Friday, August 3, 2012

USA - Voice of America: South Asians Fuel Asian Population Boom in US

USA - Voice of America
South Asians Fuel Asian Population Boom in US
Aug 4th 2012, 02:19

CHICAGO — A recent study by the Pew Research Center reveals that, for the first time, Asians outpaced Hispanics as the fastest growing immigrant population in the United States. Job seekers of South Asian origin make up the bulk of Chicago's new immigrant community, filling a critical demand for highly skilled technology workers. Despite the sluggish economy, hiring manager Pete Tapaskar is having difficulty filling empty chairs at his suburban Chicago technology firm ProSoft. "We don't ...

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Asia - Voice of America: South Asians Fuel Asian Population Boom in US

Asia - Voice of America
South Asians Fuel Asian Population Boom in US
Aug 4th 2012, 02:19

CHICAGO — A recent study by the Pew Research Center reveals that, for the first time, Asians outpaced Hispanics as the fastest growing immigrant population in the United States. Job seekers of South Asian origin make up the bulk of Chicago's new immigrant community, filling a critical demand for highly skilled technology workers. Despite the sluggish economy, hiring manager Pete Tapaskar is having difficulty filling empty chairs at his suburban Chicago technology firm ProSoft. "We don't ...

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Asia - Voice of America: South Korea Wins First Olympic Men’s Archery Gold

Asia - Voice of America
South Korea Wins First Olympic Men's Archery Gold
Aug 4th 2012, 03:15

LONDON — The archery competition at the London Olympics came to a close Friday at Lord's Cricket Ground. Once again South Korea was the top medal winner. On an exciting final day of Olympic archery competition when both semifinals and the bronze medal match had to be decided in shoot-offs, South Korean Oh Jin-hyek won the gold medal over Japan's Takaharu Furukawa in four sets, seven points to one. China's Dai Xiaoxiang won the bronze medal with a one-arrow shoot-out over Dutchman Rick van ...

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Economy - Voice of America: South Asians Fuel Asian Population Boom in US

Economy - Voice of America
South Asians Fuel Asian Population Boom in US
Aug 4th 2012, 02:19

CHICAGO — A recent study by the Pew Research Center reveals that, for the first time, Asians outpaced Hispanics as the fastest growing immigrant population in the United States. Job seekers of South Asian origin make up the bulk of Chicago's new immigrant community, filling a critical demand for highly skilled technology workers. Despite the sluggish economy, hiring manager Pete Tapaskar is having difficulty filling empty chairs at his suburban Chicago technology firm ProSoft. "We don't ...

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USA - Voice of America: Phelps Wins Record 21st Medal

USA - Voice of America
Phelps Wins Record 21st Medal
Aug 3rd 2012, 15:48

American swimmer Michael Phelps, the most decorated Olympian of all time, won his 21st medal Friday at the London Games, as the United States ruled the pool and excitement built toward a weekend of fierce track and field competition. Phelps closed his individual career by claiming the gold in the 100-meter butterfly, while 17-year-old Missy Franklin grabbed her third gold medal of the Games in the 200-meter backstroke. Meanwhile, Briton Jessica Ennis thrilled a raucous home crowd with a ...

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USA - Voice of America: Clinton Urges South Sudan to Work Harder With Northern Neighbor

USA - Voice of America
Clinton Urges South Sudan to Work Harder With Northern Neighbor
Aug 3rd 2012, 09:08

KAMPALA, Uganda — Bolstering regional security was high on the agenda. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton traveled Friday to South Sudan and Uganda. In a key diplomatic moment of her 10-day African tour, Clinton urged South Sudanese President Silva Kiir to make progress in ongoing negotiations between his country and its former rulers to the North. A dispute over oil has brought the countries to the brink of war. Clinton expressed support for what she said was South Sudan's ...

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Africa - Voice of America: UNHCR: Mali Conflict Poses Global Threat

Africa - Voice of America
UNHCR: Mali Conflict Poses Global Threat
Aug 3rd 2012, 20:56

GENEVA — The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Antonio Guterres, says conflict in northern Mali is aggravating the humanitarian crisis in the Sahel and posing a serious threat to regional and global security.  According to a UNHCR report, the conflict in northern Mali has internally displaced more than 200,000 and driven more than a quarter-million refugees into neighboring countries, compounding the situation in West Africa's Sahel region, where some 18 ...

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USA - Voice of America: NASA Announces Plans to Launch Astronauts From US

USA - Voice of America
NASA Announces Plans to Launch Astronauts From US
Aug 3rd 2012, 19:38

NASA has announced new agreements with U.S. companies to develop spacecraft so that astronauts once again can launch from the United States. The U.S. has not had that capability since it retired its space shuttle fleet last year. Now it looks like the launches could happen by the end of 2017.  NASA officials say U.S. reliance on Russia to carry American astronauts to the International Space Station could be over by the end of 2017. NASA Administrator Charles Bolden held a news ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Spain's PM Hints He Might Seek Economic Bailout

Economy - Voice of America
Spain's PM Hints He Might Seek Economic Bailout
Aug 3rd 2012, 19:47

After months of denial, Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy is hinting for the first time that his debt-ridden country may seek an international bailout. Before deciding, Rajoy said he would first study how the European Central Bank structures its new plan to buy government bonds of debtor nations, including Spain and Italy. The bank's direct bond purchases could cut the soaring borrowing costs Madrid and Rome are facing on the world's financial markets. The interest rates on ...

