Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Middle East - Voice of America: Amnesty Says UN Security Council 'Unfit for Purpose'

Middle East - Voice of America
Amnesty Says UN Security Council 'Unfit for Purpose'
May 23rd 2012, 23:29

LONDON - "Failed leadership has gone global" -- according to Amnesty International's annual report on the state of human rights around the world. The United Nations Security Council is receiving the most focused criticism in the report that was published late Wednesday. Amnesty International describes 2011 as having been a tumultuous year.  On the plus side, it says, millions of people took to the streets to demand their rights -- and some secured victories.  Most ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Millions Vote in Egypt's Landmark Presidential Poll

Africa - Voice of America
Millions Vote in Egypt's Landmark Presidential Poll
May 24th 2012, 01:45

Millions of Egyptians cast ballots Wednesday in a historic presidential election pitting Islamists against secularists rooted in former leader Hosni Mubarak's old guard.  The vote is expected to produce the country's first freely elected civilian leader after 60 years of military-backed dictatorship. Lines outside of both urban and rural polling places stretched for hours in the morning, thinned in Egypt's afternoon heat, and grew again in the evening. Independent ...

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Europe - Voice of America: Greeks Face Decisive Vote as Anti-German Sentiment Soars

Europe - Voice of America
Greeks Face Decisive Vote as Anti-German Sentiment Soars
May 24th 2012, 01:42

Greek voters return to the polls in a few weeks to cast their ballots in a repeat election that could decide their future in the eurozone.  With a Greek exit from the euro being openly discussed in European capitals, there are fears of bank runs. There are few signs that Greek voters will deliver a different result the second time around. Athens' oldest university has become a canvas for citizens venting their anger. Anger at the government... anger at capitalism...calls for ...

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Middle East - Voice of America: Millions Vote in Egypt's Landmark Presidential Poll

Middle East - Voice of America
Millions Vote in Egypt's Landmark Presidential Poll
May 24th 2012, 01:45

Millions of Egyptians cast ballots Wednesday in a historic presidential election pitting Islamists against secularists rooted in former leader Hosni Mubarak's old guard.  The vote is expected to produce the country's first freely elected civilian leader after 60 years of military-backed dictatorship. Lines outside of both urban and rural polling places stretched for hours in the morning, thinned in Egypt's afternoon heat, and grew again in the evening. Independent ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Amnesty Warns Ethiopia, Rwanda Not to Trade Rights for Growth

Africa - Voice of America
Amnesty Warns Ethiopia, Rwanda Not to Trade Rights for Growth
May 23rd 2012, 23:29

NAIROBI - Amnesty International is concerned that Rwanda and Ethiopia are overlooking their commitments to human rights for the sake of economic growth. A new report from the human rights group says the authoritarian governments of both countries have stifled the opposition and persecuted journalists. In the past seven years, Ethiopia has sustained an 11 percent economic growth rate and substantially reduced poverty among its 83 million citizens. The country has gone to great lengths ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Somalia on Track to End Failed State Status

Africa - Voice of America
Somalia on Track to End Failed State Status
May 23rd 2012, 23:22

ADDIS ABABA - Somalia's main political entities have ended three days of often-heated talks, saying they remain committed to a political process leading to a post-transitional government by August.     Participants say the United Nations-sponsored talks were surprisingly congenial given the number of contentious issues facing Somalia's often-hostile clans.    In the end, the six parties agreed to put some difficult issues, and many of the ...

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Economy - Voice of America: World Bank: Growth in Developing East Asia Strong, but Slowing

Economy - Voice of America
World Bank: Growth in Developing East Asia Strong, but Slowing
May 23rd 2012, 21:31

The World Bank says growth in East Asia's developing economies remains strong, but warns they need to reduce their reliance on exports as the global economic slowdown continues. The Washington-based lender said in a biannual report Wednesday that it expects growth to slow to 7.6 percent this year in developing East Asia, which excludes Japan. That is down from 8.2 percent in 2011. ​​While it said most East Asian economies were well-positioned to handle further external shocks, ...

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Middle East - Voice of America: Analysis: An Agenda for Egypt’s Next President

Middle East - Voice of America
Analysis: An Agenda for Egypt's Next President
May 23rd 2012, 22:20

All eyes are on Egypt this week as the democratic birth-pangs that began with last year's Tahrir Revolution undergo their final convulsion. Two days of voting May 23 and 24 mark the main event – the heavily anticipated presidential election, the first after the ouster last of long-time president Hosni Mubarak. With this week's round of votes and a presumed run-off next month, the nation of more than 80 million will decide on which man will set the tone of executive leadership in Egypt's new ...

