Friday, July 6, 2012

Asia - Voice of America: US: Afghanistan Now Major Non-NATO Ally

Asia - Voice of America
US: Afghanistan Now Major Non-NATO Ally
Jul 7th 2012, 06:04

The Obama administration has declared Afghanistan a major non-NATO ally of the United States. The status is meant to facilitate close defense cooperation between the U.S. and the South Asian nation. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made the announcement to diplomats at the U.S. embassy in Kabul during her previously unannounced visit to Afghanistan. Clinton landed in Kabul early Saturday on her way to the Afghan donor conference in Japan that begins Sunday. After meeting with ...

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USA - Voice of America: US: Afghanistan Now Major Non-NATO Ally

USA - Voice of America
US: Afghanistan Now Major Non-NATO Ally
Jul 7th 2012, 06:04

The Obama administration has declared Afghanistan a major non-NATO ally of the United States. The status is meant to facilitate close defense cooperation between the U.S. and the South Asian nation. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made the announcement to diplomats at the U.S. embassy in Kabul during her previously unannounced visit to Afghanistan. Clinton landed in Kabul early Saturday on her way to the Afghan donor conference in Japan that begins Sunday. After meeting with ...

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USA - Voice of America: US Jobs Data Adds To Global Recession Fears

USA - Voice of America
US Jobs Data Adds To Global Recession Fears
Jul 7th 2012, 01:08

Stock prices retreated on Friday following another weak U.S. jobs report.  U.S. companies added only 80,000 jobs last month, the third straight month of tepid job growth.  Although the unemployment rate held steady at 8.2 percent, the weaker than expected employment numbers are adding to worries that the global recovery is running out of gas. The U.S. government's closely-watched monthly employment report has become an important barometer of the state of the world's largest ...

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Economy - Voice of America: US Jobs Data Adds To Global Recession Fears

Economy - Voice of America
US Jobs Data Adds To Global Recession Fears
Jul 7th 2012, 01:08

Stock prices retreated on Friday following another weak U.S. jobs report.  U.S. companies added only 80,000 jobs last month, the third straight month of tepid job growth.  Although the unemployment rate held steady at 8.2 percent, the weaker than expected employment numbers are adding to worries that the global recovery is running out of gas. The U.S. government's closely-watched monthly employment report has become an important barometer of the state of the world's largest ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Analysts: Foreclosure Mess Hurts US, Global Economy

Economy - Voice of America
Analysts: Foreclosure Mess Hurts US, Global Economy
Jul 6th 2012, 23:59

WASHINGTON — The U.S. housing sector usually leads the rest of the economy out of recession.  But that is happening much more slowly than usual in the wake of the latest downturn.  That is because the housing industry is burdened by a huge number of bad loans that have caused a financial, bureaucratic, and economic mess. Problems in the U.S. housing sector are slowing the economic recovery in the world's largest economy, and elsewhere. Deborah Harris faces possible eviction from ...

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USA - Voice of America: Analysts: Foreclosure Mess Hurts US, Global Economy

USA - Voice of America
Analysts: Foreclosure Mess Hurts US, Global Economy
Jul 6th 2012, 23:59

WASHINGTON — The U.S. housing sector usually leads the rest of the economy out of recession.  But that is happening much more slowly than usual in the wake of the latest downturn.  That is because the housing industry is burdened by a huge number of bad loans that have caused a financial, bureaucratic, and economic mess. Problems in the U.S. housing sector are slowing the economic recovery in the world's largest economy, and elsewhere. Deborah Harris faces possible eviction from ...

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USA - Voice of America: Immigration Law Divides Washington DC-Area Community

USA - Voice of America
Immigration Law Divides Washington DC-Area Community
Jul 6th 2012, 21:10

DALE CITY, Virginia — Both sides of the U.S. immigration debate have tried to claim victory after the Supreme Court's ruling on Arizona's tough immigration law.  The Court upheld a provision of the law that allows local police to check the immigration status of people stopped or detained on some other legitimate basis.  But critics argue there are other unintended consequences of these laws that could invite future legal challenges. Francisca Sorto is the owner of "El ...

