Sunday, July 8, 2012

Africa - Voice of America: ECOWAS Seeks Broad-based Malian Interim Government

Africa - Voice of America
ECOWAS Seeks Broad-based Malian Interim Government
Jul 6th 2012, 05:54

Several regional leaders, who are part of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) mediation effort on Mali, meet Saturday in the Burkina Faso capital, Ouagadougou, to review the crisis in Mali.  Abdel Fatau Musah, ECOWAS director for external relations, said one purpose of the Ouagadougou meeting is to explore how best to broaden the transitional government and chart a road map for elections. "There was a summit of ECOWAS heads of state just a few days ago in ...

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Africa - Voice of America: UNHCR: S. Sudan Refugee Situation Critical

Africa - Voice of America
UNHCR: S. Sudan Refugee Situation Critical
Jul 6th 2012, 20:48

GENEVA -- On July 9, 2011, South Sudan gained independence amid hope and optimism for the future. Nearly a year later, the country is despairing of poverty, ongoing conflict with its northern neighbor and a burgeoning refugee population. Refugees began fleeing south last year when fight between Sudan's armed forces and rebels in Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile states flared up. Now the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) says the outlook for those in ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Kenyan Musicians Charged With Hate Speech

Africa - Voice of America
Kenyan Musicians Charged With Hate Speech
Jul 4th 2012, 15:12

Three Kenyan musicians have been charged with hate speech under laws adopted following the country's post-election violence in 2008. Kamande wa Kioi, Muigai Wa Njoroge and John DeMathew appeared in a Nairobi court Wednesday to answer charges that their songs were intended to cause hatred and hostility between Kenya's Kikuyu and Luo ethnic groups. The three men, all Kikuyus, denied the charges and were released on bail. Last week, Kenya's National Cohesion and Integration ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Libyans ‘Excited’ to Vote Saturday

Africa - Voice of America
Libyans 'Excited' to Vote Saturday
Jul 5th 2012, 21:49

The publisher of the Libya Herald, an independent newspaper, says Libyans are excited to vote in their first democratically organized elections in over four decades, Saturday.  Sami Zaptia, who is also an economist, said Libya's National Transitional Council has kept its promise to organize a vote as part of the country's democracy journey following the ouster and subsequent death of long-time leader Moammar Gadhafi. "As for the mood, it's fever pitch excitement... [Most of] this ...

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Africa - Voice of America: DR Congo Rebels Take Town Near Uganda Border

Africa - Voice of America
DR Congo Rebels Take Town Near Uganda Border
Jul 6th 2012, 13:10

A U.N. peacekeeper has been killed in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, where rebels fought government troops and seized a key border crossing Friday. A spokesman for the U.N. mission in Congo says a peacekeeper from India was hit and killed during fighting in the town of Bunagana, which the rebels, known as M23, seized Friday morning.  Reports from the area say Bunagana's population has fled across the border to Uganda, along with about 600 Congolese soldiers. The rebels ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Nigeria Teams Up with US Firm to Build Oil Refineries

Africa - Voice of America
Nigeria Teams Up with US Firm to Build Oil Refineries
Jul 3rd 2012, 21:32

Nigerian officials announced a $4.5 billion deal that will see the country partner with U.S. company Vulcan Petroleum Resources to build six oil refineries in Nigeria, Africa's biggest oil producer. Vulcan said its goal is to build the first two facilities within one year and complete all six within the next 30 months.  It said the various refineries will be located at different sites throughout the country. Umaru Dembo, a former Nigerian energy minister, said the announcement was a ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Uganda Opposition Denounces Government Policies

Africa - Voice of America
Uganda Opposition Denounces Government Policies
Jul 4th 2012, 01:03

The leader of Uganda's opposition group For God and My Country (4GC) will hold a news conference Wednesday to underscore what he calls the government's "failed promises." Mathias Mpuga said his group will also soon begin protest marches, which the government has in the past condemned as aimed at creating chaos and instability. "I will brief the country about our activities that we intend to undertake, including a series of outreach campaigns around the country to awaken Ugandans who are ...

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Africa - Voice of America: S. African Double-Amputee to Compete in Olympics

Africa - Voice of America
S. African Double-Amputee to Compete in Olympics
Jul 4th 2012, 14:19

South African runner Oscar Pistorius is set to become the first amputee to compete in the Olympics. The South African Olympic committee said Wednesday that it had selected Pistorius, 25, a double amputee, to run in the individual 400 meters and the 4 X 400 relay. Pistorius is nicknamed "the Blade Runner" because he runs on carbon fiber blades. Pistorius expressed gratitude on the social networking site Twitter.  He tweeted, "Thank you to everyone that has made me the ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Somali Farmers Call for Help to Improve Production

Africa - Voice of America
Somali Farmers Call for Help to Improve Production
Jul 4th 2012, 15:16

BALAD, Somalia — Balad area in central Somalia is returning to normalcy after the farming town was liberated more than a week ago by African Union forces and Somali government soldiers. Now, residents in the town of Balad are ready to reclaim their livelihoods. For nearly five years al-Qaida linked group al-Shabab controlled Balad, 30 kilometers northeast of Mogadishu. ​​​​An area known for its agriculture, al-Shabab routinely extorted money from farmers in the Shabelle region to finance ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Millions Vote in Libya's 'Extraordinary' Elections

