Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Asia - Voice of America: North Korea's Young Leader Gets New Title

Asia - Voice of America
North Korea's Young Leader Gets New Title
Jul 18th 2012, 06:24

SEOUL -- The young man who took the helm of North Korea following his father's death last December has been formally declared the country's top military leader. North Koreans had been alerted an hour in advance to tune in at noon for important news. The previous time there had been such an announcement was on December 19 last year to announce the death of leader Kim Jong Il. So anticipation was high, not only in North Korea, when the announcer opened the noon newscast. The ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Mali’s Prime Minister Offers ECOWAS Transitional Roadmap

Africa - Voice of America
Mali's Prime Minister Offers ECOWAS Transitional Roadmap
Jul 18th 2012, 05:16

Interim Malian Prime Minister Cheick Modibo Diarra Tuesday presented the roadmap for returning the country to civilian rule to Burkina Faso President Blaise Campaore, the chief mediator of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS).  Hamadoune Toure, Mali's Minister for Communication and government spokesman said the plan includes the formation of a broad-based government and a plan to regain control of the country's north from hardline Islamists and rebel groups. "The ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Pakistani Court Rejects Mumbai Attack Report

Asia - Voice of America
Pakistani Court Rejects Mumbai Attack Report
Jul 17th 2012, 17:14

A Pakistani court has rejected the findings of a commission that traveled to India to investigate the 2008 terrorist attacks in the Indian city of Mumbai. India had allowed an eight-member group made up of Pakistani prosecutors and defense attorneys to visit and gather information related to the cases of seven Pakistanis currently on trial for involvement in the attacks. On Tuesday, a Pakistani anti-terrorism court said the commission's report could not be used as evidence against the ...

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Africa - Voice of America: South Africa’s Unions Congratulate Nelson Mandela on His Birthday

Africa - Voice of America
South Africa's Unions Congratulate Nelson Mandela on His Birthday
Jul 18th 2012, 00:47

The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) has congratulated anti-apartheid icon and former South African President Nelson Mandela, who celebrates his 94th birthday Wednesday. COSATU spokesman Patrick Craven said Mandela will continue to be an inspiration to all South Africans, as well as the rest of the world. "COSATU wished Nelson Mandela a very happy birthday and many more years of happy life. Nobody has done more to earn it in South Africa and he remains an ...

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Africa - Voice of America: UN Investigator: Too Early to Lift Eritrean Sanctions

Africa - Voice of America
UN Investigator: Too Early to Lift Eritrean Sanctions
Jul 18th 2012, 00:10

The head of the United Nations monitoring group on Somalia and Eritrea says it is too early to lift U.N. sanctions against Eritrea, despite a report suggesting the Asmara government no longer actively supports Somali al-Shabab insurgents.   U.N. coordinator Matt Bryden told VOA Tuesday, "While we've seen some improvement, I don't think we see enough and we suggest that it will be too early to lift sanctions."   The Security Council imposed an arms embargo on ...

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Africa - Voice of America: UN Arms Treaty Seen Impacting Africa’s Conflict Zones

Africa - Voice of America
UN Arms Treaty Seen Impacting Africa's Conflict Zones
Jul 17th 2012, 19:19

The president of the Africa League for the Control of Arms Coalition said he hopes a UN conference on conventional arms trade will have an impact on Africa's conflict zones.  Some 2,000 representatives from member states, international and regional organizations and civil society are taking part this month in the UN Conference on the Arms Trade Treaty.  The aim is a legally binding treaty on the global trade of conventional weapons. Baffour Amoa said he hopes a treaty will stem the ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Lawmaker Rejects Calls for Kenyan Leader’s Resignation

Africa - Voice of America
Lawmaker Rejects Calls for Kenyan Leader's Resignation
Jul 18th 2012, 00:36

A leading member of the Orange Democratic Movement in Kenya's coalition government has dismissed calls by a former advisor and opponents for the immediate resignation of prime minister Raila Odinga. Ababu Namwamba, who is also a parliamentarian, said accusations being leveled against the prime minister are aimed at undermining Mr. Odinga's credibility and popularity ahead of the next general election. His comments came after Miguna Miguna, a former adviser to the prime minister, called for ...

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Africa - Voice of America: US Approves First Drug to Reduce Risk of HIV Infection

Africa - Voice of America
US Approves First Drug to Reduce Risk of HIV Infection
Jul 16th 2012, 18:26

U.S. officials have approved what they say is the first drug on the market that reduces the risk of HIV infection in those who are free of the virus that causes AIDS. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration Monday said the drug Truvada now can be used daily in combination with safer sex practices to reduce the risk of sexually acquired HIV infection in adults at high risk. In a written statement, FDA Commissioner Margaret Hamburg said the agency's approval marks an important milestone in ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Midwest Farmers Battling Worst US Drought in Generation

Economy - Voice of America
Midwest Farmers Battling Worst US Drought in Generation
Jul 17th 2012, 16:21

BLOOMINGTON, Illinois — Record high temperatures and a lack of rainfall are creating the worst drought conditions for U.S. farmers in a generation.  The U.S. Department of Agriculture has declared more than 1000 counties in 26 states natural disaster areas as crops there deteriorate. In this year's record setting heat under the hot summer sun, McLean County Illinois farmer Matt Hughes' crops are wilting. Each day without rainclouds brings new disappointment and worry for ...

