Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Africa - Voice of America: US: Sudan Should Accept Plan for Demilitarized Zone with South Sudan

Africa - Voice of America
US: Sudan Should Accept Plan for Demilitarized Zone with South Sudan
Aug 21st 2012, 23:18

STATE DEPARTMENT — The United States says it is time that Sudan accept an African Union plan to pull back troops from both sides of its contentious border with South Sudan. Officials say that could help move forward an agreement to restore oil exports. Demilitarizing the border between Sudan and South Sudan starts with agreeing on a map drawn up by the African Union to demarcate the division between the countries. South Sudan has accepted the map. Sudan has not. "Once that is accepted, ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Ghanaian Traditional Ruler Cautions Against Campaign Insults

Africa - Voice of America
Ghanaian Traditional Ruler Cautions Against Campaign Insults
Aug 22nd 2012, 00:27

In Ghana, the Omanhene (king) of the New Juaben Traditional Area has called on Ghanaians to reject politicians who insult their opponents in the campaigns leading up to the scheduled December general election. Daasebre Oti Boateng, who is also president of the Eastern Regional House of Chiefs, says the country needs to keep the peace in order to strengthen Ghana's democratic process. "Unless and until there is peace and tranquility in the body politic, we cannot progress. Going forward does ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Mental Health Services Absent for Traumatized South Sudanese

Africa - Voice of America
Mental Health Services Absent for Traumatized South Sudanese
Aug 21st 2012, 21:51

JUBA, South Sudan — South Sudan emerged as a nation in July 2011 after almost five decades of civil war with the north. But despite its bloody history, the country does not have a single psychiatrist and no option but to sedate or imprison the masses suffering from post-war trauma. At Juba's military hospital, the walking wounded often have scars that cannot be seen. Psychologist Amasi Ibrahim Adam says that she sees many fighters with post-traumatic-stress disorder. "Most of the cases ...

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USA - Voice of America: Candidate's Rape Comment Rekindles US Abortion Debate

USA - Voice of America
Candidate's Rape Comment Rekindles US Abortion Debate
Aug 21st 2012, 22:05

A U.S. Republican lawmaker's statement this week that "legitimate rape" rarely causes pregnancy has pushed the abortion debate to the forefront of the U.S. presidential race. Republicans, including presidential contender Mitt Romney, are doing their best to distance themselves from the controversy.  Akin's explanation for why he opposes abortion, even in the case of rape, drew widespread outrage from both Democrats and Republicans, with many describing Akin's ...

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Economy - Voice of America: UN Urges Countries to Develop National Drought Policies

Economy - Voice of America
UN Urges Countries to Develop National Drought Policies
Aug 21st 2012, 16:37

GENEVA — The World Meteorological Organization warns that climate change is projected to increase the frequency, intensity, and duration of droughts. The U.N. agency said stronger national drought policies are urgently needed to lessen the devastating impacts of this recurring natural disaster. Several regions of the world are experiencing severe drought. The United States is in the grips of one of the worst in more than a century. World Meteorological Organization Climate Prediction and ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Ethiopian Airlines Takes Possession of Dreamliner

Economy - Voice of America
Ethiopian Airlines Takes Possession of Dreamliner
Aug 21st 2012, 21:00

ADDIS ABABA — Ethiopian Airlines is the first African carrier to own the Boeing 787 Dreamliner. The aircraft, loaded with all the latest features in technology and comfort, has landed in Ethiopia. Ethiopian Airlines is now the proud owner of the Dreamliner.  The Boeing 787 arrived from Washington this week and was welcomed by many high government officials, diplomats and business executives.  Ethiopian Airlines is first outside Japan to receive the aircraft. The flag carrier of ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Ethiopian Airlines Takes Possession of Dreamliner

Africa - Voice of America
Ethiopian Airlines Takes Possession of Dreamliner
Aug 21st 2012, 21:00

ADDIS ABABA — Ethiopian Airlines is the first African carrier to own the Boeing 787 Dreamliner. The aircraft, loaded with all the latest features in technology and comfort, has landed in Ethiopia. Ethiopian Airlines is now the proud owner of the Dreamliner.  The Boeing 787 arrived from Washington this week and was welcomed by many high government officials, diplomats and business executives.  Ethiopian Airlines is first outside Japan to receive the aircraft. The flag carrier of ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Ethiopia's Deputy PM Takes Over After Meles' Death

Africa - Voice of America
Ethiopia's Deputy PM Takes Over After Meles' Death
Aug 21st 2012, 21:26

Ethiopia's deputy prime minister, Hailemariam Desalegne, has become the country's acting leader after the death of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi.  He is the first Protestant Christian head of government in the history of Ethiopia, and one of few southern region politicians in the Cabinet. The 47-year-old politician was appointed deputy prime minister and minister of foreign affairs in September 2010, after the ruling Ethiopian Peoples' Revolutionary Democratic Front won a ...

