Monday, July 2, 2012

Africa - Voice of America: Liberian President’s Party Members Demand Jobs

Africa - Voice of America
Liberian President's Party Members Demand Jobs
Jul 3rd 2012, 05:09

Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf told members of her ruling Unity Party not to be used by those within the party who, she said, wish to advance their own political interests.  Some party members have called on Sirleaf to resign from the party because she has not done enough to provide jobs to party members. They reportedly want her to provide 2,000 scholarships and 300 jobs to members of the ruling party.  Jerolinmek Piah, Sirleaf press secretary, said, when it comes to ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Burundi Pilot Plans Global Flight for Orphans

Africa - Voice of America
Burundi Pilot Plans Global Flight for Orphans
Jul 2nd 2012, 20:24

Bruce Nishimwe, a licensed pilot who works as a restaurant manager has a dream to become the first African-born black flyer to circle the globe. But, that's not all. He also wants to give something back to his home country, Burundi. So, Nishimwe has partnered with Burundi Orphan Relief to help raise money that will sponsor his flight, as well as raise money for the non-profit in order to build a facility in Burundi. When he completes the journey the aircraft will be named Burundi ...

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USA - Voice of America: Hawaii's Birds Threatened by Invasive Predators, Habitat Loss

USA - Voice of America
Hawaii's Birds Threatened by Invasive Predators, Habitat Loss
Jul 2nd 2012, 23:20

On the U.S. Pacific island state of Hawaii, an invasive predator is threatening many native bird species with extinction.  The predator is the mongoose, a non-native mammal introduced to the island chain over a century ago to control rats in the sugar cane fields.   Now, environmental groups say, it's the mongoose that's out of control, feeding on the eggs and chicks of the island's many ground-nesting birds, including several endangered species that lay just one egg ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Mass Protest Challenges New Hong Kong Leader

Asia - Voice of America
Mass Protest Challenges New Hong Kong Leader
Jul 2nd 2012, 21:42

Hong Kong's new leader, Leung Chun-ying, has had a turbulent start to his five-year term, with more than 100,000 people joining an anti-government rally just hours after he took office. The mass demonstration is one of several major problems facing Leung as he tries to build his administration. Hong Kong's annual July 1 protest march from the city's Victoria Park to the government headquarters was the biggest of its kind in the semi-autonomous Chinese region since 2004. Local ...

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USA - Voice of America: US Record Heat Wave to Continue This Week

USA - Voice of America
US Record Heat Wave to Continue This Week
Jul 2nd 2012, 20:41

Weather forecasters say a record heat wave baking the eastern United States will continue at least through this week. The heat is especially hard on more than two million people who remain without power in the region, following severe storms late Friday that toppled trees and cut off energy supplies. At least 20 deaths have been blamed so far on those storms and the extreme heat that has followed, and there are concerns that others, especially the sick and elderly, may be at risk. Power ...

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USA - Voice of America: Downtown Art Walk Provides New View of Los Angeles

USA - Voice of America
Downtown Art Walk Provides New View of Los Angeles
Jul 2nd 2012, 18:47

LOS ANGELES — Central Los Angeles is undergoing a renaissance - at least one night every month. It is both a party - and an artistic pilgrimage.  One evening each month, nearly 50 downtown galleries open their doors to thousands of visitors who sample the local art scene on a self-guided tour. Artist and gallery owner Noboru Mishima shows art by Californians inspired by Asian themes.    "Most of the people are very interested in Japanese culture…," Mishima said. At a ...

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USA - Voice of America: Movies About Human Rights Screened in New York

USA - Voice of America
Movies About Human Rights Screened in New York
Jul 2nd 2012, 19:05

NEW YORK — The international human rights organization Human Rights Watch sponsors an annual film festival in London, Toronto and several American cities.  Its goal is to call attention to oppression and injustice in the world. Twenty of the last 23 annual Human Rights Watch film festivals in New York have been held in the Walter Reade Theatre at the prestigious Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts. Brother Number One was among 16 entries from 12 countries this year.  It tells ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Construction Workers Killed in Nigeria's Northeast

Africa - Voice of America
Construction Workers Killed in Nigeria's Northeast
Jul 2nd 2012, 19:53

Nigeria's military says nine construction workers have been killed in the country's northeast, where militants from the Islamist group Boko Haram are active.  Military officials say the victims were working on a mosque in the city of Maiduguri. A military spokesman told the Associated Press that the victims' throats were slashed in the attack early Monday. Officials did not say who attacked the men. Maiduguri, the capital of Borno state, has repeatedly suffered attacks ...

