when I got interested."  So she started to learn about how the jewelry pieces are created. The colorful beads on vibrant necklaces, earrings and bracelets, are made out of paper. "It takes 30 seconds for each bead to be made, but the ...

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Africa - Voice of America: UN Concerned DRC Rebels Get Support From Rwanda

Africa - Voice of America
UN Concerned DRC Rebels Get Support From Rwanda
Jul 10th 2012, 19:12

KINSHASA — The United Nations mission in the Democratic Republic of Congo, DRC, says it is seeing more signs that the rebel M23 movement is getting support from Rwanda.  The head of the mission has called for all such support to stop immediately. The U.N.'s special representative in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Roger Meece, who's in charge of the U.N. mission here, says it is clear that the M23 rebel forces are much stronger than anyone thought a few weeks ago. "The M23 ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Zimbabwe AIDS Orphans Strive To Overcome Obstacles

Africa - Voice of America
Zimbabwe AIDS Orphans Strive To Overcome Obstacles
Jul 10th 2012, 14:11

HARARE — Zimbabwe has one of the highest HIV rates in the world, despite years of effort to slow the spread of the virus.  The pandemic - and the government's failure to rollout a life-prolonging anti-retroviral drug program - has left tens of thousands of AIDS orphans. Many of these young people are working to make a difference with their lives. These are some of the many young people living with the HIV virus. Most of them are orphans - their parents having succumbed to HIV-related ...

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Africa - Voice of America: US Bead Parties Boost Ugandan Women

Africa - Voice of America
US Bead Parties Boost Ugandan Women
Jul 10th 2012, 18:06

It's party time for Madison Blandford and three dozen of her girlfriends. The 11 year old invited her classmates and neighbors to see - and buy - beaded jewelry made by women in Uganda. "My grandma got me a bracelet," she says, "and that's when I got interested."  So she started to learn about how the jewelry pieces are created. The colorful beads on vibrant necklaces, earrings and bracelets, are made out of paper. "It takes 30 seconds for each bead to be made, but the ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Armed Militants Resume Destruction of Timbuktu Shrines

Africa - Voice of America
Armed Militants Resume Destruction of Timbuktu Shrines
Jul 10th 2012, 17:59

DAKAR — The militant group Ansar Dine has resumed the destruction of Muslim shrines in the northern Malian city of Timbuktu. The group attacked a shrine Tuesday at one of Timbuktu's oldest mosques, a site regularly visited by local Muslims. Residents said the group fired in the air to discourage people assembling in the city. Residents say that around 8 a.m. local time on Tuesday, militants of the Islamist group Ansar Dine took pickaxes and shovels to what locals call one of the ancient ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Aid Slow to Reach Somali Region Free of al-Shabab

Africa - Voice of America
Aid Slow to Reach Somali Region Free of al-Shabab
Jul 10th 2012, 16:50

RAS KAMBONI — In this Somali seaside village, the former headquarters of insurgent group al-Shabab is being converted into a hospital. Last October, the Kenyan military and a regional militia cleared the village of the militants. But, despite the stability, humanitarian aid has been slow to arrive.   Three-year-old Hodan arrived with her grandparents the afternoon the hospital operating room opened. They traveled from Bur Gabo, a town 60 kilometers north of Ras Kamboni.   Small ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Clinton Backs Vietnamese Efforts to Resolve S. China Sea Dispute

Africa - Voice of America
Clinton Backs Vietnamese Efforts to Resolve S. China Sea Dispute
Jul 10th 2012, 16:10

HANOI — U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is backing Vietnam's efforts to resolve a dispute over mineral and fishing rights in the South China Sea.  This week's summit of South East Asian nations could resolve some of the competing claims in the region. China Marine Surveillance vessels patrol the South China Sea as part of Beijing's bid to advance sovereignty and jurisdiction over the waters - parts of which are claimed by Vietnam, the Philippines, Taiwan, Brunei, and ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Nigerian HIV/AIDS Agency Seeks Anti-Discrimination Law

Africa - Voice of America
Nigerian HIV/AIDS Agency Seeks Anti-Discrimination Law
Jul 10th 2012, 17:37

