Friday, June 22, 2012

Africa - Voice of America: Mali PM in Burkina Faso For Talks On Northern Mali

Africa - Voice of America
Mali PM in Burkina Faso For Talks On Northern Mali
Jun 23rd 2012, 00:24

Mali's interim Prime Minister Cheikh Modibo Diarra says his government favors dialogue and negotiation to resolve the conflict with rebels in the North, but is not ruling out force if negotiations fail. Mr. Diarra, and his minister of communication, Hamadoun Toure, were in Burkina Faso Friday to meet with President Blaise Compaore who is serving as regional mediator.   Mr. Diarra said he has been visiting neighboring countries that are affected by the crisis to discuss ...

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USA - Voice of America: US Startup Boot Camp Goes to Africa

USA - Voice of America
US Startup Boot Camp Goes to Africa
Jun 22nd 2012, 22:44

ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA - A U.S.-government initiative to spread innovation and entrepreneurship in Muslim-majority countries is preparing its first boot camp in sub-Saharan Africa. In the offices of the Global Innovation Through Science and Technology, applications are being processed and new partnerships are being made for the upcoming West Africa Startup Boot Camp in Dakar, Senegal. The July event will include motivational speaking, practical seminars, mentoring, meetings with ...

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Africa - Voice of America: US Startup Boot Camp Goes to Africa

Africa - Voice of America
US Startup Boot Camp Goes to Africa
Jun 22nd 2012, 22:44

ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA - A U.S.-government initiative to spread innovation and entrepreneurship in Muslim-majority countries is preparing its first boot camp in sub-Saharan Africa. In the offices of the Global Innovation Through Science and Technology, applications are being processed and new partnerships are being made for the upcoming West Africa Startup Boot Camp in Dakar, Senegal. The July event will include motivational speaking, practical seminars, mentoring, meetings with ...

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Americas - Voice of America: Paraguay Lawmakers Impeach President

Americas - Voice of America
Paraguay Lawmakers Impeach President
Jun 22nd 2012, 23:37

Lawmakers in Paraguay have voted to impeach President Fernando Lugo, after the botched eviction last week of peasant squatters that left several dead. Immediately following his impeachment trial Friday, Lugo said he accepts the Congress' decision, but says Paraguay's democracy has been deeply wounded. "Today, it's not Fernando Lugo who has been deposed. Today, it's not Fernando Lugo who is deposed. It's the Paraguayan story, it's democracy that has been ...

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Economy - Voice of America: US Startup Boot Camp Goes to Africa

Economy - Voice of America
US Startup Boot Camp Goes to Africa
Jun 22nd 2012, 22:44

ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA - A U.S.-government initiative to spread innovation and entrepreneurship in Muslim-majority countries is preparing its first boot camp in sub-Saharan Africa. In the offices of the Global Innovation Through Science and Technology, applications are being processed and new partnerships are being made for the upcoming West Africa Startup Boot Camp in Dakar, Senegal. The July event will include motivational speaking, practical seminars, mentoring, meetings with ...

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Economy - Voice of America: World's Economy Still Focused on Europe

Economy - Voice of America
World's Economy Still Focused on Europe
Jun 22nd 2012, 23:30

Bargain hunters helped to lift U.S. stocks higher Friday after Wall Street's big sell-off a day earlier.  But European and Asian stocks ended the week sharply lower despite developments in Greece that may have averted a potentially disruptive exit from the Eurozone. Financial markets remain deeply concerned about the ability of the world's political leaders to come to grips with a weakening global economy. New reports out Friday show German business confidence declined in ...

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USA - Voice of America: Moroccan Pleads Guilty in US Capitol Bomb Plot

USA - Voice of America
Moroccan Pleads Guilty in US Capitol Bomb Plot
Jun 22nd 2012, 21:47

A Moroccan man accused of attempting a suicide bomb attack on the U.S. Capitol earlier this year has pleaded guilty and faces up to 30 years in prison. Amine El Khalifi, an illegal immigrant living in the eastern U.S. state of Virginia, entered the guilty plea in a federal court in the state Friday as part of a plea deal with prosecutors. The 29-year-old El Khalifi was arrested in February in a parking garage near the Capitol, wearing what he thought was a bomb-laden suicide vest ...

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USA - Voice of America: US Startup Boot Camp Goes to Africa

USA - Voice of America
US Startup Boot Camp Goes to Africa
Jun 22nd 2012, 22:44

ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA - A U.S.-government initiative to spread innovation and entrepreneurship in Muslim-majority countries is preparing its first boot camp in sub-Saharan Africa. In the offices of the Global Innovation Through Science and Technology, applications are being processed and new partnerships are being made for the upcoming West Africa Startup Boot Camp in Dakar, Senegal. The July event will include motivational speaking, practical seminars, mentoring, meetings with ...