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USA - Voice of America: Experts Say US Congress Paralyzed by Partisan Posturing

USA - Voice of America
Experts Say US Congress Paralyzed by Partisan Posturing
Jul 6th 2012, 21:49

CAPITOL HILL — Republicans who hold the majority in the U.S. House of Representatives have passed more than 20 ideologically-based bills in recent months.  But the bills -- on issues such as repealing parts of President Barack Obama's health care reform law -- have no chance of passing in the Democratic-controlled Senate or of ever becoming law.  The Republican-led House of Representatives has been busy passing socially and fiscally conservative bills on limiting abortion and ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Suspected US Drone Strike Kills 19 in Pakistan

Asia - Voice of America
Suspected US Drone Strike Kills 19 in Pakistan
Jul 6th 2012, 20:17

Pakistani officials say a U.S. drone strike has killed at least 19 suspected militants in the country's northwest. Friday's strike took place near Miran Shah, the main town in the North Waziristan tribal region -- a known hub of Taliban and al-Qaida-linked militants. Officials said foreigners were among those killed when missiles hit a compound in the area.  It was one of deadliest suspected U.S. strikes and the first such attack since Pakistan re-opened NATO supply lines into ...

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USA - Voice of America: UN Reviews Future of Syria Mission

USA - Voice of America
UN Reviews Future of Syria Mission
Jul 6th 2012, 20:08

NEW YORK — United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said the U.N. ceasefire monitoring mission in Syria should be continued but he suggests that its focus should be changed to peacemaking.    The U.N. Security Council authorized the ceasefire monitors in Syria for only 90 days and that mandate expires July 20. When fighting escalated in Syria and the ceasefire between the government and the opposition evaporated, the monitors suspended their operations. Secretary-General Ban, in ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Obama: Jobs Numbers Going in "Right Direction"

Economy - Voice of America
Obama: Jobs Numbers Going in "Right Direction"
Jul 6th 2012, 19:27

President Barack Obama calls the U.S. unemployment figures for June "a step in the right direction," but he says he is not satisfied with the pace of the nation's economic recovery.    The Labor Department says the U.S. economy added 84,000 private-sector jobs in June, fewer than expected, and that the unemployment rate remained at 8.2%. At an elementary school near Youngstown, Ohio, President Obama said that is progress, but not enough.  "We cannot be ...

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USA - Voice of America: Obama: Jobs Numbers Going in "Right Direction"

USA - Voice of America
Obama: Jobs Numbers Going in "Right Direction"
Jul 6th 2012, 19:27

President Barack Obama calls the U.S. unemployment figures for June "a step in the right direction," but he says he is not satisfied with the pace of the nation's economic recovery.    The Labor Department says the U.S. economy added 84,000 private-sector jobs in June, fewer than expected, and that the unemployment rate remained at 8.2%. At an elementary school near Youngstown, Ohio, President Obama said that is progress, but not enough.  "We cannot be ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Japanese Raising Voices Against Nuclear Reactors' Restart

Asia - Voice of America
Japanese Raising Voices Against Nuclear Reactors' Restart
Jul 6th 2012, 16:24

TOKYO — For the third consecutive Friday evening, thousands of Japanese took to the streets of their capital to vent frustration with the government's move to restart idled nuclear power plants. Earlier this week, for the first time since the meltdown of three reactors at a coastal plant hit by the March 11th, 2011, earthquake and tsunami, Japan resumed nuclear power generation. A steadily increasing drizzle did not dampen the spirits of protestors in central Tokyo. Well-mannered ...

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Economy - Voice of America: US Employment Rates: Jobless, Homeless, Hopeful

Economy - Voice of America
US Employment Rates: Jobless, Homeless, Hopeful
Jul 6th 2012, 13:06

ROCKVILLE CENTRE, New York — The latest monthly unemployment figures show the U.S. unemployment rate was steady at 8.2 percent.  The economy had a net gain of  80,000 jobs for the month, leaving nearly 13 million people without work.  Behind each of those statistics are stories about real people who are struggling to get by.   Jobless Robbyne Sudduth became a statistic - unemployed, homeless.  Laid off from Xerox in 2007, she left Michigan and came to New York ...

