Friday, May 25, 2012

USA - Voice of America: Some Accuse US of Hypocrisy Over Pakistan Doctor Case

USA - Voice of America
Some Accuse US of Hypocrisy Over Pakistan Doctor Case
May 26th 2012, 01:25

Tensions rose higher between Pakistan and the United States this week after a tribal court gave a long prison term to a Pakistani doctor who tried to help U.S. forces gather information about Osama bin Laden.  American forces later killed the terrorist, and the doctor's actions angered many Pakistanis.  Some critics say the case of Dr. Shakil Afridi has some parallels to the plight of a U.S. citizen who sold U.S. secrets to Israel, and who is serving a life term in an American ...

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USA - Voice of America: US Weather Service Predicts 2012 Hurricane Activity in Three Regions

USA - Voice of America
US Weather Service Predicts 2012 Hurricane Activity in Three Regions
May 26th 2012, 01:09

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or NOAA is predicting a near-normal hurricane season in the Atlantic and Eastern Pacific basins and a below-normal season in the Central Pacific. Many residents of the U.S. Atlantic coast head into this year's hurricane season, which starts June 1, with still-vivid recollections of Hurricane Katrina's destruction.  The 2008 storm flooded 80 percent of New Orleans, leaving hundreds of thousands of people homeless. And this August ...

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Africa - Voice of America: AU, Somali Troops Oust Islamists From Key Stronghold

Africa - Voice of America
AU, Somali Troops Oust Islamists From Key Stronghold
May 25th 2012, 21:59

A spokesman for the African Union Mission in Somalia says that AU and Somali forces have pushed Islamist militants out of a town on the outskirts of the capital, Mogadishu. Paddy Ankunda said Friday that the troops crossed into Afgoye earlier in the day and that most of the town was now under their control, while some fighting with al-Shabab militants was still going on. The capture of Afgoye represents a major advance for African Union and Somali troops, who have made strong gains ...

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USA - Voice of America: Study: Pill Among Least Effective Birth Control Methods

USA - Voice of America
Study: Pill Among Least Effective Birth Control Methods
May 25th 2012, 17:43

A new study has found that shorter-acting methods of birth control, such as the Pill and the contraceptive patch, are much less effective at preventing unintended pregnancies than long-acting birth control methods such as intrauterine devices, or IUDs, and implants.  There are approximately six million pregnancies in the U.S. each year, and about half of them are unplanned. Approximately half of the unintended pregnancies are due to contraceptive failure, especially among younger ...

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Middle East - Voice of America: Egyptian Voters Embrace Shift Toward Cleaner Elections

Middle East - Voice of America
Egyptian Voters Embrace Shift Toward Cleaner Elections
May 25th 2012, 20:48

Despite some reports of irregularities, Egypt's historic elections were remarkably clean. Observers say that virtually all of the candidates violated the election rules by transporting voters to the polls, giving speeches during the official period of silence, handing out sugar and cooking oil, or leaving campaign posters up by voting booths. But there were no reports of systematic vote rigging, marking a major step forward in the nation's path toward greater transparency and democracy. ...

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Middle East - Voice of America: Strife in Syria Ripples Into Lebanon's Sectarian Divide

Middle East - Voice of America
Strife in Syria Ripples Into Lebanon's Sectarian Divide
May 25th 2012, 21:49

TRIPOLI, Lebanon - Some 700 people in the northern Lebanese city of Tripoli staged a rally Friday to demand the release of Sunni Islamist leaders who they said were detained for opposing Syria's President Bashar al-Assad. The demonstration comes amid fears that the conflict in Syria could further enflame sectarian tensions in Lebanon. Hundreds of Sunni Islamists known as Salafists Friday demonstrated in the northern Lebanese city, Tripoli. They were demanding the release of some 200 ...

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Asia - Voice of America: French President Defends Afghan Withdrawal Timetable

Asia - Voice of America
French President Defends Afghan Withdrawal Timetable
May 25th 2012, 17:39

French President Francois Hollande has defended his plan to withdraw combat troops from Afghanistan by the year's end, during a surprise visit to the restive country Friday. During his brief visit to Afghanistan, President Francois Hollande met with his Afghan counterpart, Hamid Karzai, and French forces in the country's restive Kapisa province - many of whom will be heading home this year. Hollande told the soldiers that although France will withdraw its combat troops by the ...