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USA - Voice of America: Amelia Earhart Search Goes Underwater

USA - Voice of America
Amelia Earhart Search Goes Underwater
Jun 28th 2012, 15:02

On Monday, 75-years after she disappeared, a new search effort begins to try to solve one of aviation's greatest mysteries – the fate of Amelia Earhart. The legendary pilot's plane vanished somewhere in the Pacific in 1937 while trying to complete a flight around the world. Now, new evidence indicates she and her navigator, Fred Noonan, may have spent their last days stranded on a remote island. This week, on the 75th anniversary of Earhart's disappearance, a ship carrying a crew from The ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Pakistan Accuses Afghan Soldiers of Killing 2 Tribesmen

Asia - Voice of America
Pakistan Accuses Afghan Soldiers of Killing 2 Tribesmen
Jul 2nd 2012, 18:22

Pakistani officials have accused Afghan soldiers of crossing into Pakistan and killing two local tribesmen. Government officials say at least 30 Afghan soldiers clashed with locals in the Upper Kurram region of Pakistan's semi-autonomous tribal belt Monday.  The soldiers reportedly were in pursuit of militants from the Afghan side of the border. The Associated Press quoted the Afghan defense ministry as denying the report. Meanwhile, Afghan foreign ministry spokesman Faramarz ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Amelia Earhart Search Goes Underwater

Asia - Voice of America
Amelia Earhart Search Goes Underwater
Jun 28th 2012, 15:02

On Monday, 75-years after she disappeared, a new search effort begins to try to solve one of aviation's greatest mysteries – the fate of Amelia Earhart. The legendary pilot's plane vanished somewhere in the Pacific in 1937 while trying to complete a flight around the world. Now, new evidence indicates she and her navigator, Fred Noonan, may have spent their last days stranded on a remote island. This week, on the 75th anniversary of Earhart's disappearance, a ship carrying a crew from The ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Kenyan PM Condemns Church Attacks

Africa - Voice of America
Kenyan PM Condemns Church Attacks
Jul 2nd 2012, 17:07

Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga has condemned Sunday's deadly attacks on two churches in the eastern town of Garissa. Odinga visited Garissa Monday along with Kenyan Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka and other officials. Speaking to reporters, he said the attacks were designed to spark conflict between Muslims and Christians. "Churches are being attacked and the inference here is that Muslims are attacking so that Christians can begin to fight Muslims... We are more intelligent ...

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USA - Voice of America: US Cyclist London-Bound After Overcoming Anorexia

USA - Voice of America
US Cyclist London-Bound After Overcoming Anorexia
Jul 2nd 2012, 15:31

More than a decade ago, Dotsie Bausch's life was spiraling out of control. She was battling a serious eating disorder that had reduced her weight to a dangerous 40 kilograms. Now, she is a world-class U.S. track cyclist who will compete at the upcoming London Olympics.  Dotsie Bausch once considered committing suicide. While working as a model in New York City in the 1990s, she used cocaine and other recreational drugs and turned anorexic, a disease that ravaged her body. The choice was ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Boko Haram Battles Crush Northern Nigerian City

Africa - Voice of America
Boko Haram Battles Crush Northern Nigerian City
Jul 2nd 2012, 15:30

ABUJA — Nigeria's new National Security Adviser Sambo Dasuki says he is optimistic that a cease-fire between the government and the militant group known as Boko Haram could offer some relief to the embattled northern Nigerian city Maiduguri within the next few weeks.  Some residents and local leaders say the fighting has crushed the city's economy and forced many people to flee their homes.  Ibrahim used to live in a neighborhood next door to the mosque that was the home of the ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Eurozone Jobless Rate Hits Record as Manufacturing Contracts

Economy - Voice of America
Eurozone Jobless Rate Hits Record as Manufacturing Contracts
Jul 2nd 2012, 14:22

Twin reports are showing new economic weakness in the 17-nation euro currency bloc, with the jobless rate reaching a record level and manufacturing activity unchanged at a three-year low. The European Union said Monday the eurozone's unemployment rate edged up in May to 11.1 percent, the highest rate since the euro was launched in 1999. More than 17 million workers are unemployed, up nearly two million compared to a year ago. The worst jobless rate in May was recorded in debt-ridden ...