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Asia - Voice of America: World Bank: Growth in Developing East Asia Strong, but Slowing

Asia - Voice of America
World Bank: Growth in Developing East Asia Strong, but Slowing
May 23rd 2012, 21:31

The World Bank says growth in East Asia's developing economies remains strong, but warns they need to reduce their reliance on exports as the global economic slowdown continues. The Washington-based lender said in a biannual report Wednesday that it expects growth to slow to 7.6 percent this year in developing East Asia, which excludes Japan. That is down from 8.2 percent in 2011. ​​While it said most East Asian economies were well-positioned to handle further external shocks, ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Analysis: An Agenda for Egypt’s Next President

Africa - Voice of America
Analysis: An Agenda for Egypt's Next President
May 23rd 2012, 22:20

All eyes are on Egypt this week as the democratic birth-pangs that began with last year's Tahrir Revolution undergo their final convulsion. Two days of voting May 23 and 24 mark the main event – the heavily anticipated presidential election, the first after the ouster last of long-time president Hosni Mubarak. With this week's round of votes and a presumed run-off next month, the nation of more than 80 million will decide on which man will set the tone of executive leadership in Egypt's new ...

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Asia - Voice of America: WHO Report: Most Fukushima Radiation Doses Below Cancer-Causing Levels

Asia - Voice of America
WHO Report: Most Fukushima Radiation Doses Below Cancer-Causing Levels
May 23rd 2012, 20:20

The World Health Organization [WHO] says radiation exposure due to last year's Fukushima nuclear disaster is below cancer-causing levels in most of Japan. A WHO preliminary report issued Wednesday also indicates levels in Japan's neighbors are similar to normal background radiation.   The U.N. health organization estimate also says radiation doses from the Fukushima accident in the rest of the world are below, and often far below, the internationally recognized levels ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Eritrea Marks 21 Years of Independence

Africa - Voice of America
Eritrea Marks 21 Years of Independence
May 23rd 2012, 20:56

Eritrean President Isaias Afewerki is scheduled to address the nation as the Horn of Africa nation celebrates 21 years of independence Thursday.    Mr. Afewerki's remarks are expected to be broadcast live nationwide via television and radio from the national stadium in the capital, Asmara.  Over 5,000 school children have been rehearsing for the past few weeks for the occasion. ​​Information minister Ali Abdu underscored the significance of the independence ...

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USA - Voice of America: Bain Capital Becomes an Issue in US Presidential Campaign

USA - Voice of America
Bain Capital Becomes an Issue in US Presidential Campaign
May 23rd 2012, 19:37

Private corporations seldom assume a prominent role in U.S. presidential election campaigns.  But analysts say that could be the case this year as attention is focused on Bain Capital, an investment company headquartered in the northeastern city of Boston.  It was founded by the presumptive Republican Party presidential nominee, Mitt Romney, and his profits from operating the company have made him a very wealthy man.  And ahead of the November election, his Democratic ...

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USA - Voice of America: US Congress Ponders International Sea Treaty

USA - Voice of America
US Congress Ponders International Sea Treaty
May 23rd 2012, 19:16

CAPITOL HILL - The Obama administration says the United States should join a global maritime treaty known as the Law of the Sea Convention. The convention has bipartisan support on Capitol Hill, but is unlikely to advance before the November general election.   More than 160 nations belong to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which governs how nations may use the world's oceans and the resources they contain.  All major industrialized nations have ratified ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Yoga in the Nairobi Slums Provides Empowerment, Hope

Africa - Voice of America
Yoga in the Nairobi Slums Provides Empowerment, Hope
May 23rd 2012, 16:37

NAIROBI - Daily life in the slums of Nairobi is a constant struggle - with people trying to scrape together money for food, rent, and school fees. And the slums were most affected by the 2007 Kenyan post-election violence. Yoga wouldn't appear to be the most obvious solution to helping these residents, but the Africa Yoga Project is trying to do just that. ​​ Africa Yoga Project Paige Elenson has been teaching yoga for 15 years. The former Wall Street consultant came to Kenya ...

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USA - Voice of America: Obama: US 'The One Indispensable Nation in World Affairs'

USA - Voice of America
Obama: US 'The One Indispensable Nation in World Affairs'
May 23rd 2012, 19:37

WHITE HOUSE - U.S. President Barack Obama says his administration has laid the foundation for a new era of American leadership in the world. The president Wednesday incorporated re-election campaign themes into a commencement speech at the U.S. Air Force Academy.   The president told more than 1,000 academy graduates at a football stadium in Colorado Springs, Colorado, that he believes the world has "a new feeling about America." "I see it everywhere I go, from ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Pakistan, India Sign TAPI Pipeline Deal With Turkmenistan

Economy - Voice of America
Pakistan, India Sign TAPI Pipeline Deal With Turkmenistan
May 23rd 2012, 18:03

ISLAMABAD - India and Pakistan have signed a long-awaited natural gas deal with the Central Asian state of Turkmenistan, paving the way for the construction of a multi-billion dollar pipeline through Afghanistan. Top Indian and Pakistani officials traveled to Turkmenistan to formalize the natural gas sales and purchase agreements on Wednesday. Under the agreements, Turkmenistan, with the world's fourth largest natural gas reserves, will supply 90 million cubic meters of natural gas a ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Pakistan, India Sign TAPI Pipeline Deal With Turkmenistan

Asia - Voice of America
Pakistan, India Sign TAPI Pipeline Deal With Turkmenistan
May 23rd 2012, 18:03