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USA - Voice of America: US Employment Rates: Jobless, Homeless, Hopeful

USA - Voice of America
US Employment Rates: Jobless, Homeless, Hopeful
Jul 6th 2012, 13:06

ROCKVILLE CENTRE, New York — The latest monthly unemployment figures show the U.S. unemployment rate was steady at 8.2 percent.  The economy had a net gain of  80,000 jobs for the month, leaving nearly 13 million people without work.  Behind each of those statistics are stories about real people who are struggling to get by.   Jobless Robbyne Sudduth became a statistic - unemployed, homeless.  Laid off from Xerox in 2007, she left Michigan and came to New York ...

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USA - Voice of America: US to Assure ASEAN on China During Meetings

USA - Voice of America
US to Assure ASEAN on China During Meetings
Jul 6th 2012, 01:05

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton travels to Southeast Asia next week to attend the ASEAN regional forum in Cambodia and the foreign ministers meeting of the East Asia Summit.  The  meetings come amid rising tensions between ASEAN members and China over the South China Sea. While the issue is likely to get a lot of attention during Secretary Clinton's visit, the U.S. is also looking to strengthen its ties with allies and boost its economic engagement in the region. In Vietnam, ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Coal Shortages Cripple Power Plants in India

Economy - Voice of America
Coal Shortages Cripple Power Plants in India
Jul 6th 2012, 11:39

NEW DELHI — India is reeling under severe power outages as coal shortages cripple many of its power plants.  Energy shortages are being blamed for slowing economic growth in the country. The business hub of Gurgaon on the outskirts of the Indian capital was the scene recently of an angry protest. As summer temperatures crossed 45 degrees celsius, hundreds of sweltering residents blocked traffic and threw stones to protest power outages extending up to eight hours a day. Gurgaon is not ...

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USA - Voice of America: E-books Catch on at Public Library

USA - Voice of America
E-books Catch on at Public Library
Jul 6th 2012, 13:22

Complete the following sentence: "You go to the library to check out . . . . .?" The obvious answer is "books." But a harder question might be, "What do we mean by 'book'?" Electronic books or "e-books," have established a firm foothold in American society. The big online bookseller Amazon, for instance, recently announced that less than four years after introducing them to its catalog, it's now selling more electronic versions of its book titles than printed ones.  And ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Philippine Economy Makes Gains

Economy - Voice of America
Philippine Economy Makes Gains
Jul 6th 2012, 10:11

MANILA — When the Philippines committed to loan $1 billion to the International Monetary Fund last month for money aimed at bailing out debt-ridden nations in Europe, the country had another thing to brag about to help boost its image as an emerging player on the financial world stage. While the loan remains controversial in a country battling poverty, it also marked a milestone for an economy that has been steadily strengthening in recent years.  On Wednesday the ratings agency Standard ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Philippine Economy Makes Gains

Asia - Voice of America
Philippine Economy Makes Gains
Jul 6th 2012, 10:11

MANILA — When the Philippines committed to loan $1 billion to the International Monetary Fund last month for money aimed at bailing out debt-ridden nations in Europe, the country had another thing to brag about to help boost its image as an emerging player on the financial world stage. While the loan remains controversial in a country battling poverty, it also marked a milestone for an economy that has been steadily strengthening in recent years.  On Wednesday the ratings agency Standard ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Coal Shortages Cripple Power Plants in India

Asia - Voice of America
Coal Shortages Cripple Power Plants in India
Jul 6th 2012, 11:39

NEW DELHI — India is reeling under severe power outages as coal shortages cripple many of its power plants.  Energy shortages are being blamed for slowing economic growth in the country. The business hub of Gurgaon on the outskirts of the Indian capital was the scene recently of an angry protest. As summer temperatures crossed 45 degrees celsius, hundreds of sweltering residents blocked traffic and threw stones to protest power outages extending up to eight hours a day. Gurgaon is not ...

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Americas - Voice of America: Mexico Presidential Vote Recount Shows Pena Nieto Win

Americas - Voice of America
Mexico Presidential Vote Recount Shows Pena Nieto Win
Jul 6th 2012, 10:16

Results from an official vote recount in Mexico are confirming a presidential election victory for Enrique Pena Nieto, but his rival still refuses to concede because of  allegations of fraud. With over 99 percent of the votes tallied late Thursday, Pena Nieto, of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), held a nearly seven point lead over leftist Andres Manual Lopez Obrador. The figures, which included a recount of nearly half of Mexico's ballot boxes, were largely unchanged ...

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