Saturday, May 19, 2012

Asia - Voice of America: Obama in Chicago for NATO Summit

Asia - Voice of America
Obama in Chicago for NATO Summit
May 20th 2012, 05:59

President Barack Obama is in his home town of Chicago, Illinois, where he will host leaders of the 28 trans-atlantic allies for the NATO summit beginning Sunday. Mr. Obama arrived in Chicago after discussions with leaders of the Group of 8 major developed economies in Camp David, Maryland. That G8 summit covered the Eurozone debt crisis, the Arab Spring and Syria, energy security and oil prices, food security, and Afghanistan, the key focus of the NATO summit. NATO leaders, along ...

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Middle East - Voice of America: Rights Group Accuses Egyptian Military of Torture

Middle East - Voice of America
Rights Group Accuses Egyptian Military of Torture
May 20th 2012, 01:57

An international human rights group has accused Egypt's military of beating and torturing protesters arrested during a huge rally near the Defense Ministry in Cairo earlier this month. The New York-based Human Rights Watch said Saturday soldiers fired tear gas and water cannon at thousands of demonstrators demanding an immediate end to military rule and arrested some 350 people as part of its crackdown on the protests. Joe Stork, deputy Middle East and North Africa director for ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Rights Group Accuses Egyptian Military of Torture

Africa - Voice of America
Rights Group Accuses Egyptian Military of Torture
May 20th 2012, 01:57

An international human rights group has accused Egypt's military of beating and torturing protesters arrested during a huge rally near the Defense Ministry in Cairo earlier this month. The New York-based Human Rights Watch said Saturday soldiers fired tear gas and water cannon at thousands of demonstrators demanding an immediate end to military rule and arrested some 350 people as part of its crackdown on the protests. Joe Stork, deputy Middle East and North Africa director for ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Activists Protest G8 Summit

Africa - Voice of America
Activists Protest G8 Summit
May 19th 2012, 23:50

THURMONT, Maryland - As U.S. President Barack Obama finished meetings with leaders from the Group of Eight leading industrialized nations and African heads of state at the Camp David retreat in Maryland, demonstrations erupted in nearby towns. The protesters involved regulars of the Occupy movement as well as anti-government Ethiopian activists.   Several hundred Ethiopian activists came from across the United States to protest meetings involving Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, ...

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USA - Voice of America: Activists Protest G8 Summit

USA - Voice of America
Activists Protest G8 Summit
May 19th 2012, 23:50

THURMONT, Maryland - As U.S. President Barack Obama finished meetings with leaders from the Group of Eight leading industrialized nations and African heads of state at the Camp David retreat in Maryland, demonstrations erupted in nearby towns. The protesters involved regulars of the Occupy movement as well as anti-government Ethiopian activists.   Several hundred Ethiopian activists came from across the United States to protest meetings involving Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Chinese Activist Arrives in US

Asia - Voice of America
Chinese Activist Arrives in US
May 19th 2012, 22:50

United Airlines Flight 88, carrying Chinese activist Chen Guangcheng and his family, has landed in the United States at Newark airport near New York City.   The blind activist departed Beijing earlier Saturday marking the end of a month-long diplomatic tussle between China and The United States, following Chen's escape from house arrest. Chen, his wife and their two children, received  their passports at Beijing's international airport, shortly before boarding the ...

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USA - Voice of America: Chinese Activist Arrives in US

USA - Voice of America
Chinese Activist Arrives in US
May 19th 2012, 22:50

United Airlines Flight 88, carrying Chinese activist Chen Guangcheng and his family, has landed in the United States at Newark airport near New York City.   The blind activist departed Beijing earlier Saturday marking the end of a month-long diplomatic tussle between China and The United States, following Chen's escape from house arrest. Chen, his wife and their two children, received  their passports at Beijing's international airport, shortly before boarding the ...

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USA - Voice of America: G8 Leaders Want Greece to Remain in Eurozone

USA - Voice of America
G8 Leaders Want Greece to Remain in Eurozone
May 19th 2012, 22:04

WHITE HOUSE - The leaders of eight large industrialized nations say they hope Greece will remain in the eurozone, despite its debt crisis.  The Group of Eight leaders talked Saturday about ways to strengthen the battered European economy.   U.S. President Barack Obama is hosting the G8 Summit at the Camp David presidential retreat in the state of Maryland. From a cabin surrounded by mountains and woods, the leaders issued a statement expressing hope that Greece would continue ...

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Europe - Voice of America: G8 Leaders Want Greece to Remain in Eurozone

Europe - Voice of America
G8 Leaders Want Greece to Remain in Eurozone
May 19th 2012, 22:04

WHITE HOUSE - The leaders of eight large industrialized nations say they hope Greece will remain in the eurozone, despite its debt crisis.  The Group of Eight leaders talked Saturday about ways to strengthen the battered European economy.   U.S. President Barack Obama is hosting the G8 Summit at the Camp David presidential retreat in the state of Maryland. From a cabin surrounded by mountains and woods, the leaders issued a statement expressing hope that Greece would continue ...