Africa - Voice of America
Millions Vote in Libya's 'Extraordinary' Elections
Jul 8th 2012, 01:16

Counting has begun as polls closed across Libya, many Libyans taking to the streets to celebrate even though results may not be announced for days. Voters streamed into polling stations in Tripoli and across Libya Saturday hoping the country's first multi-party elections in 60 years mark the start of a new era. In some parts of the capital crowds began gathering more than an hour before polling places opened. The electoral commission said the turnout could exceed 60 percent. In ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Sierra Leone's Free Maternal Care Eludes Many

Africa - Voice of America
Sierra Leone's Free Maternal Care Eludes Many
Jul 4th 2012, 15:15

FREETOWN, Sierra Leone — Up until two years ago, the maternal death rate in Sierra Leone was the highest in the world with 1 in 8 women dying during pregnancy or giving birth. That is when the Ministry of Health and Sanitation introduced free health care for lactating and pregnant women and children under the age of five. Despite successes, women are still having trouble accessing care in Sierra Leone.   Nurses tend to patients in the general hospital in the town of Makeni, in the ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Egypt's Morsi to Make Saudi Arabia His First Foreign Visit

Africa - Voice of America
Egypt's Morsi to Make Saudi Arabia His First Foreign Visit
Jul 8th 2012, 17:23

CAIRO - Egypt's new president Mohamed Morsi will make his first overseas trip to Saudi Arabia.  Analysts say his choice of a strong Sunni Muslim country with deep pockets is significant. President Morsi will visit the conservative Islamic kingdom of Saudi Arabia on Wednesday where he is expected to meet with King Abdullah as well as visit the holy city of Mecca where he will perform Umrah - a form of Muslim pilgrimage that can be performed any time during the year. Under ...

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Africa - Voice of America: George W. Bush Focuses On Quiet Service After Presidency

Africa - Voice of America
George W. Bush Focuses On Quiet Service After Presidency
Jul 4th 2012, 23:33

LUSAKA — Former President George W. Bush has kept a relatively low profile in the United States since leaving office.  But in Africa this week he is publicly promoting his institute's initiative to prevent and treat cervical cancer. While Bush is following a familiar post-presidential path in supporting humanitarian causes, he would prefer to focus on quiet service, to lead through example and hard work. He worked alongside other volunteers in Kabwe - Zambia's second-largest city ...

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Africa - Voice of America: UN Security Council Delays Decision on Mali Force

Africa - Voice of America
UN Security Council Delays Decision on Mali Force
Jul 5th 2012, 21:07

NEW YORK — The United Nations Security Council has endorsed mediation efforts in Mali by ECOWAS, the Economic Community of West African States. But it has postponed consideration of an ECOWAS intervention force. The 15-member Security Council on Thursday unanimously approved a resolution condemning what it calls the forcible seizure of power in March from the democratically elected government of Mali. The resolution reiterates the Council's full support for ECOWAS mediation efforts in Mali, ...

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Africa - Voice of America: In Zambia, Bush Joins Fight Against Cervical Cancer

Africa - Voice of America
In Zambia, Bush Joins Fight Against Cervical Cancer
Jul 3rd 2012, 23:49

LUSAKA — Former President George W. Bush is in Africa this week to promote cervical cancer detection and treatment programs for women, many of whom are living with HIV.  While Bush's tenure in office was marked by unpopular wars and what critics say were failed economic policies, since leaving office he has been quietly building upon his success as president in fighting AIDS in Africa. In Kabwe, Zambia's second largest city, former President George W. Bush and his wife Laura opened ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Libyans Hold Emotional Multi-Party Election, First in 60 Years

Africa - Voice of America
Libyans Hold Emotional Multi-Party Election, First in 60 Years
Jul 7th 2012, 10:24

TRIPOLI, Libya — Libyans filled with optimism went to the polls Saturday for their nation's first multi-party elections in 60 years.  It was an emotional moment for people who have lived through 42 years of dictatorship and a bloody revolution. Many young men were fighting the forces of Moammar Gaddhafi just nine months ago. Today, some of those same young men were presiding over a raucous intersection of celebratory horn honking, as Libyans headed to and from the voting stations. ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Central Africa Region Named World Heritage Site

Africa - Voice of America
Central Africa Region Named World Heritage Site
Jul 4th 2012, 16:02

A region in Central Africa with some of the last great populations of forest elephants, gorillas and chimpanzees has been declared a U.N. World Heritage Site. It consists of about 25,000 square kilometers spanning the Republic of Congo, Cameroon and Central African Republic. It's called the Sangha Tri-National Protected Area complex, also known by the French acronym TNS. It's formed by three contiguous national parks that are linked by the Sangha River. Wild Heart James Deutsch, director ...