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USA - Voice of America: Youtube Reality Show Spotlights Korean-Americans

USA - Voice of America
Youtube Reality Show Spotlights Korean-Americans
Jul 17th 2012, 20:48

Americans love reality television shows. Since their initial mass popularity in the late '90s and early 2000s,  there has been an  explosion of formats depicting nearly every facet of American life, including pawn shop owners, hoarders and drug addicts. A more recent arrival to the reality show universe are the ethnically-based shows that include the very popular "Jersey Shore," which focuses on Italian-Americans in the state of New Jersey, and "Shahs of Sunset," which focuses ...

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USA - Voice of America: Midwest Farmers Battling Worst US Drought in Generation

USA - Voice of America
Midwest Farmers Battling Worst US Drought in Generation
Jul 17th 2012, 16:21

BLOOMINGTON, Illinois — Record high temperatures and a lack of rainfall are creating the worst drought conditions for U.S. farmers in a generation.  The U.S. Department of Agriculture has declared more than 1000 counties in 26 states natural disaster areas as crops there deteriorate. In this year's record setting heat under the hot summer sun, McLean County Illinois farmer Matt Hughes' crops are wilting. Each day without rainclouds brings new disappointment and worry for ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Beijing Pressured After Teen Monk Self-Immolates

Asia - Voice of America
Beijing Pressured After Teen Monk Self-Immolates
Jul 17th 2012, 20:56

The London-based rights group Free Tibet says the death of an 18-year-old Tibetan monk in a self-immolation protest in southwest China Tuesday should prompt international pressure on Beijing to "let Tibetans decide their own future." In a written statement, Free Tibet director Stephanie Brigden said Tuesday's suicide of Lobsang Lozin in Sichuan province shows that Tibetan calls for freedom now are "overwhelming." Activists have reported more than 40 self-imm ​​olations ...

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Americas - Voice of America: Amnesty: Ecuador Suppresses Environmental Protests

Americas - Voice of America
Amnesty: Ecuador Suppresses Environmental Protests
Jul 17th 2012, 21:42

Amnesty International says authorities in Ecuador are harassing leaders of indigenous groups and farmers to prevent them from organizing protests against projects that would affect their environment and lands. In a report issued Tuesday, the human rights group cites the cases of 24 activists targeted with what appear to be unfounded charges, arbitrary arrests and strict bail conditions for campaigning against laws and policies on the use of natural resources. The questionable charges took ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Ethiopia Promises Details of PM Meles' Health

Africa - Voice of America
Ethiopia Promises Details of PM Meles' Health
Jul 17th 2012, 19:15

Speculation about the health of Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi may be coming to an end soon. After days of rumors and unconfirmed reports that Meles was gravely ill, or even deceased, tfhe Ethiopian government says it will clarify the situation at a news conference on July 18. The rumors and unconfirmed reports began last week and gained momentum when Meles did not attend a meeting of the African Union in Addis Ababa as expected. There was even speculation about who might succeed Meles ...

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Africa - Voice of America: UNESCO Awards Controversial Obiang Prize

Africa - Voice of America
UNESCO Awards Controversial Obiang Prize
Jul 17th 2012, 20:44

The United Nations culture and science body awarded a life sciences prize in a Paris ceremony Tuesday boycotted by European leaders because the prize is funded by the leader of Equatorial Guinea. Human rights groups accuse Teodoro Obiang of corruption and allowing citizens of the African nation to live in poverty despite the country's oil wealth. Seven human rights groups put out a statement calling UNESCO's decision to hand out the prize shameful and irresponsible. The prize was ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Russia to Play Key Role in Winding Down Afghan War

Asia - Voice of America
Russia to Play Key Role in Winding Down Afghan War
Jul 17th 2012, 20:20

Russia, which battled mujahedeen guerillas in Afghanistan three decades ago, is once again playing a key role in the country, this time helping the United States and its North Atlantic Treaty Organization allies. Not a single Russian soldier is among 130,000 foreign troops serving in Afghanistan these days - all of them are from NATO member nations and 90,000 of them are Americans. But experts on the region say that even though Russian doesn't have a military presence there, it is helping the ...

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Economy - Voice of America: HSBC Admits US Banking Violations

Economy - Voice of America
HSBC Admits US Banking Violations
Jul 17th 2012, 19:45

CAPITOL HILL — Global private banking giant HSBC has admitted that lax vigilance made it vulnerable to money laundering by Mexican drug cartels, as well as transactions involving Iran that are banned under U.S. law. HSBC managers pledged to do better in testimony before a Senate investigative committee.   U.S. law seeks to disrupt the cash flow of criminal organizations, from drug traffickers to terrorist groups. But for years, London-based HSBC seemingly turned a blind eye to illegal ...

