Thursday, July 5, 2012

Asia - Voice of America: US to Assure ASEAN on China During Meetings

Asia - Voice of America
US to Assure ASEAN on China During Meetings
Jul 6th 2012, 01:05

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton travels to Southeast Asia next week to attend the ASEAN regional forum in Cambodia and the foreign ministers meeting of the East Asia Summit.  The  meetings come amid rising tensions between ASEAN members and China over the South China Sea. While the issue is likely to get a lot of attention during Secretary Clinton's visit, the U.S. is also looking to strengthen its ties with allies and boost its economic engagement in the region. In Vietnam, ...

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Asia - Voice of America: New Jersey Church a Refuge for Indonesians Facing Deportation

Asia - Voice of America
New Jersey Church a Refuge for Indonesians Facing Deportation
Jul 5th 2012, 23:03

HIGHLAND PARK, NEW JERSEY — Since March, a New Jersey church has offered sanctuary to a growing number of Indonesian Christians who face immediate deportation. They say they fear persecution in Indonesia, a mainly Muslim country where the U.N. and human rights groups say violence against religious minorities has flared again in recent years. Eight men and one woman are now living in the Reformed Church of Highland Park. They sing and pray, work in the church garden and help in the church ...

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USA - Voice of America: New Jersey Church a Refuge for Indonesians Facing Deportation

USA - Voice of America
New Jersey Church a Refuge for Indonesians Facing Deportation
Jul 5th 2012, 23:03

HIGHLAND PARK, NEW JERSEY — Since March, a New Jersey church has offered sanctuary to a growing number of Indonesian Christians who face immediate deportation. They say they fear persecution in Indonesia, a mainly Muslim country where the U.N. and human rights groups say violence against religious minorities has flared again in recent years. Eight men and one woman are now living in the Reformed Church of Highland Park. They sing and pray, work in the church garden and help in the church ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Chinese Education System Lags, Expert says

Asia - Voice of America
Chinese Education System Lags, Expert says
Jul 5th 2012, 21:32

China sends more students to the United States to attend American colleges than any other country in the world. The reason, according to Shaun Rein, author of the recently published book "The End of Cheap China: Economic and Cultural Trends that Will Disrupt the World," is that far too much of Chinese education is based on rote memorization and a lack of creativity. "We really haven't interviewed anyone who says that they like the current education system in China," said Rein, who is ...

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USA - Voice of America: Chinese Education System Lags, Expert says

USA - Voice of America
Chinese Education System Lags, Expert says
Jul 5th 2012, 21:32

China sends more students to the United States to attend American colleges than any other country in the world. The reason, according to Shaun Rein, author of the recently published book "The End of Cheap China: Economic and Cultural Trends that Will Disrupt the World," is that far too much of Chinese education is based on rote memorization and a lack of creativity. "We really haven't interviewed anyone who says that they like the current education system in China," said Rein, who is ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Uighurs: China's Xinjiang a 'Police State' 3 Years After Riots

Asia - Voice of America
Uighurs: China's Xinjiang a 'Police State' 3 Years After Riots
Jul 5th 2012, 21:07

An exiled Uighur group says Chinese authorities have turned the northwestern region of Xinjiang into a "police state," three years after the outbreak of deadly riots between ethnic Uighurs and settlers of China's Han majority. A Washington-based spokesman for the World Uyghur Congress, Alim Seytoff, Thursday said Xinjiang security forces have intensified street patrols of Uighur neighborhoods in recent days, making residents feel like they are living in a "war zone." ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Nigeria Teams Up with US Firm to Build Oil Refineries

Economy - Voice of America
Nigeria Teams Up with US Firm to Build Oil Refineries
Jul 3rd 2012, 21:32

Nigerian officials announced a $4.5 billion deal that will see the country partner with U.S. company Vulcan Petroleum Resources to build six oil refineries in Nigeria, Africa's biggest oil producer. Vulcan said its goal is to build the first two facilities within one year and complete all six within the next 30 months.  It said the various refineries will be located at different sites throughout the country. Umaru Dembo, a former Nigerian energy minister, said the announcement was a ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Zimbabwe Bank Chief: Don't Indigenize Foreign Banks

Economy - Voice of America
Zimbabwe Bank Chief: Don't Indigenize Foreign Banks
Jul 5th 2012, 13:17

The head of Zimbabwe's central bank has warned the government against its plan to make foreign banks give up majority shares in their local operations. A government notice published this week said foreign banks and other firms have one year to transfer a 51 percent stake to black Zimbabweans. In a statement Wednesday, Gideon Gono said he will discuss the matter with President Robert Mugabe but said the regulations are "devoid of detail and rationality" and contradict other ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Obama Touts US Trade Complaint Against China

Economy - Voice of America
Obama Touts US Trade Complaint Against China
Jul 5th 2012, 19:44

WHITE HOUSE — President Barack Obama says China is creating "an unfair playing field" by imposing excessive duties on exports of American automobiles.  The president spoke during a campaign visit to a city where many residents work at an automobile factory.   Obama went to Toledo, Ohio, Thursday, hours after his administration requested consultations at the World Trade Organization.  The U.S. is accusing China of unfairly slapping more than $3 billion in duties on American-made ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Obama Touts US Trade Complaint Against China

Asia - Voice of America
Obama Touts US Trade Complaint Against China
Jul 5th 2012, 19:44

WHITE HOUSE — President Barack Obama says China is creating "an unfair playing field" by imposing excessive duties on exports of American automobiles.  The president spoke during a campaign visit to a city where many residents work at an automobile factory.   Obama went to Toledo, Ohio, Thursday, hours after his administration requested consultations at the World Trade Organization.  The U.S. is accusing China of unfairly slapping more than $3 billion in duties on American-made ...