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Africa - Voice of America: S. Sudan Prepares for 1st Independence Anniversary

Africa - Voice of America
S. Sudan Prepares for 1st Independence Anniversary
Jul 6th 2012, 14:12

JUBA, South Sudan—After breaking away from Sudan last year, South Sudan is getting ready for its first independence anniversary celebrations. After a year marked by fighting with Sudan, corruption scandals and economic difficulties, many are looking forward to the big day. Across Juba, people are working around the clock to prepare the city for South Sudan's first ever Independence Day anniversary.  Over the past week, streets have been swept, fresh paint has been applied and trees ...

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Africa - Voice of America: N. Nigeria City Fears Both Police Brutality and Boko Haram

Africa - Voice of America
N. Nigeria City Fears Both Police Brutality and Boko Haram
Jul 6th 2012, 16:52

KANO, Nigeria — Attacks and suicide-bombings are multiplying in northern Nigeria after the Islamist group Boko Haram re-emerged on the scene in 2009. The group - which aims to establish Islamic law (Sharia) - is believed to be responsible for more than 1,000 deaths in the past few years.  In Kano, one of the largest cities in the Muslim-dominated north, the population lives in constant fear. Scenes of chaos have become the norm in Kano.  Attacks and security raids are daily ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Animal-to-Human Disease Cycle Widening

Africa - Voice of America
Animal-to-Human Disease Cycle Widening
Jul 5th 2012, 16:34

Nearly two-and-a-half billion people become ill every year from diseases transmitted from animals. Most are in low- and middle-income countries. A new study lists the top geographical hotspots for these diseases, including the United States. Of the billions infected every year, more than two million die from diseases called zoonoses. "Zoonoses are diseases which are transmitted between animals and people. A majority of human diseases are actually zoonotic. More than 60 percent of human ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Malians Wonder What Another Summit Will Achieve

Africa - Voice of America
Malians Wonder What Another Summit Will Achieve
Jul 7th 2012, 16:52

West African heads of state met Saturday in Ouagadougou with representatives of Malian political parties and other civil society groups to talk about the way forward in Mali. However, many Malians are skeptical about what will come out of yet another meeting held outside Mali to decide the country's future.   The Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) says it wants to create a more "broad-based" transitional government in Mali, although it is not clear whether this means ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Family Planning Faces Hurdles in Uganda

Africa - Voice of America
Family Planning Faces Hurdles in Uganda
Jul 5th 2012, 12:27

KANUNGU, Uganda — As world leaders prepare for this month's Global Family Planning Summit in London, many developing countries are struggling to control their population growth. Local authorities say they are trying to bring down the birth rate for the sake of the country's future. Hight birth rate Last year, Editha Tumwebaze became pregnant with her ninth child. In her village in the western part of Uganda, a country with the world's second highest birth rate, her case is not unusual. The ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Hammers Replace Bullets as Mogadishu Rebuilds

Africa - Voice of America
Hammers Replace Bullets as Mogadishu Rebuilds
Jul 6th 2012, 16:40

MOGADISHU — The emergence of peace in Somalia's capital, Mogadishu, has shaped the city for the better, giving it a new face. Residents are returning to and restoring their bullet-ridden homes and businesses after years of living in makeshift camps scattered in and out of the city.  The sound of hammers has replaced the sound of machine guns in the streets of Mogadishu. Construction is going on everywhere for new homes, hotels and shopping malls.  Businesses are thriving, government ...

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Africa - Voice of America: South Sudan Looks Ahead After Rough First Year

Africa - Voice of America
South Sudan Looks Ahead After Rough First Year
Jul 7th 2012, 16:42

JUBA — South Sudan celebrates its first birthday on July 9.  The country's first year was a tumultuous one that saw renewed fighting with former civil war foe Sudan and the shutdown of oil production.  The new nation has failed to live up to the hopes and dreams of a war-weary population which lives in widespread poverty.  Last year on July 9, the country was filled with euphoria when South Sudan split from the north after almost 50 years of war.  The excitement was ...

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Africa - Voice of America: US Ambassador to Kenya: 'Truth' About Resignation Yet to Come

Africa - Voice of America
US Ambassador to Kenya: 'Truth' About Resignation Yet to Come
Jul 4th 2012, 17:48

NAIROBI, Kenya - Last Friday, U.S. ambassador to Kenya Scott Gration announced his resignation, citing "differences with Washington."  He spoke again Wednesday, during an American Independence Day celebration at his official residence - the event also seeming to serve as his farewell party.  His comments suggest that more details are yet to be revealed about his departure.  Ambassador Scott Gration spoke at an American 4th of July celebration in Nairobi. He was expected to ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Libyan Candidates Seek Islam, Moderation

Africa - Voice of America
Libyan Candidates Seek Islam, Moderation
Jul 6th 2012, 19:13

TRIPOLI—More than 1,400 people are running for the 200 seats at stake in Saturday's National Assembly election in Libya - the country's first multiparty election in 60 years. There is a lot of enthusiasm about the elections on the streets of Tripoli. Khaled Zaarug, an engineer and banker and a member of the Muslim Brotherhood for more than 30 years - including eight spent in prison - is among 138 candidates for six seats allocated to his neighborhood. "This is one of the ...

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