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Americas - Voice of America: HSBC Admits US Banking Violations

Americas - Voice of America
HSBC Admits US Banking Violations
Jul 17th 2012, 19:45

CAPITOL HILL — Global private banking giant HSBC has admitted that lax vigilance made it vulnerable to money laundering by Mexican drug cartels, as well as transactions involving Iran that are banned under U.S. law. HSBC managers pledged to do better in testimony before a Senate investigative committee.   U.S. law seeks to disrupt the cash flow of criminal organizations, from drug traffickers to terrorist groups. But for years, London-based HSBC seemingly turned a blind eye to illegal ...

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USA - Voice of America: HSBC Admits US Banking Violations

USA - Voice of America
HSBC Admits US Banking Violations
Jul 17th 2012, 19:45

CAPITOL HILL — Global private banking giant HSBC has admitted that lax vigilance made it vulnerable to money laundering by Mexican drug cartels, as well as transactions involving Iran that are banned under U.S. law. HSBC managers pledged to do better in testimony before a Senate investigative committee.   U.S. law seeks to disrupt the cash flow of criminal organizations, from drug traffickers to terrorist groups. But for years, London-based HSBC seemingly turned a blind eye to illegal ...

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USA - Voice of America: Gaming Systems, Social Media Primed for Disaster

USA - Voice of America
Gaming Systems, Social Media Primed for Disaster
Jul 17th 2012, 18:56

VANCOUVER, Washington — On March 11 last year, Kaleb Urike was in Sendai, Japan, organizing a fundraiser for victims of the February earthquake in his hometown of Christchurch, New Zealand. Then the earth there, in northeast Japan, began to shake with a magnitude 9.0 quake. "It lasted for five minutes," Urike remembers. "We had to evacuate and go outside. Then it just started snowing for 30 minutes. That's all I remember, being cold." The recent university graduate ...

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Africa - Voice of America: UN Announces Reinforcement of African Union Task Force in South Sudan

Africa - Voice of America
UN Announces Reinforcement of African Union Task Force in South Sudan
Jul 17th 2012, 17:54

By Gift Friday The United Nations Special Representative and Head of the UN Mission in South Sudan Hilde Johnson announced in Yambio that Rwandese troops will join the African Union Task Force to hunt down the top commanders of the Lord'ss Resistance Army, (LRA). During her first visit to Yambio, the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General met with state officials to discuss security and agricultural potentials in the region. She  said the her office is working to ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Family Members of Students Detained in Sudan

Africa - Voice of America
Family Members of Students Detained in Sudan
Jul 17th 2012, 18:13

The protests may be small in Sudan, but they are far from over. Two protests turned violent today; one at Khartoum University, the other at Sudan University south of the Sudanese capital. When Khartoum University students went to the Vice Chancellor's office to inquire about the closure of their school, activists say police showed up and fired tear gas to disperse them. Students also clashed with police at Sudan University. At Khartoum University, police detained not only several students ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Pakistani Court Rejects Mumbai Attack Report

Asia - Voice of America
Pakistani Court Rejects Mumbai Attack Report
Jul 17th 2012, 17:14

A Pakistani court has rejected the findings of a commission that traveled to India to investigate the 2008 terrorist attacks in the Indian city of Mumbai. India had allowed an eight-member group made up of Pakistani prosecutors and defense attorneys to visit and gather information related to the cases of seven Pakistanis currently on trial for involvement in the attacks. On Tuesday, a Pakistani anti-terrorism court said the commission's report could not be used as evidence against the ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Conservation Project at Risk from Mai Mai Attack

Africa - Voice of America
Conservation Project at Risk from Mai Mai Attack
Jul 17th 2012, 16:57

The hunt continues for the Mai Mai militia that attacked a DRC conservation project in June. Six people were killed, as well as 14 endangered animals called Okapi, or forest giraffe. The attack occurred around 5 am on June 24th at the Okapi Conservation Project in Epulu. It is believed to have been retaliation by poachers for efforts to stop their activities inside the Okapi Wildlife Reserve. Project founder and director John Lucas said the Mai Mai Simba rebels are led by Morgan Sadala. ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Libya's Former Rebels Pose Challenge

Africa - Voice of America
Libya's Former Rebels Pose Challenge
Jul 17th 2012, 15:45

TRIPOLI — The fighters who defeated Libya's Moammar Gadhafi last year now pose a challenge for the fledgling democracy they helped create.  Many of them have refused to give up their weapons, demanding a series of laws to protect them.   A year and a half ago, electrical engineer Omran Al-Awayeb took up arms to defend his neighborhood against Gadhafi forces.  Now he commands a part-time band of rebels who are still worried about their country's future. ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Indian Fisherman: No Warning Before US Attack in Gulf

Asia - Voice of America
Indian Fisherman: No Warning Before US Attack in Gulf
Jul 17th 2012, 16:26

An Indian fisherman who was aboard a boat shot at by the U.S. Navy in the Persian Gulf has told officials that his crew did not receive any warning before the attack. One Indian was killed and three others were wounded Monday when the U.S. Navy refueling ship fired on the fishing vessel.  U.S. officials say the small boat had ignored repeated warnings and rapidly approached the U.S. vessel. Indian Foreign Minister S.M. Krishna said Tuesday it was unfortunate that a fisherman was killed ...

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