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Economy - Voice of America: G8 Leaders Want Greece to Remain in Eurozone

Economy - Voice of America
G8 Leaders Want Greece to Remain in Eurozone
May 19th 2012, 22:04

WHITE HOUSE - The leaders of eight large industrialized nations say they hope Greece will remain in the eurozone, despite its debt crisis.  The Group of Eight leaders talked Saturday about ways to strengthen the battered European economy.   U.S. President Barack Obama is hosting the G8 Summit at the Camp David presidential retreat in the state of Maryland. From a cabin surrounded by mountains and woods, the leaders issued a statement expressing hope that Greece would continue ...

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Europe - Voice of America: Olympic Flame Tours Britain, Ireland

Europe - Voice of America
Olympic Flame Tours Britain, Ireland
May 19th 2012, 21:05

The Olympic Flame for the London 2012 Summer Games is now on a 70 day journey around Britain and Ireland. Early Saturday, the first torchbearer set off from western England before a crowd of well- wishers. The Olympic flame arrived in Britain from Greece on Friday, escorted by Princess Anne. Soccer star David Beckham lit a ceremonial torch on the flame's arrival at the Royal Naval Air Station at Culdrose, England. Some 8,000 torchbearers will carry the symbolic ...

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Americas - Voice of America: Venezuela's Chavez Breaks Post-Treatment Silence

Americas - Voice of America
Venezuela's Chavez Breaks Post-Treatment Silence
May 19th 2012, 19:50

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has broken a week-long silence following his recent cancer therapy treatment. Chavez told state TV by phone Friday that he is working eight hours daily, following his diet and resting. The Socialist leader returned from his latest radiation treatment in Cuba eight days ago, but he has yet to disclose details about his condition.   Chavez began treatments in March following operations in February and last June to remove tumors from his pelvic ...

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USA - Voice of America: 3 Charged with Terrorism Ahead of NATO Summit

USA - Voice of America
3 Charged with Terrorism Ahead of NATO Summit
May 19th 2012, 20:43

Three protesters, arrested amid tight security ahead of the NATO summit in Chicago, have been charged with terrorism for possession of explosive devices. The three were arrested Wednesday, and police said they were being held for a hearing Saturday.  Six others arrested at the same time were released Friday. Supporters of the three say the suspicious equipment was just part of a beer-making kit. Officials from more than 50 countries are convening for the two-day NATO summit ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Burma's Suu Kyi to Address British Parliament

Asia - Voice of America
Burma's Suu Kyi to Address British Parliament
May 19th 2012, 19:27

Burma's pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi will give a historic speech to both houses of Britain's parliament next month when she makes her first trip outside the country in 24 years. British Prime Minister David Cameron invited the Nobel Peace Prize winner to come to Britain when he visited her in Burma in April. Aung San Suu Kyi has been given the rare honor of addressing the joint houses of Britain's parliament, even though she is not a head of state. She is ...

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USA - Voice of America: Obama Urges Congress to Support Financial Reform

USA - Voice of America
Obama Urges Congress to Support Financial Reform
May 19th 2012, 19:38

U.S. President Barack Obama is urging Congress to support the financial reforms that he began enacting three years ago as part of efforts to protect consumers from what he called the "breathtaking irresponsibility" of some on Wall Street. In his weekly address, Obama accused some congressional Republicans and lobbyists of "waging an all-out battle" to delay and dismantle his reform provisions. Obama cited reforms that include requiring financial institutions to ...

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USA - Voice of America: G8 Leaders Vow to Promote Economic Growth

USA - Voice of America
G8 Leaders Vow to Promote Economic Growth
May 19th 2012, 19:07

Leaders of the G8 highly industrialized countries say promoting growth and jobs is their "imperative" as they seek to reinvigorate their economies in the face of the European debt crisis. In a statement Saturday, the Group of Eight leaders also expressed their desire for Greece to remain in the eurozone and respect its commitments. The debt-ridden nation could abandon the euro to escape austerity measures, or be forced out if it fails to meet its obligations. The G8 ...

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Europe - Voice of America: G8 Leaders Vow to Promote Economic Growth

Europe - Voice of America
G8 Leaders Vow to Promote Economic Growth
May 19th 2012, 19:07

Leaders of the G8 highly industrialized countries say promoting growth and jobs is their "imperative" as they seek to reinvigorate their economies in the face of the European debt crisis. In a statement Saturday, the Group of Eight leaders also expressed their desire for Greece to remain in the eurozone and respect its commitments. The debt-ridden nation could abandon the euro to escape austerity measures, or be forced out if it fails to meet its obligations. The G8 ...

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Economy - Voice of America: G8 Leaders Vow to Promote Economic Growth

Economy - Voice of America
G8 Leaders Vow to Promote Economic Growth
May 19th 2012, 19:07

Leaders of the G8 highly industrialized countries say promoting growth and jobs is their "imperative" as they seek to reinvigorate their economies in the face of the European debt crisis. In a statement Saturday, the Group of Eight leaders also expressed their desire for Greece to remain in the eurozone and respect its commitments. The debt-ridden nation could abandon the euro to escape austerity measures, or be forced out if it fails to meet its obligations. The G8 ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Obama Urges Congress to Support Financial Reform

Economy - Voice of America
Obama Urges Congress to Support Financial Reform
May 19th 2012, 19:38

U.S. President Barack Obama is urging Congress to support the financial reforms that he began enacting three years ago as part of efforts to protect consumers from what he called the "breathtaking irresponsibility" of some on Wall Street. In his weekly address, Obama accused some congressional Republicans and lobbyists of "waging an all-out battle" to delay and dismantle his reform provisions. Obama cited reforms that include requiring financial institutions to ...