ISLAMABAD - India and Pakistan have signed a long-awaited natural gas deal with the Central Asian state of Turkmenistan, paving the way for the construction of a multi-billion dollar pipeline through Afghanistan. Top Indian and Pakistani officials traveled to Turkmenistan to formalize the natural gas sales and purchase agreements on Wednesday. Under the agreements, Turkmenistan, with the world's fourth largest natural gas reserves, will supply 90 million cubic meters of natural gas a ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Mali Coalitions Compete for Government Control

Africa - Voice of America
Mali Coalitions Compete for Government Control
May 23rd 2012, 17:29

BAMAKO - A Malian political coalition opposed to the March 22 coup is calling for those behind Monday's attack on the nation's interim civilian president, Diouncounda Traore, to be held accountable.  Meanwhile, a pro-junta coalition continues to call for Traore's resignation. Mali's post-coup political transition remains unsettled. The interim leader has not been seen in public since being released from the hospital where he was treated for what his staff said ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Progress Claimed Against al-Shabab in Somalia

Africa - Voice of America
Progress Claimed Against al-Shabab in Somalia
May 23rd 2012, 17:46

ADDIA ABABA, Ethiopia - African Union and Somali government troops are said to be nearing victory in a lightning offensive against al-Shabab insurgents northwest of Somalia's capital, Mogadishu. A statement issued Wednesday says African Union forces made "significant progress" in the first 24 hours of an operation in the strategic Afgoye corridor between Mogadishu and the regional capital of Baidoa. The statement says a senior al-Shabab rebel commander was killed during the ...

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Economy - Voice of America: EU Leaders at Brussels Summit Focus on Economic Growth

Economy - Voice of America
EU Leaders at Brussels Summit Focus on Economic Growth
May 23rd 2012, 16:56

PARIS - Leaders of the 27 nations that comprise the European Union are gathering Wednesday in Brussels for a summit aimed at solving the bloc's debt crisis. The dinner summit will be dominated by increasing calls for growth measures, the creation of jobs and stimulating the troubled eurozone economy, which has been hit with grim news. This week, the Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development [OECD] warned that the eurozone risked severe recession. The ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Nigeria Telecoms Rebut Fines

Africa - Voice of America
Nigeria Telecoms Rebut Fines
May 23rd 2012, 16:57

After being fined $7.38 million for providing poor service, Nigerian telecom companies have apologized, saying they are investing more than $2.5 billion in improvements. But companies say it will take more than a year to implement the upgrades, and that they cannot be expected to provide the highest quality of service without regular electricity or security. In Nigeria, it is not hard to find someone who is angry about the cellphone networks. Calls are often dropped, pre-paid airtime ...

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USA - Voice of America: US Regulators Looking at Leadup to Facebook IPO

USA - Voice of America
US Regulators Looking at Leadup to Facebook IPO
May 23rd 2012, 16:19

Days after social media giant Facebook started publicly selling its stock, financial regulators in the U.S. are taking a closer look at whether key information about the company's financial prospects was provided to large investors in advance of the sale, but withheld from others. In the days leading up to the start of trading in the stock last Friday, investigators say that an analyst at Facebook's leading financial supporter, the Morgan Stanley investment banking firm, may have ...

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Europe - Voice of America: EU Leaders at Brussels Summit Focus on Economic Growth

Europe - Voice of America
EU Leaders at Brussels Summit Focus on Economic Growth
May 23rd 2012, 16:56

PARIS - Leaders of the 27 nations that comprise the European Union are gathering Wednesday in Brussels for a summit aimed at solving the bloc's debt crisis. The dinner summit will be dominated by increasing calls for growth measures, the creation of jobs and stimulating the troubled eurozone economy, which has been hit with grim news. This week, the Paris-based Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development [OECD] warned that the eurozone risked severe recession. The ...

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Economy - Voice of America: US Regulators Looking at Leadup to Facebook IPO

Economy - Voice of America
US Regulators Looking at Leadup to Facebook IPO
May 23rd 2012, 16:19

Days after social media giant Facebook started publicly selling its stock, financial regulators in the U.S. are taking a closer look at whether key information about the company's financial prospects was provided to large investors in advance of the sale, but withheld from others. In the days leading up to the start of trading in the stock last Friday, investigators say that an analyst at Facebook's leading financial supporter, the Morgan Stanley investment banking firm, may have ...

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Middle East - Voice of America: 'Friends of Yemen' Pledge $4 Billion in Aid

Middle East - Voice of America
'Friends of Yemen' Pledge $4 Billion in Aid
May 23rd 2012, 16:10

International donors have pledged $4 billion in aid to Yemen to help the impoverished state boost the fight against Islamist militants and develop the Yemeni economy. British Foreign Office Minister Alistair Burt says a group of mostly Arab and Western nations and international organizations made the pledges on Wednesday at a "Friends of Yemen" donor conference in the Saudi capital, Riyadh. It was the first such gathering in almost two years. The Saudi hosts of the ...

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