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Economy - Voice of America: India Facing First Drought in Three Years

Economy - Voice of America
India Facing First Drought in Three Years
Aug 3rd 2012, 18:45

India is facing its first drought in three years, with this year's monsoon rains down by nearly 20 percent. In a report issued late Thursday, the Indian Meteorological Department said more than half of India has received deficient rainfall between June and August of this year. Portions of the country's northwest, including key food-producing states such as Punjab, have been hit particularly hard by drought-like conditions. Department head, Laxman Singh Rathore, told reporters Friday ...

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Asia - Voice of America: India Facing First Drought in Three Years

Asia - Voice of America
India Facing First Drought in Three Years
Aug 3rd 2012, 18:45

India is facing its first drought in three years, with this year's monsoon rains down by nearly 20 percent. In a report issued late Thursday, the Indian Meteorological Department said more than half of India has received deficient rainfall between June and August of this year. Portions of the country's northwest, including key food-producing states such as Punjab, have been hit particularly hard by drought-like conditions. Department head, Laxman Singh Rathore, told reporters Friday ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Zoos Provide Visitors, Orangutans Chance to Co-mingle

Asia - Voice of America
Zoos Provide Visitors, Orangutans Chance to Co-mingle
Aug 3rd 2012, 17:01

Computer games aren't just for humans anymore. Orangutans, especially young ones, like playing them. And giving these gentle apes "computer time" is just one way that zoos are bringing down the walls - sometimes literally - between humans and their simian relatives.   Open-air, no walls exhibit Orangutans and humans are remarkably similar - and not just because they share 97 percent of our DNA. They often make tools. They're one of very few species that can recognize themselves in a ...

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USA - Voice of America: Dogs Help US Veterans Beat Stress Disorders

USA - Voice of America
Dogs Help US Veterans Beat Stress Disorders
Aug 3rd 2012, 15:15

WASHINGTON – According to a Rand Corporation study, more than 26 percent of American troops deployed overseas have returned to the US with traumatic brain injuries and post traumatic stress disorder or PTSD since 2001.  Experimental programs that pair combat veterans suffering from brain injuries and PTSD with therapy dogs have showed positive results.  Now four U.S. military bases have programs with dogs. Chief Master Sgt. Richard Simonsen, who was injured twice in combat, has ...

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USA - Voice of America: Zoos Provide Visitors, Orangutans Chance to Co-mingle

USA - Voice of America
Zoos Provide Visitors, Orangutans Chance to Co-mingle
Aug 3rd 2012, 17:01

Computer games aren't just for humans anymore. Orangutans, especially young ones, like playing them. And giving these gentle apes "computer time" is just one way that zoos are bringing down the walls - sometimes literally - between humans and their simian relatives.   Open-air, no walls exhibit Orangutans and humans are remarkably similar - and not just because they share 97 percent of our DNA. They often make tools. They're one of very few species that can recognize themselves in a ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Health Situation In South Sudan Refugee Camps Alarming

Africa - Voice of America
Health Situation In South Sudan Refugee Camps Alarming
Aug 3rd 2012, 17:39

GENEVA — The United Nations refugee agency, UNHCR reports aid agencies are racing to reverse the alarming health situation in South Sudan camps. The UNHCR says aid workers are intensifying efforts to bring down the high rates of malnutrition, disease and death among Sudanese refugees in two camps in Unity State and Upper Nile State.  The U.N. refugee agency reports South Sudan is now hosting 170,000 Sudanese refugees.  And, it says more are arriving from South Kordofan and Blue Nile ...

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Africa - Voice of America: 1 Killed in Nairobi Blast Ahead of Clinton Visit

Africa - Voice of America
1 Killed in Nairobi Blast Ahead of Clinton Visit
Aug 3rd 2012, 17:39

An explosion in Kenya's capital Friday killed one person, a day before U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is due to visit the city. A VOA reporter says the blast was the result of a failed grenade attack outside the gates of a Kenya Air Force base.  A witness said the attacker tried to throw a grenade at two soldiers from a moving car, but that the grenade blew up before he could release it.  The attacker was apparently the only person killed.  The air base is ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Air Pollution Threat Grows

Africa - Voice of America
Air Pollution Threat Grows
Aug 3rd 2012, 16:25

A lot of attention is being paid to greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change. But scientists warn that other pollutants may make it harder to breathe in some places in years to come. By the year 2050, taking a deep breath in eastern China, northern India, the Middle East and North Africa could be hazardous to your health. That's what a new study says unless nations take action now to curb air pollution. Dr. Andrea Pozzer of Germany's Max Planck Institute of Chemistry ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Nigerian Oil Production at 'All-Time High'

