Thursday, August 30, 2012

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Africa - Voice of America: Zambia Opposition Unhappy with Government ‘Intimidation’ Tactic

Africa - Voice of America
Zambia Opposition Unhappy with Government 'Intimidation' Tactic
Aug 31st 2012, 01:34

The leader of Zambia's opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) says the government is using state security agencies to intimidate party supporters and needs to stop the practice. Hakainde Hichilema said President Michael Sata's government is intolerant of dissenting views. "This is a clear demonstration by the ruling party that they are intolerant to people with diverging views," said Hichilema. "Secondly, it is a clear affront against democracy. "They will like to silence ...

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USA - Voice of America: Romney to Call for Restoring 'The Promise of America' in Speech

USA - Voice of America
Romney to Call for Restoring 'The Promise of America' in Speech
Aug 31st 2012, 01:03

U. S. Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney will pledge to "restore the Promise of America" when he takes the stage to accept his party's nomination Thursday night. Aides have been touting Thursday's address to the Republican National Convention, and to millions of American watching at home on television, as the speech of Mr. Romney's life. In excerpts of his speech released to the media, Mr. Romney says "I wish President Obama had succeeded because I want ...

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USA - Voice of America: Isaac Causes Minor Damage to New Orleans

USA - Voice of America
Isaac Causes Minor Damage to New Orleans
Aug 30th 2012, 23:27

NEW ORLEANS — Tropical storm Isaac moved away from New Orleans Thursday, causing only minor damage, but flooded areas outside the city, triggering evacuations and rescue operations as waters quickly rose. North and south of New Orleans the storm left hundreds of homes under water.  Fears of an imminent failure of a dam in Mississippi prompted authorities to order the immediate evacuation of 60,000 residents in nearby communities in both Louisiana and Mississippi. Thousands of people ...

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USA - Voice of America: Republican Convention Builds Towards Climax

USA - Voice of America
Republican Convention Builds Towards Climax
Aug 30th 2012, 21:25

TAMPA, Fla. — The Republican National Convention is building Thursday toward its climactic final hour when presidential candidate Mitt Romney will accept the party's nomination in the most important speech of his career.  Reactions to Wednesday night's program have focused on a speech by Romney's running mate, Wisconsin Congressman Paul Ryan.  But foreign policy also had a prominent role. On the convention floor, the crowd erupted in cheers as Paul Ryan blasted President ...

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USA - Voice of America: Republicans Confident After Convention

USA - Voice of America
Republicans Confident After Convention
Aug 30th 2012, 22:58

TAMPA — U.S. Republicans hope their national convention this week in Florida will give presidential candidate Mitt Romney a major boost in what is expected to be a closely fought election campaign between now and November 6.  Mother Nature threw the Republicans off-message at the start of their convention as Tropical Storm Isaac made its way into the Gulf of Mexico. But the convention mood improved as the week went on, says Florida Congressman Dennis Ross. "We started off Monday ...

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Africa - Voice of America: South African Miners Charged in Police Shootings of Strikers

Africa - Voice of America
South African Miners Charged in Police Shootings of Strikers
Aug 30th 2012, 20:46

South African prosecutors have charged 270 miners with the murders of 34 colleagues killed by police during a strike - a decision some South Africans call "madness." Authorities are using an obscure statute called the common purpose law, under which people in a crowd where a crime was committeed can be prosecuted as accomplices. The law has not been used in South Africa since apartheid ended almost 20 years ago. Under the law, the miners would be blamed for the deaths even though ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Maldives Commission: Former President Not Ousted in Coup

Asia - Voice of America
Maldives Commission: Former President Not Ousted in Coup
Aug 30th 2012, 19:28

An internationally-backed commission has determined that the former president of Maldives was not ousted in a coup and instead said the transfer of power was "legal and constitutional." Former President Mohamed Nasheed, the country's first democratically elected leader, said he was forced to resign at gunpoint following a coup in February of this year.  But in a report released Thursday, the Maldives' Commission of National Inquiry said Nasheed's resignation was ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Report: Three Eritrean Journalists Die in Prison

Africa - Voice of America
Report: Three Eritrean Journalists Die in Prison
Aug 30th 2012, 18:45

A new report says three Eritrean journalists have died at a harsh prison camp after years in detention. Media advocacy group Reporters Without Borders says an investigation confirmed that journalists Dawit Habtemichael, Mattewos Habteab and Wedi Itay all died in the prison camp of Eiraeiro. The Paris-based group says the three men had been held since late 2001, when Eritrean officials arrested prominent journalists during a crackdown on independent media. Reporters Without Borders says it ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Ex-SEAL Offers Firsthand Account of Bin Laden Death

Asia - Voice of America
Ex-SEAL Offers Firsthand Account of Bin Laden Death
Aug 30th 2012, 18:13

A new first-person account of the U.S. commando raid that killed Osama bin Laden says the al-Qaida leader was unarmed and shot in a doorway, a description dissimilar from the official version of what happened last year in Pakistan.  The Obama administration has maintained that members of the elite U.S. Navy SEALs force confronted bin Laden in his bedroom last May and killed him with a shot to the chest and another above the left eye after assuming that he was reaching for a weapon.  ...