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USA - Voice of America: Obama Touts US Trade Complaint Against China

USA - Voice of America
Obama Touts US Trade Complaint Against China
Jul 5th 2012, 19:44

WHITE HOUSE — President Barack Obama says China is creating "an unfair playing field" by imposing excessive duties on exports of American automobiles.  The president spoke during a campaign visit to a city where many residents work at an automobile factory.   Obama went to Toledo, Ohio, Thursday, hours after his administration requested consultations at the World Trade Organization.  The U.S. is accusing China of unfairly slapping more than $3 billion in duties on American-made ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Chinese Remain Proud of Hosting 2008 Beijing Olympics

Asia - Voice of America
Chinese Remain Proud of Hosting 2008 Beijing Olympics
Jul 5th 2012, 17:10

BEIJING — As the opening date for the 2012 London Olympics draws nearer, Chinese visitors to the 2008 Olympic sites in Beijing say that for them, the most important lasting legacy of those games is a sense of national pride.  Chinese people celebrated the 2008 Beijing Olympics as their country's coming out party.  Nearly four years later, that spirit is still alive and well among a steady stream of visitors to the Olympic sites, including Xu Jing, a real estate agent from Guangxi. ...

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Economy - Voice of America: China, Europe Cut Key Lending Rates

Economy - Voice of America
China, Europe Cut Key Lending Rates
Jul 5th 2012, 15:53

Two of the world's biggest economies - China and the 17-nation euro currency bloc - are cutting key lending rates in a new effort to boost their flagging economic fortunes. The Chinese central bank Thursday cut its benchmark lending rate for the second time in a month, signaling that the world's second largest economy is slumping and faced with its biggest economic challenge since the 2008 worldwide recession. Beijing trimmed its one-year lending rate by nearly a third of a percentage ...

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Asia - Voice of America: China, Europe Cut Key Lending Rates

Asia - Voice of America
China, Europe Cut Key Lending Rates
Jul 5th 2012, 15:53

Two of the world's biggest economies - China and the 17-nation euro currency bloc - are cutting key lending rates in a new effort to boost their flagging economic fortunes. The Chinese central bank Thursday cut its benchmark lending rate for the second time in a month, signaling that the world's second largest economy is slumping and faced with its biggest economic challenge since the 2008 worldwide recession. Beijing trimmed its one-year lending rate by nearly a third of a percentage ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Pakistan: Resumed NATO Shipments Crossing Into Afghanistan

Asia - Voice of America
Pakistan: Resumed NATO Shipments Crossing Into Afghanistan
Jul 5th 2012, 14:02

Pakistani officials say the first trucks carrying NATO supplies have crossed into Afghanistan, following a U.S.-Pakistani deal announced this week that ended Islamabad's months-long blockade. Local officials in southwestern Pakistan say the supplies crossed the border at Chaman in Baluchistan province Thursday. The crossing comes days after U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the United States "is sorry for the Pakistani military's losses." Pakistan had closed the ...

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USA - Voice of America: Pakistan: Resumed NATO Shipments Crossing Into Afghanistan

USA - Voice of America
Pakistan: Resumed NATO Shipments Crossing Into Afghanistan
Jul 5th 2012, 14:02

Pakistani officials say the first trucks carrying NATO supplies have crossed into Afghanistan, following a U.S.-Pakistani deal announced this week that ended Islamabad's months-long blockade. Local officials in southwestern Pakistan say the supplies crossed the border at Chaman in Baluchistan province Thursday. The crossing comes days after U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said the United States "is sorry for the Pakistani military's losses." Pakistan had closed the ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Environmentalists Condemn South Korean Whale-Hunting Plan

Asia - Voice of America
Environmentalists Condemn South Korean Whale-Hunting Plan
Jul 5th 2012, 13:17

SEOUL — Environmental activists in South Korea are condemning a government plan to hunt an endangered species of whales for scientific research. Some activists say the plan is a disguise to engage in commercial whaling. South Korea announced its intentions Wednesday at a meeting of the International Whaling Commission in Panama. Joon-Suk Kang, the head of the South Korean delegation, said the program was necessary to answer questions about minke whale stocks that non-lethal research had ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Last Body Part of 'Canadian Psycho' Victim Discovered

Asia - Voice of America
Last Body Part of 'Canadian Psycho' Victim Discovered
Jul 5th 2012, 12:17

Police in the eastern Canadian city of Montreal say forensic tests have confirmed that a human head found in a park belongs to a Chinese university student who was killed and dismembered in May.  The severed head of Jun Lin, a student at Montreal's Concordia University, was discovered Sunday, more than a month after his severed foot was mailed to the headquarters of Canada's ruling Conservative Party.  Other body parts were mailed to Canadian politicians in the capital, ...