Africa - Voice of America
Nigerian Oil Production at 'All-Time High'
Aug 3rd 2012, 15:56

ABUJA — Nigeria, Africa's biggest oil exporter and 5th largest supplier to the United States, appears to be growing more productive.  After months of reports that theft has been costing the oil industry as much as $1 billion a month, and causing most of the oil spills devastating the Niger Delta region, officials say output is increasing.  "Yesterday we recorded an all-time high of 2.7 million barrels of crude-oil production, and these numbers have never been achieved ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Experts Warn of Future Asia Pacific Food Vulnerability

Economy - Voice of America
Experts Warn of Future Asia Pacific Food Vulnerability
Aug 3rd 2012, 15:06

Bangkok — Drought in the United States and India is leading to higher food prices and has some experts warning Asia Pacific countries to step up investment in agriculture. Asia's shifting dietary habits require greater imports and are raising fears over future food vulnerability.   Across the globe there is an increased focus on the challenge of producing enough food as the global population is predicted to reach nine billion by 2050. Scientists said food output must rise by 70 percent to ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Nigerian Oil Production at 'All-Time High'

Economy - Voice of America
Nigerian Oil Production at 'All-Time High'
Aug 3rd 2012, 15:56

ABUJA — Nigeria, Africa's biggest oil exporter and 5th largest supplier to the United States, appears to be growing more productive.  After months of reports that theft has been costing the oil industry as much as $1 billion a month, and causing most of the oil spills devastating the Niger Delta region, officials say output is increasing.  "Yesterday we recorded an all-time high of 2.7 million barrels of crude-oil production, and these numbers have never been achieved ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Air Pollution Threat Grows

Asia - Voice of America
Air Pollution Threat Grows
Aug 3rd 2012, 16:25

A lot of attention is being paid to greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to climate change. But scientists warn that other pollutants may make it harder to breathe in some places in years to come. By the year 2050, taking a deep breath in eastern China, northern India, the Middle East and North Africa could be hazardous to your health. That's what a new study says unless nations take action now to curb air pollution. Dr. Andrea Pozzer of Germany's Max Planck Institute of Chemistry ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Experts Warn of Future Asia Pacific Food Vulnerability

Asia - Voice of America
Experts Warn of Future Asia Pacific Food Vulnerability
Aug 3rd 2012, 15:06

Bangkok — Drought in the United States and India is leading to higher food prices and has some experts warning Asia Pacific countries to step up investment in agriculture. Asia's shifting dietary habits require greater imports and are raising fears over future food vulnerability.   Across the globe there is an increased focus on the challenge of producing enough food as the global population is predicted to reach nine billion by 2050. Scientists said food output must rise by 70 percent to ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Pakistan's Supreme Court Strikes Down Contempt Law

Asia - Voice of America
Pakistan's Supreme Court Strikes Down Contempt Law
Aug 3rd 2012, 14:56

Pakistan's Supreme Court has struck down a law that would have given the prime minister immunity from contempt charges, as a fight between the judiciary and government heats up. Parliament passed the law last month to protect Prime Minister Raja Pervez Ashraf and other top government officials from the same fate as former Prime Minister Yousuf Raza Gilani. In June, Pakistan's Supreme Court ruled Gilani was ineligible for office after it found him guilty of contempt for refusing its ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Clinton to Urge Somali Leaders to Complete Transition on Time

Africa - Voice of America
Clinton to Urge Somali Leaders to Complete Transition on Time
Aug 3rd 2012, 14:53

NAIROBI — U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton visits Kenya's capital, Nairobi, Saturday to urge Somali leaders to complete a political transition to a new government on schedule. Clinton has previously threatened that the U.S. will impose sanctions on anyone seeking to sabotage the process. Secretary Clinton's visit comes as Somalia enters the final stages of a political transition due to end August 20 when the United Nations mandate for the existing transitional government ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Sudan Says It Wants Good Relations with South

Africa - Voice of America
Sudan Says It Wants Good Relations with South
Aug 3rd 2012, 13:46

The United Nations Security Council deadline for the two Sudans to reach a comprehensive agreement or face possible sanctions expired at midnight, with no deal in sight. Sudan claims though they've made little progress at talks in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, it wants good relations with South Sudan. "I am always hopeful. [In] the remaining three hours, I hope that we will witness the signing of an agreement between the two countries because we are keen to have good and normal relations with South ...

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Economy - Voice of America: US Jobless Rate High, Election Effect Uncertain

Economy - Voice of America
US Jobless Rate High, Election Effect Uncertain
Aug 3rd 2012, 13:26

The U.S. unemployment rate has now been above the unusually high level of 8 percent since the first full month of President Barack Obama's White House tenure. But whether that imperils his bid for re-election is far from clear.  In an oft-cited U.S. political fact, no incumbent president has won re-election since World War II when the jobless rate has been higher than the 7.2 percent recorded in late 1984, when Ronald Reagan easily won a second four-year term. When the unemployment ...

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