Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Asia - Voice of America: Murder Trial of Bo Xilai's Wife Underway in China

Asia - Voice of America
Murder Trial of Bo Xilai's Wife Underway in China
Aug 9th 2012, 04:25

The wife of ousted Chinese politician Bo Xilai has gone on trial for the murder of a British businessman in what is seen as China's most politically sensitive prosecution in decades. The closed-door trial of Gu Kailai started early Thursday, according to officials, amid heavy security at a courthouse in the eastern city of Hefei. Journalists were not allowed into the Hefei Intermediate People's Court, which was surrounded by dozens of plainclothes police officers. As usual with ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Group Warns of Dire Situation in Sudan Refugee Camps

Africa - Voice of America
Group Warns of Dire Situation in Sudan Refugee Camps
Aug 8th 2012, 21:19

More than 100,000 people fleeing violence in Sudan have sought shelter in refugee camps in neighboring South Sudan's Maban region. According to Doctors Without Borders emergency coordinator John Tzanos, the refugees face an increasingly dire situation in the camps, with many falling ill and dying. "We recently conducted a nutritional survey and we found that almost a third of the population under five is malnourished and, obviously, the youngest children are in an extremely vulnerable ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Drought Re-Ignites Food vs. Fuel Fight

Economy - Voice of America
Drought Re-Ignites Food vs. Fuel Fight
Aug 8th 2012, 22:48

The price of maize - called "corn" in the United States - is soaring on global markets, as the worst drought in decades parches the American Midwest.  The price of meat, milk and eggs is expected to climb, and the increasing proportion of maize used to produce ethanol for auto fuel has pushed prices higher.  The situation has re-kindled the fight between food and fuel. There has been a corn maize boom in rural Iowa, in America's heartland.  In corn-farming towns ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Fish Out of Water Story Gets Chinese Twist

Asia - Voice of America
Fish Out of Water Story Gets Chinese Twist
Aug 8th 2012, 22:49

The proverbial "fish-out-of-water" story gets an interesting twist in a new romantic comedy called Shanghai Calling. It is the tale of a rising Chinese-American lawyer named Sam Chao who by all appearances should be comfortable in his new surroundings but is not.   Sam gets the nod from his bosses, against his will, to pursue a major business deal in Shanghai for a revolutionary smart phone. He may look like he belongs in Shanghai, but Sam has never been ...

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USA - Voice of America: Drought Re-Ignites Food vs. Fuel Fight

USA - Voice of America
Drought Re-Ignites Food vs. Fuel Fight
Aug 8th 2012, 22:48

The price of maize - called "corn" in the United States - is soaring on global markets, as the worst drought in decades parches the American Midwest.  The price of meat, milk and eggs is expected to climb, and the increasing proportion of maize used to produce ethanol for auto fuel has pushed prices higher.  The situation has re-kindled the fight between food and fuel. There has been a corn maize boom in rural Iowa, in America's heartland.  In corn-farming towns ...

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USA - Voice of America: Shooting Puts Neo-Nazi Music in the Spotlight

USA - Voice of America
Shooting Puts Neo-Nazi Music in the Spotlight
Aug 8th 2012, 19:46

The murder of six worshippers at a Sikh temple in the American midwest has put the spotlight on a violent type of music embraced by racist groups around the United States. Experts say the music, which glorifies the white race and heaps hate on other ethnic groups, is used to attract new members and spur them to violent action. "It's the chief recruitment tool of the entire movement," said TJ Leyden, who spent 15 years in the white-power movement but now works to counter its influence. "It's ...

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USA - Voice of America: Fish Out of Water Story Gets Chinese Twist

USA - Voice of America
Fish Out of Water Story Gets Chinese Twist
Aug 8th 2012, 22:49

The proverbial "fish-out-of-water" story gets an interesting twist in a new romantic comedy called "Shanghai Calling." It is the tale of a rising Chinese-American lawyer named Sam Chao who by all appearances should be comfortable in his new surroundings but is not.   Sam gets the nod from his bosses, against his will, to pursue a major business deal in Shanghai for a revolutionary smart phone. He may look like he belongs in Shanghai, but Sam has ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Swaziland King Open to Dialogue with Opposition, Says Adviser

Africa - Voice of America
Swaziland King Open to Dialogue with Opposition, Says Adviser
Aug 8th 2012, 22:29

An adviser to Swaziland's King Mswati III has denied accusations the country's leader has refused to meet with opposition groups demanding democratic forms. Obed Dlamini, who is also a former prime minister, said he has been in meetings where the king has called on his government to hold talks with the opposition about possible political changes in the country. "I have heard him talk in my presence in addressing meetings that the government must give an ear, even to opponents of the system, ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Analysts Say Verdict in Gu Kailai Case a Foregone Conclusion

Asia - Voice of America
Analysts Say Verdict in Gu Kailai Case a Foregone Conclusion
Aug 8th 2012, 20:33

The murder trial for Gu Kailai, wife of disgraced Chinese politician Bo Xilai, is reportedly set to begin Thursday in the Chinese city of Heifei.  Gu is charged in the murder of British businessman Neil Heywood, who was found dead in a Chongqing hotel last November. Andrew Nathan, professor of political science at Columbia University and a China expert, says Chinese officials have indicated how the trial will unfold and that the outcome has been decided. "Certainly in what they call ...