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USA - Voice of America: 9/11 Victims' Families Watch Closely as Guantanamo Hearings Begin

USA - Voice of America
9/11 Victims' Families Watch Closely as Guantanamo Hearings Begin
Aug 21st 2012, 19:38

JERSEY CITY, New Jersey — Hearings are getting under way at U.S. Naval Base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, ahead of the trial of five suspects accused of masterminding the September 11th attacks. The process is expected to be a long and tedious one and the start of the trial is several months away. The families of victims are watching closely. The trial will happen far away - in both time and distance - from the destruction of September 11th, 2001.  Judi Jackson Reiss lost her 23-year-old ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Young Kenyan Artists Face Tough Market

Africa - Voice of America
Young Kenyan Artists Face Tough Market
Aug 21st 2012, 17:35

NAIROBI — Contemporary art in Kenya is facing challenges. Art education in schools is lacking, and the art market, dominated by tourists and expatriates, tends to stifle experimentation. Despite this, two young artists are producing innovative work, encouraged by an unusual art gallery. At the Kuona Trust, a visual arts center in a Nairobi suburb, artists work out of converted shipping containers.   Kuona's mission is to provide opportunities for its artists to produce world-class ...

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Africa - Voice of America: South Africa Mine Shooting Could Spell Political Woes

Africa - Voice of America
South Africa Mine Shooting Could Spell Political Woes
Aug 21st 2012, 18:20

JOHANNESBURG — South Africa is just beginning to come to grips with the consequences of a deadly clash between police and striking workers at a platinum mine. Observers and politicians say the incident last Thursday, in which police shot and killed 34 people, could cause political turmoil - and some soul-searching.  When South African police shot and killed dozens of angry, protesting miners last week, two political leaders rushed to the scene. Predictably, one of them was President ...

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Africa - Voice of America: South Sudan Civil Servants Waiting for Paychecks

Africa - Voice of America
South Sudan Civil Servants Waiting for Paychecks
Aug 21st 2012, 18:44

South Sudan's ministry of finance says the country has enough money to keep the government running for the next few months. The country's economy saw a serious meltdown after the shutdown of the oil sector and there have been widespread fears that the country could soon run out of funds. The Ministry of Finance has not paid July salaries to the nation's civil servants. The Deputy Minister of Finance, Dr. Marial Awou Yol, said the delay was nothing more than a technical glitch.  "We had ...

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USA - Voice of America: Nyad Abandons US-Cuba Swim

USA - Voice of America
Nyad Abandons US-Cuba Swim
Aug 21st 2012, 12:49

A 62-year-old woman who was trying to become the first person to swim from Cuba to Florida without a shark cage has abandoned her effort. Veteran U.S. long distance swimmer Diana Nyad was pulled from the water on Tuesday, after battling jellyfish stings and a storm that forced her off course.  Her crew says she was about half-way through the 166-kilometer swim. Nyad set out from Havana on Saturday in her fourth bid to swim across the Straits of Florida.  She had hoped to arrive in ...

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USA - Voice of America: As Conventions Near Debate Continues on Same-Sex Marriage

USA - Voice of America
As Conventions Near Debate Continues on Same-Sex Marriage
Aug 21st 2012, 16:28

NEW YORK — Business in Nic Faitos' Manhattan flower shop is, well, blossoming - up by nearly 20 percent since last year, when the state of New York approved same-sex marriage. New York is one of only six American states to have legalized gay marriage.  "Every vendor who provides any kind of service to weddings, all the way from catering halls, venues, taxi drivers,  limo drivers shuttling people back and forth to the airports; everybody that is a … photographers … anybody that is at ...

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USA - Voice of America: Dallas Attacks West Nile Virus by Land, Air

USA - Voice of America
Dallas Attacks West Nile Virus by Land, Air
Aug 21st 2012, 17:46

DALLAS — Officials in Dallas, Texas, have stepped up efforts to combat West Nile virus after the deaths of 10 people there.     West Nile has struck all over the continental United States in recent weeks, but Dallas has been the hardest hit. Officials there are fumigating on the ground and in the air, targeting specific mosquitoes which spread the disease.   The aerial and ground fumigation programs are blanketing around 1,400 square kilometers of the county, but ...

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Asia - Voice of America: UN Urges Countries to Develop National Drought Policies

Asia - Voice of America
UN Urges Countries to Develop National Drought Policies
Aug 21st 2012, 16:37

GENEVA — The World Meteorological Organization warns that climate change is projected to increase the frequency, intensity, and duration of droughts. The U.N. agency said stronger national drought policies are urgently needed to lessen the devastating impacts of this recurring natural disaster. Several regions of the world are experiencing severe drought. The United States is in the grips of one of the worst in more than a century. World Meteorological Organization Climate Prediction and ...