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Asia - Voice of America: SpaceX Rocket Launch Aborted

Asia - Voice of America
SpaceX Rocket Launch Aborted
May 19th 2012, 10:23

A technical problem has forced SpaceX to abort what would have been the first launch of a privately owned capsule to the International Space Station. The pre-dawn launch of the Dragon Capsule from Cape Canaveral, Florida was scrubbed a second before it was to occur on Saturday. Initial plans are to try again Tuesday morning.   The capsule is on a long, thin white rocket owned by SpaceX. It is carrying supplies for the international space station. SpaceX president Gwynn ...

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Economy - Voice of America: G8 Leaders Discuss European Debt Crisis

Economy - Voice of America
G8 Leaders Discuss European Debt Crisis
May 19th 2012, 11:39

Leaders of the Group of Eight (G8) leading industrialized countries are focusing on Europe's economic turmoil Saturday as they meet for the second day of their annual economic summit.   Hosting the summit at the Camp David presidential retreat near Washington, U.S. President Barack Obama is pressing his fellow G8 leaders from Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Canada and Russia to consider a growth agenda as they discuss how to tackle the mounting debt that has threatened the ...

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Middle East - Voice of America: G8 Leaders Discuss European Debt Crisis

Middle East - Voice of America
G8 Leaders Discuss European Debt Crisis
May 19th 2012, 11:39

Leaders of the Group of Eight (G8) leading industrialized countries are focusing on Europe's economic turmoil Saturday as they meet for the second day of their annual economic summit.   Hosting the summit at the Camp David presidential retreat near Washington, U.S. President Barack Obama is pressing his fellow G8 leaders from Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Canada and Russia to consider a growth agenda as they discuss how to tackle the mounting debt that has threatened the ...

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Asia - Voice of America: G8 Leaders Discuss European Debt Crisis

Asia - Voice of America
G8 Leaders Discuss European Debt Crisis
May 19th 2012, 11:39

Leaders of the Group of Eight (G8) leading industrialized countries are focusing on Europe's economic turmoil Saturday as they meet for the second day of their annual economic summit.   Hosting the summit at the Camp David presidential retreat near Washington, U.S. President Barack Obama is pressing his fellow G8 leaders from Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Japan, Canada and Russia to consider a growth agenda as they discuss how to tackle the mounting debt that has threatened the ...

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USA - Voice of America: Before NATO Summit, Protestors Rally, March in Chicago

USA - Voice of America
Before NATO Summit, Protestors Rally, March in Chicago
May 19th 2012, 15:40

CHICAGO - Though the NATO Summit starts May 20, protestors are already filling the streets of the host city, Chicago.  Friday was originally supposed to be the opening day protest rally of the G-8 meeting in the city. What started out as an organized, permitted rally against economic injustice led by National Nurses United in Chicago's Daley Plaza ended as a disorganized, unpermitted march by Occupy Wall Street protestors through the financial heart of the city. But in a show ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Before NATO Summit, Protestors Rally, March in Chicago

Economy - Voice of America
Before NATO Summit, Protestors Rally, March in Chicago
May 19th 2012, 15:40

CHICAGO - Though the NATO Summit starts May 20, protestors are already filling the streets of the host city, Chicago.  Friday was originally supposed to be the opening day protest rally of the G-8 meeting in the city. What started out as an organized, permitted rally against economic injustice led by National Nurses United in Chicago's Daley Plaza ended as a disorganized, unpermitted march by Occupy Wall Street protestors through the financial heart of the city. But in a show ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Suicide Bombing Hits Troubled Afghan Province

Asia - Voice of America
Suicide Bombing Hits Troubled Afghan Province
May 19th 2012, 15:22

At least nine people are dead in the latest suicide bombing to strike Afghanistan' eastern Khost province.   Provincial officials say the bomber blew himself up at a police checkpoint in the Ali Sher district Saturday, not far from the border with Pakistan.  The officials said some of the victims included local civilians who had been meeting with police.   At least four other people were wounded.   The attack comes as world leaders prepare for a NATO summit ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Thousands Mark Anniversary of Thai Red Shirt Crackdown

Asia - Voice of America
Thousands Mark Anniversary of Thai Red Shirt Crackdown
May 19th 2012, 14:48

Tens of thousands of protesters have gathered in Thailand's capital Bangkok to mark the second anniversary of deadly clashes between the Thai military and so-called Red Shirt protesters. In 2010, more than 90 people were killed and 2,000 wounded when soldiers moved in to quash the weeks-long anti-government demonstration by mostly poor, rural protesters wearing red shirts. Among those protesting Saturday was the sister of Italian journalist Fabio Polenghi, who was killed during ...

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