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Africa - Voice of America: South Sudan Accuses Ugandans of Stealing Land

Africa - Voice of America
South Sudan Accuses Ugandans of Stealing Land
Aug 8th 2012, 17:38

Tensions along the South Sudan-Uganda border are strained due to land disputes between border communities.   The Commissioner of KajoKeji County in South Sudan's Central Equatoria state is accusing Ugandan authorities of encouraging farmers to encroach on South Sudanese land. Commissioner Muki Batali said for months farmers from Moyo district in northern Uganda have been grabbing land in KajoKeji County, claiming it belongs to Uganda.   Batali said, ''What we have seen is that ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Controversy Plagues China Trial Even Before It Starts

Asia - Voice of America
Controversy Plagues China Trial Even Before It Starts
Aug 8th 2012, 20:16

A day before China's biggest political trial in decades is set to open, the lawyer for one of the co-defendants says he hasn't even met his client. Li Xiaolin, a prominent Beijing criminal lawyer, says he's planning to be in the courtroom when Zhang Xiaojun stands trial for conspiring with the wife of a disgraced Communist Party leader to poison British businessman Neil Heywood. But Li says he won't be able to ask any questions. That job, he says, will be left up to the state-appointed ...

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USA - Voice of America: Surveys Show Tight US Presidential Race as Party Conventions Loom

USA - Voice of America
Surveys Show Tight US Presidential Race as Party Conventions Loom
Aug 8th 2012, 19:20

WASHINGTON, D.C. — U.S. public opinion surveys show a close race for president between the incumbent Democrat, President Barack Obama, and his presumptive Republican opponent, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. The polls also show voters tend to personally like the president more but give a slight edge to Romney on handling the economy, which is by far the most important issue in the campaign.  The latest Gallup daily tracking poll gives President Obama a narrow 47 to 46 percent ...

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USA - Voice of America: For Freed Inmate, Painful Memories of Life on Death Row

USA - Voice of America
For Freed Inmate, Painful Memories of Life on Death Row
Aug 8th 2012, 13:30

​​TAKOMA PARK, MD — The execution in Texas of a man alleged to have been mentally disabled has once again brought attention to the issue of capital punishment in the United States. Nearly 1,300 people have been executed in the U.S. over the past 36 years.  But during that same time period, more than 130 have been exonerated, freed because of lack of evidence, or found innocent after being re-tried.  One man still bears the psychological scars of life on Death Row: Shujaa Graham. ...

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Africa - Voice of America: UN Considers Mandate for Troops to Mali

Africa - Voice of America
UN Considers Mandate for Troops to Mali
Aug 8th 2012, 19:38

NEW YORK — The U.N. Security Council is discussing a proposal to deploy West African troops to Mali, where Islamist militants have seized control of the north, but is waiting for an official request from Mali's interim government before moving forward.  After hearing reports on Mali from U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and from the Economic Community of West African States, known as ECOWAS, the Council met privately to review a mandate for sending a West African stabilization ...

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USA - Voice of America: July Was Hottest Month on Record in US

USA - Voice of America
July Was Hottest Month on Record in US
Aug 8th 2012, 19:10

Americans knew it was hot in July, and now the government is saying last month was the hottest on record. U.S. weather officials said Wednesday the average temperature across the contiguous 48 states in the country - excluding the geographically separate states of Alaska and Hawaii - was 25.3 degrees Celsius [77.6 degrees Fahrenheit] in July. That was slightly higher than the devastating Dust Bowl summer the country suffered through in 1936. The government also said the country has had the ...

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USA - Voice of America: FBI: Gunman in Sikh Killings Committed Suicide

USA - Voice of America
FBI: Gunman in Sikh Killings Committed Suicide
Aug 8th 2012, 16:42

U.S. authorities now say the gunman who killed six worshippers at a Sikh temple last weekend killed himself after being shot by police. The Federal Bureau of Investigation said Wednesday that a policeman responding to the assault at the temple in the northern state of Wisconsin on Sunday shot the gunman, Wade Michael Page, in the stomach, but that Page died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to his head. Investigators have traced Page's extensive involvement with white supremacist ...

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Africa - Voice of America: S. Sudan Accuses Uganda of Invading Territories

Africa - Voice of America
S. Sudan Accuses Uganda of Invading Territories
Aug 8th 2012, 17:38

The Commissioner of KajoKeji County in South Sudan's Central Equatoria State is accusing Ugandan authorities of encouraging farmers to encroach on South Sudanese land along the border between the two countries. Muki Batali said for months now farmers from Moyo district in Northern Uganda have been grabbing land in KajoKeji County, claiming that it belongs to Uganda. He said the land dispute in his county could lead to a wider conflict between communities in South Sudan and Uganda. ''What we ...