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Asia - Voice of America: South Korea Opens New Government Hub

Asia - Voice of America
South Korea Opens New Government Hub
Jul 2nd 2012, 13:25

South Korea has inaugurated a new city the government hopes will help ease congestion in the capital and provide more balanced development. At a ceremony Monday, officials marked the opening of Sejong City, an area 120 kilometers south of Seoul that will bring 10,000 government workers by 2014. The government plans to move 16 ministries and 20 other agencies to Sejong during the next two years, including the prime minister's office and the government broadcasting service. Critics of ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Afghan Man in Police Uniform Kills 3 British Soldiers

Asia - Voice of America
Afghan Man in Police Uniform Kills 3 British Soldiers
Jul 2nd 2012, 14:42

Britain's defense ministry says an Afghan man dressed in a police uniform killed three British soldiers Sunday. In a statement Monday, the ministry said the incident occurred at a checkpoint in southern Afghanistan's Helmand Province. Defense officials say the soldiers were part of a police advisory team that was meeting with local elders.  As the team left the checkpoint, a man wearing an Afghan police uniform opened fire.  The three soldiers died despite receiving first ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Kidnapped Foreign Aid Workers Rescued in Somalia

Africa - Voice of America
Kidnapped Foreign Aid Workers Rescued in Somalia
Jul 2nd 2012, 13:52

Kenyan and Somali officials say four foreign aid workers kidnapped Friday from a refugee camp in Kenya and taken to neighboring Somalia have been rescued and are safe. Officials say the aid workers were rescued overnight in Somalia after a short gunfight. On Friday, Kenyan police said one person was killed when unknown attackers kidnapped the foreigners working with the Norwegian Refugee Council.  Police say the foreigners were a Norwegian, a Colombian, and Pakistani and a ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Floods Kill 79 in India, Displace 2 Million

Asia - Voice of America
Floods Kill 79 in India, Displace 2 Million
Jul 2nd 2012, 12:50

Floods triggered by monsoon rains have killed at least 79 people and displaced two million others in eastern India. Entire villages were washed away in the state of Assam, when the Brahmaputra river breached its banks. The Indian army has been deployed to help flood victims. Major General R.N. Nair told reporters on Monday, "we are continuing to supply food packages and water, medical aid is being provided in almost all parts of the [Guwahati city] district. Our helicopters have been ...

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Asia - Voice of America: In India, Scant Monsoon Rains Raise Concerns for Farmers

Asia - Voice of America
In India, Scant Monsoon Rains Raise Concerns for Farmers
Jul 2nd 2012, 12:52

NEW DELHI — Scant monsoon rains have raised concerns in India, one of the world's biggest producers of food crops such as wheat, rice, and sugar. India's farmers depend heavily on the annual rains to water their land. The weather office says rains have been 30 percent below average in June over most parts of India. As a result, the sowing of summer crops such as rice, cotton and sugar cane has been delayed in key food-producing regions of the country. Meteorologists are holding out hope. ...

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USA - Voice of America: Magnificent Mansions Abound in Tiny US State

USA - Voice of America
Magnificent Mansions Abound in Tiny US State
Jul 2nd 2012, 12:52

In F. Scott Fitzgerald's 1926 short story "The Rich Boy," a character famously remarked, "The rich are different from you and me."  To this day, Americans love to peek into the lives - and enclaves - of the very rich. They include one of the greatest concentrations of magnificent homes in the world, on an island in America's smallest state.     It's Newport, Rhode Island, the nation's first summer resort. Newport was founded in 1639 by settlers seeking ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Report Sheds Light on North Korean Nuclear Program

Asia - Voice of America
Report Sheds Light on North Korean Nuclear Program
Jul 2nd 2012, 10:36

SEOUL — Japanese newspapers are reporting North Korea's late leader gave explicit instructions to mass produce uranium-based weapons.  The country contends it is enriching uranium solely for power generation. The Mainichi Shimbun and Tokyo Shimbun published excerpts from writings purported to expose the North Korean leader's order to mass produce nuclear weapons fueled with highly-enriched uranium. The Japanese newspapers say the instruction was revealed in a 19-page internal ...

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Americas - Voice of America: Nieto Appears Victorious in Mexican Presidental Elections

Americas - Voice of America
Nieto Appears Victorious in Mexican Presidental Elections
Jul 2nd 2012, 11:28

Preliminary results show voters in Mexico have chosen to bring the country's once dominant political party back into power by electing Enrique Pena Nieto as their next president. Election officials said late Sunday that Pena Nieto had 38 percent of the vote to beat former Mexico City mayor Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, who had 31 percent.  Lopez Obrador said he was not ready to concede. "We have to represent them as they deserve to be represented, the citizens that have ...

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