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USA - Voice of America: US, Japanese Astronauts Space Walk to Conduct ISS Maintenance

USA - Voice of America
US, Japanese Astronauts Space Walk to Conduct ISS Maintenance
Aug 30th 2012, 17:58

U.S. astronaut Sunita Williams and Japanese astronaut Akihiko Hoshide are conducting a more than six-hour space walk to conduct maintenance work outside the International Space Station. Among the tasks they are performing while in space, the astronauts will replace a faulty power relay, rig power cables for a Russian laboratory module due next year and replace a failing robotic arm camera. This is the fifth space walk for Williams, a NASA flight engineer. Hoshide is conducting his first ...

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USA - Voice of America: Ex-SEAL Offers Firsthand Account of Bin Laden Death

USA - Voice of America
Ex-SEAL Offers Firsthand Account of Bin Laden Death
Aug 30th 2012, 18:13

A new first-person account of the U.S. commando raid that killed Osama bin Laden says the al-Qaida leader was unarmed and shot in a doorway, a description dissimilar from the official version of what happened last year in Pakistan.  The Obama administration has maintained that members of the elite U.S. Navy SEALs force confronted bin Laden in his bedroom last May and killed him with a shot to the chest and another above the left eye after assuming that he was reaching for a weapon.  ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Zimbabwe Court Hands Mugabe Victory on By-Election Delay

Africa - Voice of America
Zimbabwe Court Hands Mugabe Victory on By-Election Delay
Aug 30th 2012, 18:23

HARARE — A court in Zimbabwe has a granted President Robert Mugabe's request to extend a deadline to call for elections to fill nearly 200 parliamentary and municipal seats.  Earlier this week, Mugabe asked the court for more time to generate the money needed to run the vote.   Mugabe was given until the first of October to organize the by-election by High Court Judge Justice George Chiweshe.  Advocate Ray Goba, who represented the president, leader of the ZANU-PF ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Will Togo Sex Strike Work?

Africa - Voice of America
Will Togo Sex Strike Work?
Aug 30th 2012, 17:13

LONDON — Women in the civil rights group "Let's Save Togo"  planned a sex strike this week to demand the resignation of President Faure Gnassingbe.  By withholding sex from their husbands they hope to nudge Togo's men to take action against Gnassingbe.  The move has raised questions about the future of women's equality in Africa. At a rally last weekend, Jean-Pierre Fabre, the leader of the opposition party, the National Alliance for Change, called for the ...

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Africa - Voice of America: SPLM-North Maps Strategy at South Kordofan Meeting

Africa - Voice of America
SPLM-North Maps Strategy at South Kordofan Meeting
Aug 30th 2012, 17:59

Sudanese armed forces continue to bomb parts of South Kordofan and Blue Nile state, charging that civilians are harboring rebels, who have been fighting Khartoum for more than a year. Leaders of the Sudan People Liberation Movement North (SPLM-North) held a meeting in South Kordorfan earlier this week with civil administrators from areas in South Kordofan and Blue Nile State that are under their control.  American Ryan Boyette lives in South Kordofan.  He worked for an NGO there, ...

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Asia - Voice of America: US, Japanese Astronauts Space Walk to Conduct ISS Maintenance

Asia - Voice of America
US, Japanese Astronauts Space Walk to Conduct ISS Maintenance
Aug 30th 2012, 17:58

U.S. astronaut Sunita Williams and Japanese astronaut Akihiko Hoshide are conducting a more than six-hour space walk to conduct maintenance work outside the International Space Station. Among the tasks they are performing while in space, the astronauts will replace a faulty power relay, rig power cables for a Russian laboratory module due next year and replace a failing robotic arm camera. This is the fifth space walk for Williams, a NASA flight engineer. Hoshide is conducting his first ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Fighting Between Militants, Troops Rages in Pakistan

Asia - Voice of America
Fighting Between Militants, Troops Rages in Pakistan
Aug 30th 2012, 17:19

Pakistani officials say at least eight militants have been killed in northwest Pakistan, as security forces continue to target militant hideouts. Fighting continued for another day in the Bajaur tribal agency Thursday. The day before, authorities said at least three soldiers and six militants were killed in clashes there. Meanwhile, senior Pakistani intelligence officials, who did not give their names, confirmed to the Associated Press that a top commander of the militant Haqqani network, ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Nigeria Introduces New Currencies

Economy - Voice of America
Nigeria Introduces New Currencies
Aug 30th 2012, 15:41

Early next year Nigeria will introduce a 5,000 Naira bill, worth just over $30, and introduce coins to the economy. Officials say the move will save the country millions of dollars but some analysts say the larger bills will increase corruption.   Modern countries need coins, says the Central Bank of Nigeria. The bank is revamping its currency to keep up with the times. Director of Corporate Communications, Ugo Okoroafor says Nigeria is moving into a new era. "Let's not look at ...

