Sunday, June 24, 2012

Africa - Voice of America: World Leaders React to Egypt's Election Results

Africa - Voice of America
World Leaders React to Egypt's Election Results
Jun 25th 2012, 01:14

A sampling of international reaction to Egypt's announcement of Islamist Mohammed Morsi as the winner of the country's presidential election: UNITED STATES White House statement: President Obama called Morsi to congratulate him. Mr. Obama underscored that the United States will continue to support Egypt's transition to democracy and stand by the Egyptian people as they fulfill the promise of their revolution. He emphasized his interest in working with President-elect Morsi on ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Egypt’s New President Faces Power Struggle with Military, says analyst

Africa - Voice of America
Egypt's New President Faces Power Struggle with Military, says analyst
Jun 24th 2012, 23:26

A researcher with Human Rights Watch (HRW) predicts the power struggle in Egypt will continue between the Muslim Brotherhood and the military council. This despite the announcement of the election of Islamist Mohammed Morsi as winner of the presidential run-off vote. Morsi was officially announced the winner with 52% of the vote against Ahmed Shafiq, an official tied to the regime of ousted President Hosni Mubarak. Heba Morayef based her conclusion on moves by the military ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Islamist Morsi Wins Egypt's Presidential Election

Africa - Voice of America
Islamist Morsi Wins Egypt's Presidential Election
Jun 24th 2012, 22:24

CAIRO -- The Muslim Brotherhood's Mohamed Morsi has been elected the next president of Egypt.  The victory for the long-repressed Islamist group begins a new act in a central drama of the nation's politics over the past 60 years - the Brotherhood versus the military.  Morsi addressed the nation late Sunday. In his first speech as president-elect, Morsi offered a vision of inclusion - a sharp contrast to the polarizing campaign from which he emerged victorious. ...

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USA - Voice of America: Tropical Storm Debby Threatens US Gulf Coast

USA - Voice of America
Tropical Storm Debby Threatens US Gulf Coast
Jun 24th 2012, 22:10

A tropical storm advisory has been issued for parts of four southern U.S. states as tropical Tropical Storm Debby, the fourth storm of the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season, makes its way to the Gulf Coast bringing heavy rains and thunderstorms. The U.S. National Hurricane Center on Sunday afternoon said the storm had maximum sustained winds of 95 kilometers per hour, and was expected to move northeast over the Gulf of Mexico over the next few days. The storm is expected to make landfall ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Greece's New Leaders to Miss EU Meeting

Economy - Voice of America
Greece's New Leaders to Miss EU Meeting
Jun 24th 2012, 21:45

Greece has run into a snag in its efforts to renegotiate its European-led bailout, as health problems sidelined the new prime minister and finance minister ahead of a critical meeting with the European Union. The government said Sunday that doctors had told Prime Minister Antonis Samaras to avoid travel after he had eye surgery on Saturday. Vassilis Rapanos was hospitalized with stomach pain Friday before he could be sworn in as finance minister. Greece will be represented by Foreign ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Islamist Militants in Northern Mali Mix Punishment, Charity

Africa - Voice of America
Islamist Militants in Northern Mali Mix Punishment, Charity
Jun 24th 2012, 20:15

Residents of northern Mali say Islamist militant groups currently running parts of the region are trying to win hearts and minds with an odd mix of punishment and charity. The groups carry out harsh corporal punishment they say the religion requires, while at the same time doling out cash and other gifts. During a recent meeting in Mali's northern city of Kidal, local residents and religious leaders said they reject the position of Tuareg Islamist group Ansar Dine, which wants to ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Egypt's President-Elect at Home in His Village

Africa - Voice of America
Egypt's President-Elect at Home in His Village
Jun 24th 2012, 15:32

CAIRO -- The Muslim Brotherhood's Mohamed Morsi will be Egypt's first freely elected president according to results announced Sunday. Just a few months ago, the idea of Mohamed Morsi as Egypt's first post-revolution leader seemed remote at best. But in Edwa, his home village in the eastern Nile Delta, no one seemed to doubt this native son would come out on top. During a campaign rally,  Morsi shared his humble roots with fellow villagers. He reminded them, ...

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Asia - Voice of America: USS George Washington Leads Joint Maneuvers With S. Korea

Asia - Voice of America
USS George Washington Leads Joint Maneuvers With S. Korea
Jun 24th 2012, 16:10

USS GEORGE WASHINGTON, Yellow Sea -- In a show of force that South Korea's military says is meant as a warning to North Korea, a U.S. naval carrier strike group is conducting maritime maneuvers with South Korea off the coast of the tense peninsula. The USS George Washington is leading its carrier strike group, part of a flotilla of 10 warships and submarines, off the west coast of the Korean peninsula. Also participating in this three-day exercise, which ends Monday, are hundreds of ...