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Africa - Voice of America: UN Humanitarian Chief Visits DRC

Africa - Voice of America
UN Humanitarian Chief Visits DRC
Aug 8th 2012, 18:07

U.N. humanitarian chief Valarie Amos says many thousands of people in the eastern DRC are in urgent need of food, water and shelter. Amos spent several days in the region to assess the humanitarian response to the crisis. The Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs saw first hand the effects of attacks by the M-23 rebel group in North Kivu Province. "I visited one of the spontaneous camps that have grown up as a result of the thousands of people who have been fleeing the conflict. ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Abidjan Tense After Soldiers' Killings

Africa - Voice of America
Abidjan Tense After Soldiers' Killings
Aug 8th 2012, 17:35

DAKAR — There is new tension on the streets of Ivory Coast's commercial capital Abidjan. Armed men killed at least 11 soldiers in recent days, with a new attack occurring Tuesday night in the nearby city of Agboville. It is unclear who is carrying out the attacks.  Whether it was supporters of ex-president Laurent Gbagbo or disgruntled soldiers, the incidents follow killings in the volatile west and raise questions about the country's stability. Abidjan residents said the fresh ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Zimbabwe Civic Groups Protest Bad Water

Africa - Voice of America
Zimbabwe Civic Groups Protest Bad Water
Aug 8th 2012, 17:32

HARARE, Zimbabwe — Dozens of civic organizations in Zimbabwe have petitioned the government to ensure all citizens in the southern African country have access to clean water. The protest comes amid continued outbreaks of waterborne diseases - most recently last month's outbreak of typhoid in the suburb of Chitungwiza which is about 30 kilometers southeast of Zimbabwe's capital city Harare. After presenting a petition that has about 2,000 signatures, the civic organizations said they ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Medical Experts To Carry Out Further Research On Nodding Syndrome

Africa - Voice of America
Medical Experts To Carry Out Further Research On Nodding Syndrome
Aug 8th 2012, 18:14

A World Health Organization official has described the recently concluded international scientific conference on the mysterious nodding syndrome as a great achievement in the fight against the disease.     Dr. Joaquim Saweka, the World Health Organization's country representative in Uganda, told VOA that the conference held in Kampala aimed at bringing together everyone interested in the study of the disease, in order to gauge what knowledge currently exists, and to identify ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Zimbabwe Civic Groups Protest Bad Water

Economy - Voice of America
Zimbabwe Civic Groups Protest Bad Water
Aug 8th 2012, 17:32

HARARE, Zimbabwe — Dozens of civic organizations in Zimbabwe have petitioned the government to ensure all citizens in the southern African country have access to clean water. The protest comes amid continued outbreaks of waterborne diseases - most recently last month's outbreak of typhoid in the suburb of Chitungwiza which is about 30 kilometers southeast of Zimbabwe's capital city Harare. After presenting a petition that has about 2,000 signatures, the civic organizations said they ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Mali Rebels Told to Cut Ties to 'Terrorists'

Africa - Voice of America
Mali Rebels Told to Cut Ties to 'Terrorists'
Aug 8th 2012, 16:36

A West African mediator has told rebels in northern Mali they must distance themselves from "terrorists" before any peace talks can start. Burkina Faso Foreign Minister Djibril Bassole, representing the West African bloc ECOWAS, visited northern Mali on Tuesday and met with leaders of the Islamist militant group Ansar Dine in the town of Kidal. Speaking to reporters in Burkina Faso's capital after his trip, Bassole said he told the rebels of ECOWAS's demand. He said he ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Egyptian Officials Fired After Sinai Killings

Africa - Voice of America
Egyptian Officials Fired After Sinai Killings
Aug 8th 2012, 15:42

Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi has fired his intelligence chief and the governor of North Sinai in a major reorganization that extends to the commander of the military police. The announcement of Morsi's decision Wednesday comes on the heels of a military operation in the Sinai Peninsula, targeting suspected Islamist militants. ​​In a statement read on state television Wednesday, the military said it started the Sinai operation to restore stability and regain control there. Since ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Clinton Urges S. Africa to Take Bigger Global Role

Africa - Voice of America
Clinton Urges S. Africa to Take Bigger Global Role
Aug 8th 2012, 16:06

CAPE TOWN — U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton wrapped up her visit to South Africa Wednesday with a speech to students at the University of the Western Cape, which she honored as a "vanguard" of the anti-apartheid movement.  Clinton called on South Africans to live up to the legacy of Nelson Mandela and the country to take a larger role in promoting democracy and human rights throughout the world.  Clinton told university students in Cape Town that it is up ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Nigerian Town Under Curfew After Deadly Mosque, Church Attacks

Africa - Voice of America
Nigerian Town Under Curfew After Deadly Mosque, Church Attacks
Aug 8th 2012, 15:06

Residents in a south-central Nigeria town are under a dusk-to-dawn curfew after separate attacks at a church and mosque this week killed at least 22 people.  The sectarian violence took place in the city of Okene in Kogi State. ​​ On Monday, unidentified gunmen killed 19 people at a Christian church during a worship service. Late Tuesday, armed men killed two soldiers on patrol outside the city's central mosque. At least one other person was killed.  No one has claimed ...

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