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Economy - Voice of America: German Growth Offers Lifeline for Euro

Economy - Voice of America
German Growth Offers Lifeline for Euro
Aug 21st 2012, 18:04

BERLIN — As the music booms from his new range of top-end speakers in the testing suite, Dieter Burmester allows himself a little dance. From its headquarters in Berlin, the company that bears his name produces audio equipment that retails for many thousands of dollars.  It is found in luxury homes across the world and in Porsche and Bugatti cars. Last quarter, the German economy showed modest growth amid an ongoing Eurozone crisis that continues to drag down the economies of southern ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Africans Ponder Future After Ethiopian Prime Minister's Death

Africa - Voice of America
Africans Ponder Future After Ethiopian Prime Minister's Death
Aug 21st 2012, 16:20

NAIROBI — News of the death of long-time Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi shocked many people throughout Africa. Known for turning his country into one of the continent's fastest growing economies as well as for his dubious record on human rights, Meles was in power for 21 years. His death triggered broad speculation about the future for for Ethiopia and its neighbors. At age 57, Prime Minister Meles Zenawi died Monday evening after a prolonged illness, according to government ...

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Africa - Voice of America: HRW Report: Ugandan Civil Society Under Attack

Africa - Voice of America
HRW Report: Ugandan Civil Society Under Attack
Aug 21st 2012, 16:20

Threats and intimidation of civil society groups is on the rise in Uganda, according to a new report by Human Rights Watch.  The Ugandan government has been stepping up harassment of non-governmental organizations and civil society organizations, according to a report by Human Rights Watch.  The watchdog group claims organizations dealing with governance, land rights, oil and homosexual rights are increasingly under attack by Ugandan officials. The report, called "Curtailing ...

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Americas - Voice of America: UN Urges Countries to Develop National Drought Policies

Americas - Voice of America
UN Urges Countries to Develop National Drought Policies
Aug 21st 2012, 16:37

GENEVA — The World Meteorological Organization warns that climate change is projected to increase the frequency, intensity, and duration of droughts. The U.N. agency said stronger national drought policies are urgently needed to lessen the devastating impacts of this recurring natural disaster. Several regions of the world are experiencing severe drought. The United States is in the grips of one of the worst in more than a century. World Meteorological Organization Climate Prediction and ...

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USA - Voice of America: Political Conventions Aim to Energize Party Faithful

USA - Voice of America
Political Conventions Aim to Energize Party Faithful
Aug 21st 2012, 17:15

Every four years in the United States, national political party conventions are held to officially introduce the presidential nominees to Americans. Early conventions were often governed by backroom negotiations to choose the nominees for the Democratic and Republican parties. But now they are mainly ceremonial. And some question the need to hold them any more.  Just like a whistle that starts a soccer match, the conventions signal it's time for the real game to begin. This high ...

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USA - Voice of America: Conventions Loom as Test for US Presidential Candidates

USA - Voice of America
Conventions Loom as Test for US Presidential Candidates
Aug 21st 2012, 17:16

The next phase of the U.S. presidential campaign is about to begin with the Republican and Democratic conventions.  Republicans will meet in Tampa, Florida, beginning on Monday, August 27, to formally nominate Mitt Romney. Democrats gather in Charlotte, North Carolina the following week to nominate President Barack Obama for a second term.  Negative ads from both sides blanket the TV airwaves and the candidates are taking it personally. "The other side has decided that ...

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Africa - Voice of America: DRC Confirms Ebola Outbreak

Africa - Voice of America
DRC Confirms Ebola Outbreak
Aug 21st 2012, 15:16

KINSHASA — The Democratic Republic of Congo DRC has confirmed an outbreak of Ebola fever in the northeast of the country. The announcement follows confirmation of an outbreak of the incurable disease in Uganda last month. DRC Health Minister Felix Kabange Numbi confirmed the Ebola outbreak in the Orientale Province.   Kabange says they had been monitoring several suspected cases of Ebola in Isiro in Haut Uele district in the past few weeks. Several blood samples tested positive ...

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Asia - Voice of America: In Australia, Brain Power Fuels Emotion-Driven Music

Asia - Voice of America
In Australia, Brain Power Fuels Emotion-Driven Music
Aug 21st 2012, 14:29

SYDNEY – A team of Australian researchers is tapping into the nerves and bodies of volunteers to create a raw musical performance driven purely by emotions.  In a world first, the data is fed into special software, which will create music that will be played by small robots.  The research team comprises a neurophysiologist, a roboticist and an artist.    What sound does a singing body make?   To measure these inner feelings,  Sydney researchers are carefully ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Spokesman: Ethiopia PM's Death No Cause for Worry

Africa - Voice of America
Spokesman: Ethiopia PM's Death No Cause for Worry
Aug 21st 2012, 15:00

Ethiopia's communications minister says there is "no worry" about the country's future after the death of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, who ruled Ethiopia for more than 20 years. Minister Bereket Simon told VOA Somali Service the leadership is united and the government is "strong as ever." He rejected concerns about a power vacuum. "The policies, the strategies, that have enabled us to register massive growth are in place," he said. "The party is ...

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USA - Voice of America: Romney Surges Ahead of Obama in Campaign Fundraising

USA - Voice of America
Romney Surges Ahead of Obama in Campaign Fundraising
Aug 21st 2012, 13:40

The campaign of presumptive Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has a huge lead over President Barack Obama's campaign when it comes to money. According to Federal Election Commission reports filed Monday, Romney and the Republicans raised $101 million in July, compared with $75 million raised last month by  Obama and the Democrats. The Republicans had a total of $186 million in cash on hand, funds that are immediately available, while the Democrats had $124 million. ...

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