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USA - Voice of America: Former Republican Challenger Gingrich to Support Romney

USA - Voice of America
Former Republican Challenger Gingrich to Support Romney
Aug 30th 2012, 16:00

Former U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Newt Gingrich is among those who will address the Republican National Convention on Thursday, ahead of presidential nominee Mitt Romney. Gingrich challenged Romney in the race for president and, at one point, accused the former Massachusetts governor of lying and running a negative campaign. The former House speaker won primaries in South Carolina and Georgia before ending his race for the White House in May. Gingrich, a long-time conservative ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Dakar Rights Activists Rally Against Gambian Executions

Africa - Voice of America
Dakar Rights Activists Rally Against Gambian Executions
Aug 30th 2012, 17:05

Senegal has joined the international chorus condemning Gambia's execution of nine death row inmates, two of whom were Senegalese.  The incident has further strained the neighbors' already turbulent relationship.  In Dakar, human rights activists rallied outside the Gambian High Commission Thursday to call on authorities to suspend all capital punishment. Dozens crowded the narrow street outside the Commission, Thursday. Their message: Gambia's President Yahya Jammeh is a ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Nigeria Introduces New Currencies

Africa - Voice of America
Nigeria Introduces New Currencies
Aug 30th 2012, 15:41

Early next year Nigeria will introduce a 5,000 Naira bill, worth just over $30, and introduce coins to the economy. Officials say the move will save the country millions of dollars but some analysts say the larger bills will increase corruption.   Modern countries need coins, says the Central Bank of Nigeria. The bank is revamping its currency to keep up with the times. Director of Corporate Communications, Ugo Okoroafor says Nigeria is moving into a new era. "Let's not look at ...

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USA - Voice of America: Spotlight Focuses on Romney's Mormon Faith

USA - Voice of America
Spotlight Focuses on Romney's Mormon Faith
Aug 30th 2012, 15:10

Mitt Romney is the first member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints to be nominated for president by a major party. But Mormonism, as the faith is commonly called, is a mystery to many Americans. He's a mayor, and a Mormon -- but Mike Winder of West Valley City likes to have other spiritual leaders give the invocation at council meetings. Sikhs were invited after a massacre at one of their temples in Wisconsin. "I was touched because of that tragedy to think more ...

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USA - Voice of America: Republican Romney to Make Pitch for Presidency

USA - Voice of America
Republican Romney to Make Pitch for Presidency
Aug 30th 2012, 15:57

Mitt Romney takes the stage Thursday at the Republican National Convention to make his case for why he should be elected the next president of the United States. The Republican party nominee will address those at the convention in Tampa, Florida, and millions watching on television, following days of speeches by party heavyweights aimed at showing how he would govern differently than U.S. President Barack Obama. The speech will also give Romney — a one-time venture capitalist and former ...

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Asia - Voice of America: No Bail Set for Pakistani Girl Accused of Blasphemy

Asia - Voice of America
No Bail Set for Pakistani Girl Accused of Blasphemy
Aug 30th 2012, 15:00

A Pakistani judge has delayed bail proceedings for a Christian girl accused of blasphemy, a charge punishable by death in Pakistan. Rimsha Masih was taken into custody earlier this month after angry neighbors surrounded her house in Islamabad and accused her of burning pages inscribed with verses from the Quran. Some say she was burning papers from the garbage for cooking. On Thursday, a lawyer representing the accuser challenged a medical report released earlier this week that said the ...

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USA - Voice of America: Twin Satellites Launched to Study Earth's Radiation Belts

USA - Voice of America
Twin Satellites Launched to Study Earth's Radiation Belts
Aug 30th 2012, 13:41

Two U.S. satellites designed to study the radiation belts hovering above the Earth's atmosphere were successfully launched into orbit on Thursday. The twins began a two-year, $686-million mission when they blasted off before dawn aboard an unmanned rocket at the U.S. spaceport Cape Canaveral, Florida.  The probes will determine how the identical belts, composed of electrically charged particles from the sun and deep space, are affected by energy disturbances that cause them to ...

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USA - Voice of America: US Presidential Candidates Court Young Voters

USA - Voice of America
US Presidential Candidates Court Young Voters
Aug 30th 2012, 12:13

A key voting bloc in President Barack Obama's victory four years ago was the youth vote. But his Democratic Party is finding it harder to energize young voters this time around. Young citizens are also beset by economic problems, which Republicans at their national convention say their presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, can fix. While Republicans convened in Tampa Wednesday, President Obama spoke to cheering students at the University of Virginia. "Don't just chant, you got ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Small-Scale Irrigation Nets Large-Scale Payoff

Africa - Voice of America
Small-Scale Irrigation Nets Large-Scale Payoff
Aug 30th 2012, 13:01

A new study shows small-scale irrigation systems could boost farmers' incomes by billions of dollars in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. The research was discussed at the World Water Week conference in Stockholm. The study comes from the International Water Management Institute, winner of this year's Stockholm Water Prize. It said small-scale irrigation systems can protect millions of farmers from the effects of climate change and help ensure food security. The institute said food prices ...

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