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Africa - Voice of America: US Startup Boot Camp Goes to Africa

Africa - Voice of America
US Startup Boot Camp Goes to Africa
Jun 22nd 2012, 22:44

ARLINGTON, VIRGINIA - A U.S.-government initiative to spread innovation and entrepreneurship in Muslim-majority countries is preparing its first boot camp in sub-Saharan Africa. In the offices of the Global Innovation Through Science and Technology, applications are being processed and new partnerships are being made for the upcoming West Africa Startup Boot Camp in Dakar, Senegal. The July event will include motivational speaking, practical seminars, mentoring, meetings with ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Report Analyzes Human Cost of Somali Piracy

Africa - Voice of America
Report Analyzes Human Cost of Somali Piracy
Jun 22nd 2012, 21:09

A new report says Somali pirates held more than 1,200 hostages last year and that 35 of them died. The International Maritime Bureau (IMB) issued the report, " The Human Cost of Piracy 2011 ," on Friday. The report says about 4,000 seafarers were attacked by pirates and close to 1,000 came in close contact with them as they boarded their ships. More than 1,200 people were held captive by pirate gangs last year, about half of them since 2010. Some people have been held by ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Zimbabwe Parliament Members Go 'Under the Knife'

Africa - Voice of America
Zimbabwe Parliament Members Go 'Under the Knife'
Jun 22nd 2012, 20:39

HARARE - Zimbabwe's parliament joined a campaign this week to combat the spread of the AIDS virus, and the stigma associated with the disease.  Dozens of parliament members were tested for HIV infection, and some of men in the chamber went a big step further - allowing themselves to be circumcised, which reduces the chance they might spread the virus. The campaign is led by a group known as Zimbabwe Parliamentarians Against HIV and AIDS.   After the speeches and music, 23 ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Study: Many Young People in India Committing Suicide

Asia - Voice of America
Study: Many Young People in India Committing Suicide
Jun 22nd 2012, 20:47

A new study finds that suicide is the second-leading cause of death for young people in India, which has one of the highest suicide rates in the world. The study, published Friday in the British health journal The Lancet , indicates that 56 percent of women and 40 percent of men who committed suicide in India in 2010 were 15 to 29-years-old. Complications from pregnancy and childbirth are the leading cause of death for women in India, while traffic accidents top the list for ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Somali Leaders Agree on Draft Constitution

Africa - Voice of America
Somali Leaders Agree on Draft Constitution
Jun 22nd 2012, 18:59

NAIROBI, Kenya -The key stakeholders in Somalia's political transition process have agreed on a draft constitution, a significant step toward establishing a more permanent government.  The time for the transition is running out, with less than two months to go before a deadline to elect a parliament and a new president. Somalia inched closer Friday to ending an eight-year long political transition, with the signing of several key measures on the so-called Roadmap. The United ...

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Africa - Voice of America: In Northern Mali, Many Resent Islamist Restrictions

Africa - Voice of America
In Northern Mali, Many Resent Islamist Restrictions
Jun 22nd 2012, 19:24

By Idriss Fall

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USA - Voice of America: Hispanic Vote Key in US Presidential Race

USA - Voice of America
Hispanic Vote Key in US Presidential Race
Jun 22nd 2012, 19:32

U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney are courting the Hispanic vote with back-to-back speeches to a Latino association meeting in Florida. Obama appealed to the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials on Friday, a day after Romney made his attempt to rally support from the group. Voter support from the growing U.S. Hispanic community could be crucial for both men in the lead-up to the November presidential election. Hispanics ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Student-led Protests Spread across the Sudanese Capital, Khartoum

Africa - Voice of America
Student-led Protests Spread across the Sudanese Capital, Khartoum
Jun 22nd 2012, 17:59

Hundreds of university students from campuses across Sudan have led anti- government protests in Khartoum, Omdurman and Bahari for five straight days. The students and their supporters are protesting against recent budget cuts and austerity measures introduced by the Sudanese government early last week in response to its faltering economy.  The cuts have caused food prices to rise sharply over the past week. Farruk Abu Issa , the leader of the National Consensus Forces, an ...

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Asia - Voice of America: US: Tibetan Self-Immolations 'Desperate Acts' of Protest

Asia - Voice of America
US: Tibetan Self-Immolations 'Desperate Acts' of Protest
Jun 22nd 2012, 18:31

The U.S. State Department says the spate of self-immolations in Tibetan areas of southwestern China are not the work of outcasts or troublemakers as China contends, but rather the desperate acts of people who are being denied their basic human rights. U.S. Undersecretary of State Maria Otero also rejected China's assertion that spiritual leader the Dalai Lama is encouraging the fiery protests. "Clearly these self-immolations are not only desperate acts, but desperate acts ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Liberia to Extradite 41 Ivorians for Involvement in 2011 Conflict

Africa - Voice of America
Liberia to Extradite 41 Ivorians for Involvement in 2011 Conflict
Jun 22nd 2012, 16:34