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USA - Voice of America: USS George Washington Leads Joint Maneuvers With S. Korea

USA - Voice of America
USS George Washington Leads Joint Maneuvers With S. Korea
Jun 24th 2012, 16:10

USS GEORGE WASHINGTON, Yellow Sea -- In a show of force that South Korea's military says is meant as a warning to North Korea, a U.S. naval carrier strike group is conducting maritime maneuvers with South Korea off the coast of the tense peninsula. The USS George Washington is leading its carrier strike group, part of a flotilla of 10 warships and submarines, off the west coast of the Korean peninsula. Also participating in this three-day exercise, which ends Monday, are hundreds of ...

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Americas - Voice of America: Ecuador Mulls Giving Julian Assange Asylum

Americas - Voice of America
Ecuador Mulls Giving Julian Assange Asylum
Jun 24th 2012, 16:22

​Ecuador says it is giving serious consideration to giving Julian Assange political asylum, after the founder of the WikiLeaks website made the request at the country's embassy in London. British authorities say they will arrest Assange if he leaves the embassy. Julian Assange walked into the Ecuadorian Embassy on Tuesday and has been staying there ever since. He spoke to a radio station in his native Australia from the embassy. "Ecuador back in 2010 suggested that perhaps I ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Islamist Morsi Wins Egypt's Presidential Election

Africa - Voice of America
Islamist Morsi Wins Egypt's Presidential Election
Jun 24th 2012, 10:41

Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohamed Morsi has been declared the winner of Egypt's presidential run-off. A huge cheer went up from Tahrir square where supporters of Morsi gathered Sunday.  The celebration of the crowd marked a difference from nearly a year and a half ago when Egyptian's packed the square in in the uprising that toppled Hosni Mubarak's government. Egypt's election commission announced Sunday that Morsi won nearly 52 percent of the vote, beating ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Tuareg Rebels in Mali Appeal to Bruised Local Population

Africa - Voice of America
Tuareg Rebels in Mali Appeal to Bruised Local Population
Jun 24th 2012, 14:34

DAKAR, Senegal - Tuareg rebels in northern Mali are looking to reconcile with an angry local population. Residents there say rebels know they will have to co-exist with the people whether the future brings a negotiated solution or military intervention.   Leaders of the Tuareg separatist group Movement for the Liberation of Azawad, or MNLA, met Friday with youths in Gao to ask forgiveness for the difficulties people have faced since armed groups seized northern Mali in late March. ...

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Americas - Voice of America: Tropical Storm Debby Churns Across Gulf of Mexico

Americas - Voice of America
Tropical Storm Debby Churns Across Gulf of Mexico
Jun 24th 2012, 11:20

Tropical Storm Debby, the fourth storm of the 2012 Atlantic hurricane season, is spinning slowly through the Gulf of Mexico, producing heavy rains and thunderstorms along the U.S. coast. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said Sunday that the storm has maximum sustained winds of 85 kilometers per hour and is expected to move north over the Gulf of Mexico during the next few days. A coastal flood warning remains in effect until early Monday morning.  The storm is expected to ...

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Asia - Voice of America: China Astronauts Conduct First Manual Spacecraft Docking

Asia - Voice of America
China Astronauts Conduct First Manual Spacecraft Docking
Jun 24th 2012, 11:43

China has conducted its first-ever manual docking between a spacecraft and an orbiting space module. The three astronauts on the Shenzhou-9 spacecraft successfully docked with the Tiangong-1 lab module Sunday without using an automated system.  One of the three is China's first female astronaut, Liu Yang. The Shenzhou-9 spacecraft was launched June 16, and it docked with the space station module two days later in a successful automated procedure. Officials say the ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Egypt Set to Announce Presidential Election Results

Africa - Voice of America
Egypt Set to Announce Presidential Election Results
Jun 24th 2012, 10:41

Egyptians learn the winner of a divisive presidential election Sunday. The official results were supposed to be released Thursday, but the election commission said it needed more time to investigate fraud allegations by both candidates - Muslim Brotherhood's Mohamed Morsi and former prime minister Ahmed Shafiq. Egyptian officials have deployed extra security forces to Cairo streets and key state institutions ahead of the announcement of the election results scheduled for 3 p.m. ...

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Americas - Voice of America: Ousted Paraguay Leader Denounces 'Coup'

Americas - Voice of America
Ousted Paraguay Leader Denounces 'Coup'
Jun 24th 2012, 11:29

Paraguay's Fernando Lugo has denounced his ouster as president as a "parliamentary coup."  Lugo, however, urged his supporters Sunday to remain "peaceful" and not participate in any violent demonstrations. Paraguay's new president, Federico Franco, said Saturday he intends to ask his impeached predecessor for help in stemming the regional outcry surrounding Lugo's swift removal from office. Brazil and Argentina have withdrawn their top diplomats from Paraguay, while ...

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