ABUJA, Nigeria — Nigeria's National Agency for the Control of AIDS has sponsored a bill that would make it a crime to discriminate against people living with HIV/AIDS. Activists say if the law is passed it will protect patients from institutionalized discrimination, but won't immediately end the stigma that endangers many lives and livelihoods.  ​​Nigerian activists say the most dangerous thing about HIV/AIDS stigma - the belief ​​that someone is morally corrupted if they are HIV ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Boko Haram Warns Christians to Convert or 'Not Know Peace Again'

Africa - Voice of America
Boko Haram Warns Christians to Convert or 'Not Know Peace Again'
Jul 10th 2012, 16:12

ABUJA, Nigeria - The Islamist militant group known as Boko Haram is now claiming responsibility for Sunday's attack on a funeral that killed scores of people, including two prominent politicians. Through e-mails to journalists, the group is now demanding Christians convert to Islam and denies government claims that peace talks are underway.   Violence in Plateau State   Many parts of Nigeria's Plateau State are on lockdown after a weekend of violence.  Deputy ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Partial Vote Count Indicates Jibril Leads in Libya Election

Africa - Voice of America
Partial Vote Count Indicates Jibril Leads in Libya Election
Jul 10th 2012, 17:14

CAIRO — Sources close to Libya's electoral commission are saying that a coalition of political parties led by former interim Prime Minister Mahmoud Jibril is leading in 8 out of 13 of the country's electoral districts after a partial tally of votes cast in Libya's first election since 1964. Arab satellite channels quoted officials close to the electoral commission as saying the umbrella coalition led by Jibril was ahead. Nouri al Abar, the head the Libya's Electoral ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Groundbreaking HIV Study Underway in Malawi

Africa - Voice of America
Groundbreaking HIV Study Underway in Malawi
Jul 10th 2012, 17:56

BLANTYRE, MALAWI — European and Malawian researchers are conducting groundbreaking studies on the effectiveness of HIV self-testing as part of efforts to fight the virus that causes AIDS. The five-year community-based research, which is the first of its kind to be conducted anywhere in the world, is focused on three densely populated areas of Malawi's commercial capital Blantyre: Ndirande, Chilomoni and Likhubula. Jointly backed by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, the ...

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Africa - Voice of America: PEPFAR Evolves and Expands

Africa - Voice of America
PEPFAR Evolves and Expands
Jul 10th 2012, 17:30

PEPFAR, the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, is credited with saving millions of lives in developing countries. The program, which started under President Bush, continues under President Obama. However, despite the success, supporters say PEPFAR faces many challenges due to a poor economy and partisan politics. U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator Eric Goosby, the man in charge of PEPFAR, said many people are responsible for the program's success. "The healthcare providers, faith-based ...

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USA - Voice of America: Clinton Backs Vietnamese Efforts to Resolve S. China Sea Dispute

USA - Voice of America
Clinton Backs Vietnamese Efforts to Resolve S. China Sea Dispute
Jul 10th 2012, 16:10

HANOI — U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is backing Vietnam's efforts to resolve a dispute over mineral and fishing rights in the South China Sea.  This week's summit of South East Asian nations could resolve some of the competing claims in the region. China Marine Surveillance vessels patrol the South China Sea as part of Beijing's bid to advance sovereignty and jurisdiction over the waters - parts of which are claimed by Vietnam, the Philippines, Taiwan, Brunei, and ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Flawed Distribution Impedes HIV/AIDS Treatment in DRC

Africa - Voice of America
Flawed Distribution Impedes HIV/AIDS Treatment in DRC
Jul 10th 2012, 15:02

KINSHASA — The Democratic Republic of Congo is listed in the 20 nations with the highest percentage of HIV/AIDS cases. More than one million people are known to be infected, but the exact numbers are not clear because of years of war. Whatever the figures, there is no doubt that access to treatment is low. Lack of infrastructure and health services are major obstacles to delivering treatment and life-saving drugs the country receives have not always been well distributed. Statistics in the ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Upsurge in Cholera Threatens Thousands in Sahel

Africa - Voice of America
Upsurge in Cholera Threatens Thousands in Sahel
Jul 10th 2012, 16:58

GENEVA —The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and World Health Organization (WHO) are warning of an alarming upsurge in cholera across West Africa's Sahel region, the area at the southern fringe of the Sahara Desert running from Mauritania to Chad.  They report that cholera so far this year has killed more than 60 people and made about 2,800 others ill, with children being at particular risk. The U.N. Children's Fund says the increase in cholera across the Sahel is ...

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