DAKAR, Senegal - Liberia says it will extradite 41 Ivorians home to face trial for suspected involvement in last year's post-electoral conflict in Ivory Coast. However high-level allies of ousted Ivorian president Laurent Gbagbo remain at large in West Africa and continue to pose a risk to Ivory Coast's future stability. As Ivory Coast struggles to emerge from a decade of division and conflict, the future stability of its troubled western region rests, at least in part, in the ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Pakistani Lawmakers Elect Ashraf New PM

Asia - Voice of America
Pakistani Lawmakers Elect Ashraf New PM
Jun 22nd 2012, 14:48

Pakistani lawmakers have elected a new prime minister to replace ousted Yousuf Raza Gilani, in a bid to end the country's political crisis. Parliament voted overwhelmingly Friday in favor of former water and power minister Raja Pervez Ashraf, who has been hit with corruption allegations and is partly blamed for the country's electricity crisis. Ashraf won 211 votes in the 342-member national assembly. He is a member of the ruling Pakistan People's Party, which holds a ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Phnom Penh Won't Deport Bo Xilai-linked Frenchman

Asia - Voice of America
Phnom Penh Won't Deport Bo Xilai-linked Frenchman
Jun 22nd 2012, 17:01

Cambodia says it will not deport a French architect who once worked closely with a disgraced senior Chinese official at the center of one of modern China's biggest and most public political scandals. Frenchman Patrick Devillers was arrested earlier this month outside of Phnom Penh at the request of China, for his alleged involvement in unspecified offenses in the People's Republic. French authorities have since demanded to know why the 52-year-old is being held. Cambodian ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Global Foods Vie for US Market

Economy - Voice of America
Global Foods Vie for US Market
Jun 22nd 2012, 11:26

Many international food vendors are trying to make an impact in the U.S. market. The National Association for Specialty Foods says the fastest emerging cuisine is Latin, followed by Indian and Eastern European. The recent Summer Fancy Food Show in Washington is the largest of its kind in North America. Mame Diene remembers the ancient baobab tree in the courtyard of her family home. As a child, she was not allowed to climb it or cut its branches.  Now, she honors these trees of ...

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Asia - Voice of America: China-Cambodia Ties Under Scrutiny in Arrest of French Citizen

Asia - Voice of America
China-Cambodia Ties Under Scrutiny in Arrest of French Citizen
Jun 22nd 2012, 14:32

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia - Cambodian authorities are saying little about the case of a French national believed to be connected to disgraced Chinese politician Bo Xilai.  Patrick Devillers was arrested June 13 in Phnom Penh at China's request.   Since confirming the arrest of Patrick Devillers this week, Cambodia has offered few details about why the French national was arrested, and on what grounds he continues to be detained.   Authorities say his arrest was spurred by ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Report: US Diplomats Harassed in Pakistan

Asia - Voice of America
Report: US Diplomats Harassed in Pakistan
Jun 22nd 2012, 15:03

An internal State Department report says American diplomats in Pakistan are facing "deliberate, willful and systematic" harassment at the hands of the Pakistani government in the wake of last year's killing of Osama bin Laden. The report found that U.S. entities in Pakistan have long been subjected to "unusual" obstruction that has "reached new levels of intensity" since U.S. special forces raided bin Laden's compound in the Pakistani city of ...

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USA - Voice of America: Report: US Diplomats Harassed in Pakistan

USA - Voice of America
Report: US Diplomats Harassed in Pakistan
Jun 22nd 2012, 15:03

An internal State Department report says American diplomats in Pakistan are facing "deliberate, willful and systematic" harassment at the hands of the Pakistani government in the wake of last year's killing of Osama bin Laden. The report found that U.S. entities in Pakistan have long been subjected to "unusual" obstruction that has "reached new levels of intensity" since U.S. special forces raided bin Laden's compound in the Pakistani city of ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Pakistani Lawmakers Elect New Prime Minister

Asia - Voice of America
Pakistani Lawmakers Elect New Prime Minister
Jun 22nd 2012, 14:48

Pakistani lawmakers have elected a new prime minister to replace ousted Yousuf Raza Gilani. Parliament voted overwhelmingly Friday in favor of former water and power minister Raja Pervez Ashraf, who has been hit with corruption allegations and is partly blamed for the country's electricity crisis. Mr. Ashraf won 211 votes in the 342-member national assembly. He is a member of the ruling Pakistan People's Party, which holds a majority in parliament with its coalition ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Euro's Key Leaders Seeking Debt Consensus

Economy - Voice of America
Euro's Key Leaders Seeking Debt Consensus
Jun 22nd 2012, 14:37

The leaders of Germany, France, Italy and Spain are meeting in Rome in a new effort to try to tame the debt crisis in the euro currency bloc and jolt its economy. German Chancellor Angela Merkel, French President Francois Hollande, Italian Prime Minister Mario Monti and Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy were seeking some consensus Friday ahead of next week's European summit in Brussels. But the leaders of the four biggest economies in the 17-nation eurozone joined the talks with ...

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