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Asia - Voice of America: UN Calls for Unity to Fight Drug-Resistant Malaria

Asia - Voice of America
UN Calls for Unity to Fight Drug-Resistant Malaria
Jul 5th 2012, 13:23

BANGKOK — Health ministers from the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) are being asked to support United Nations efforts to stem the spread of drug-resistant strains of malaria, especially along the borders of Cambodia and Burma.  Scientists fear resistant strains of malaria may spread beyond South East Asia, reaching continents such as Africa, a region with many victims of the mosquito-borne parasite. Thomas Teuscher, executive director of the United Nations-backed Roll ...

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Americas - Voice of America: Last Body Part of 'Canadian Psycho' Victim Discovered

Americas - Voice of America
Last Body Part of 'Canadian Psycho' Victim Discovered
Jul 5th 2012, 12:17

Police in the eastern Canadian city of Montreal say forensic tests have confirmed that a human head found in a park belongs to a Chinese university student who was killed and dismembered in May.  The severed head of Jun Lin, a student at Montreal's Concordia University, was discovered Sunday, more than a month after his severed foot was mailed to the headquarters of Canada's ruling Conservative Party.  Other body parts were mailed to Canadian politicians in the capital, ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Australian Nanomedicine Conference Targets Radical Diseases

Asia - Voice of America
Australian Nanomedicine Conference Targets Radical Diseases
Jul 5th 2012, 12:16

SYDNEY — Researchers in Australia say microscopic robots could soon be swimming around our bloodstream repairing cells and diagnosing diseases.  Drugs with improved therapeutic properties that can target affected parts of the body without damaging surrounding tissue have been the focus of an international nanomedicine conference in Australia. The conference, organized by the University of New South Wales in Sydney, has brought together academics and clinicians from 16 countries, ...

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USA - Voice of America: US Military Faces Balancing Act in Asia

USA - Voice of America
US Military Faces Balancing Act in Asia
Jul 5th 2012, 10:26

As the United States steps up efforts to increase its military allies in Asia, it is revealing more details about plans to shift forces to the region. Analysts say the rebalancing effort, as the Pentagon calls it, will also be a balancing act.  Although some welcome the decision to shift more attention to Asia, it is raising concerns from others, including China -- one of the region's growing military powers.   Some analysts see the U.S. move toward Asia as part of a long-term ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Moody's Moves to Downgrade Barclays Rating Outlook

Economy - Voice of America
Moody's Moves to Downgrade Barclays Rating Outlook
Jul 5th 2012, 11:54

Moody's is moving toward downgrading the credit rating of Britain's Barclays bank, following a scandal that cost the chairman and two top executives their jobs. The credit rating service on Thursday changed the outlook of the bank's financial stability to "negative" from "stable." Moody's says it based its decision on the resignation of Chief Executive Bob Diamond and two other senior bank officials, and uncertainty about the new management team. ...

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Asia - Voice of America: US Military Faces Balancing Act in Asia

Asia - Voice of America
US Military Faces Balancing Act in Asia
Jul 5th 2012, 10:26

As the United States steps up efforts to increase its military allies in Asia, it is revealing more details about plans to shift forces to the region. Analysts say the rebalancing effort, as the Pentagon calls it, will also be a balancing act.  Although some welcome the decision to shift more attention to Asia, it is raising concerns from others, including China -- one of the region's growing military powers.   Some analysts see the U.S. move toward Asia as part of a long-term ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Panel: Fukushima Nuclear Disaster 'Man-Made'

Asia - Voice of America
Panel: Fukushima Nuclear Disaster 'Man-Made'
Jul 5th 2012, 10:38

A Japanese parliamentary panel has concluded that last year's Fukushima nuclear disaster was "man-made," even as authorities announced the controversial return of nuclear power for the first time following the crisis. The report, based on a six-month investigation, faulted both the government and the plant operator, Tokyo Electric Power Company, for failing to foresee and prevent the worst nuclear accident since the 1986 Chernobyl disaster in Ukraine, eastern Europe. The ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Amnesty: Three Years After Riots, China Still Cracking Down on Uighurs

Asia - Voice of America
Amnesty: Three Years After Riots, China Still Cracking Down on Uighurs
Jul 5th 2012, 10:37

Amnesty International says China continues to silence ethnic Uighurs who speak out about human rights abuses allegedly committed three years ago, during deadly riots in the western province of Xinjiang. The rights group says "dozens, if not hundreds" of Uighurs are still being detained after they "disappeared" in the aftermath of the riots that killed nearly 200 people. In a report released Thursday, Amnesty says Chinese authorities are intimidating and threatening those ...

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