Sunday, July 15, 2012

Africa - Voice of America: New AU Chair’s Policies Could Mirror Those of South Africa

Africa - Voice of America
New AU Chair's Policies Could Mirror Those of South Africa
Jul 16th 2012, 05:30

South African law professor Danwood Chirwa said the election of Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma as the new African Union Commission chairperson could mean that AU policies will reflect South Africa's foreign policy.  Chirwa, professor of law at the University of Cape Town, said South Africa's foreign policy has, for the past five years, been protective of African leaders.  However, Chirwa Dlamini-Zuma's election is significant because she will be the first woman to hold the once ...

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Africa - Voice of America: South Africa's Dlamini-Zuma Elected AU Commission Chairperson

Africa - Voice of America
South Africa's Dlamini-Zuma Elected AU Commission Chairperson
Jul 16th 2012, 00:40

ADDIS ABABA — South Africa's Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma will be the next chairperson of the African Union Commission. The South African Home Affairs Minister defeated incumbent Jean Ping of Gabon in an election on Sunday at the AU summit in Addis Ababa.   Dlamini-Zuma will take over the African Union's top post after winning an election in a fourth round of voting.  The South African won 37 votes from African leaders in a secret ballot at AU headquarters, more than the ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Nigerian Project Envisions Improved Eyesight for Thousands

Africa - Voice of America
Nigerian Project Envisions Improved Eyesight for Thousands
Jul 13th 2012, 21:42

KANO, NIGERIA -- In Nigeria, a national eye survey says there are over one million blind adults and about three million people who are visually impaired from avoidable causes.   Today, Standard Chartered Bank is working with the International Agency for Prevention of Blindness on a project called Seeing is Believing. The effort sponsors free cataract surgery for 46,000 sufferers and is training over 2,300 community health workers in areas of high need in the northern Nigerian town of ...

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Africa - Voice of America: African Union Seeks Strong Intra-Africa Trade

Africa - Voice of America
African Union Seeks Strong Intra-Africa Trade
Jul 15th 2012, 20:22

The deputy chairperson of the African Union Commission says the continental body seeks to encourage intra-Africa trade among its members to enhance Africa's worldwide competitiveness. Erastus Mwencha said strong trade between AU members is vital to creating jobs and eradicating poverty. "With trade we are able to look at issues of infrastructure, we are able to look at issues of efficiency in terms of movement of transport within the continent, and we are also able to measure how we are ...

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USA - Voice of America: Clinton Talks Democracy With Egyptian Military Chief

USA - Voice of America
Clinton Talks Democracy With Egyptian Military Chief
Jul 15th 2012, 18:29

CAIRO — U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says Egypt's military should follow through on commitments to ensure a successful transition to freely-elected civilian rule.   Secretary Clinton and Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Twantai met for more than hour at Egypt's Defense Ministry where they discussed the political transition and the military's ongoing dialogue with newly-elected civilian President Mohamed Morsi. Soldiers still wield considerable power in ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Clinton Talks Democracy With Egyptian Military Chief

Africa - Voice of America
Clinton Talks Democracy With Egyptian Military Chief
Jul 15th 2012, 18:29

CAIRO — U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says Egypt's military should follow through on commitments to ensure a successful transition to freely-elected civilian rule.   Secretary Clinton and Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Twantai met for more than hour at Egypt's Defense Ministry where they discussed the political transition and the military's ongoing dialogue with newly-elected civilian President Mohamed Morsi. Soldiers still wield considerable power in ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Nigerians Celebrate Governor’s Victory in Peaceful Election

Africa - Voice of America
Nigerians Celebrate Governor's Victory in Peaceful Election
Jul 15th 2012, 14:08

ABUJA — After a tumultuous campaign marked with accusations of fraud and violence, people in Nigeria's Edo State are dancing in the streets. Election officials say current governor Adams Oshiomhole won a landslide victory at the polls. Analysts say this opposition victory in the heart of the ruling party's traditional support base does not bode well for President Goodluck Jonathan.  Military helicopters circled above polling stations on Saturday in anticipation of election violence. ...

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Africa - Voice of America: AU Seeks Regional Response to Conflicts

Africa - Voice of America
AU Seeks Regional Response to Conflicts
Jul 15th 2012, 15:12

The African Union summit opened in Ethiopia on Sunday with an appeal for a regional response to conflicts. AU Chairman Jean Ping called for Africa to solve its own problems. The summit is to focus on trade and security. The AU said it may send forces to battle armed rebels in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It also backed a plan by West African nations to battle Islamist militants in northern Mali. The summit will also address a stalemate over the AU's chairmanship. Ping is ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Clinton Talks with Egyptian Top Military Commander

Africa - Voice of America
Clinton Talks with Egyptian Top Military Commander
Jul 15th 2012, 10:31

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton met Sunday in Cairo with Egypt's top military commander Field Marshal Mohamed Hussein Tantawi, a day after holding talks with newly-inaugurated President Mohamed Morsi. Clinton and Field Marshal Tantawi, who was the country's interim leader after the ouster of President Hosni Mubarak, discussed an extensive range of topics, including the north African country's political transition, the importance of protecting the rights of all Egyptians, ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Republic of Congo Holds Parliamentary Poll

Africa - Voice of America
Republic of Congo Holds Parliamentary Poll
Jul 15th 2012, 12:29

Voters in the Democratic Republic of Congo are electing a new parliament on Sunday. The ruling party of longtime President Denis Sassou-Nguesso and its allies are expected to hang on to their majority. More than two million people are eligible to vote in the oil-rich central Africa country. They will be electing nearly 140 members of parliament. President Sassou-Nguesso first seized power in a 1979 coup.  After losing a poll in 1992, he re-took power in 1997 following a bloody ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Chinese Navy Ship Floated off Disputed Shoal

Asia - Voice of America
Chinese Navy Ship Floated off Disputed Shoal
Jul 15th 2012, 10:56

A Chinese navy ship that ran aground Wednesday in disputed waters near the Philippines was refloated Sunday and is heading home.  A statement from China's defense ministry said its personnel are safe and the ship sustained light damage. The vessel was in the South China Sea when it struck Half Moon Shoal in the Spratly Islands, about 110 kilometers off the western Philippine island of Palawan.  The shoal is within the Philippines' 370-kilometer exclusive economic zone, in an ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Afghan Minister Survives Attack

Asia - Voice of America
Afghan Minister Survives Attack
Jul 15th 2012, 10:45

Afghan authorities say a government minister has survived a bomb attack on his motorcade in northern Afghanistan, the third attack on a high-profile official in three days. Authorities say Higher Education Minister Obaidullah Obaid was traveling Sunday between Baghlan and Kunduz provinces when his car hit a roadside bomb, similar to those used by the Taliban. Obaid escaped unhurt, but two of his bodyguards were wounded in the blast. On Saturday, a suicide bomber blew himself up at a ...

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