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Africa - Voice of America: UN Rights Chief Urges to Lift Sanctions on Zimbabwe Leadership

Africa - Voice of America
UN Rights Chief Urges to Lift Sanctions on Zimbabwe Leadership
May 25th 2012, 16:46

HARARE - United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay has urged Western countries to suspend sanctions on Zimbabwe and its president - Robert Mugabe - to give the country a chance to implement reforms. The call came as Pillay ended her landmark five-day visit Friday. Navi Pillay, a former South African High Court judge who has also served on the International Criminal Court, told reporters here in Harare Friday that sanctions imposed on President Robert Mugabe and his Zanu ...

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Africa - Voice of America: 'Solar Suitcase' Aids Doctors in Developing World

Africa - Voice of America
'Solar Suitcase' Aids Doctors in Developing World
May 25th 2012, 16:57

Linda Ringe

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Africa - Voice of America: Former Military Officer Fights African Poachers

Africa - Voice of America
Former Military Officer Fights African Poachers
May 25th 2012, 17:42

Ofir Drori is a former Israeli military officer, who says he fell in love with Africa when he was a teenager.  Today, his work in the region is putting poachers and traffickers of endangered species behind bars.  He now lives in Cameroon and is the co-author of a new book called The Last Great Ape . ​​ Ofir Drori traveled to Kenya between high school and the start of his military service.  He's been fascinated ever since. "I chased giraffes, zebras. I saw all ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Scholar Urges Increased Investment in Health Research in South Africa

Africa - Voice of America
Scholar Urges Increased Investment in Health Research in South Africa
May 25th 2012, 18:05

Bongani Mayosi, professor of medicine at University of Cape Town, expresses concern about decline in health conditions

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Africa - Voice of America: NEPAD to Implement Policies to Improve Africa’s Health

Africa - Voice of America
NEPAD to Implement Policies to Improve Africa's Health
May 25th 2012, 18:21

Dr. Bruno Kubata, coordinator of African Research for Health Initiative, says systems are being created to improve well being of Africans

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Europe - Voice of America: French President Defends Afghan Withdrawal Timetable

Europe - Voice of America
French President Defends Afghan Withdrawal Timetable
May 25th 2012, 17:39

French President Francois Hollande has defended his plan to withdraw combat troops from Afghanistan by the year's end, during a surprise visit to the restive country Friday. During his brief visit to Afghanistan, President Francois Hollande met with his Afghan counterpart, Hamid Karzai, and French forces in the country's restive Kapisa province - many of whom will be heading home this year. Hollande told the soldiers that although France will withdraw its combat troops by the ...

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Europe - Voice of America: Greek PM Says European Creditors Expect Austerity Compliance

Europe - Voice of America
Greek PM Says European Creditors Expect Austerity Compliance
May 25th 2012, 17:30

Greece's caretaker prime minister, Panagiotis Pikrammenos, said Friday the country's European neighbors want it to stay in the euro currency zone, but that Athens must also adhere to the austerity spending plan it agreed to in exchange for billions of dollars in new rescue funds. Pikrammenos met with other European heads of state earlier this week in Brussels. On Friday, he told Greek President Karolos Papoulias that the country's creditors elsewhere in Europe think it is ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Greek PM Says European Creditors Expect Austerity Compliance

Economy - Voice of America
Greek PM Says European Creditors Expect Austerity Compliance
May 25th 2012, 17:30

Greece's caretaker prime minister, Panagiotis Pikrammenos, said Friday the country's European neighbors want it to stay in the euro currency zone, but that Athens must also adhere to the austerity spending plan it agreed to in exchange for billions of dollars in new rescue funds. Pikrammenos met with other European heads of state earlier this week in Brussels. On Friday, he told Greek President Karolos Papoulias that the country's creditors elsewhere in Europe think it is ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Egyptian Presidential Hopeful Morsi Leads Pack

Africa - Voice of America
Egyptian Presidential Hopeful Morsi Leads Pack
May 25th 2012, 16:37

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohamed Morsi was not his Islamist group's first choice for its presidential candidate. But he got the job when the Brotherhood's lead candidate was disqualified and then became a front-runner in a show of the group's political muscle. During the campaign, Morsi delivered fiery speeches and vowed his presidency would be based on Islam but not be a theocracy. Morsi was born in the Nile Delta in 1951 and received an engineering degree ...

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USA - Voice of America: Study: C-Section Babies Face High Obesity Risk

USA - Voice of America
Study: C-Section Babies Face High Obesity Risk
May 25th 2012, 14:54

WASHINGTON - A new study has found that babies born by Caesarean section are twice as likely to become obese by the age of three as newborns delivered vaginally, and authors of the report say women who plan to deliver their babies via C-section because it is more convenient might want to reconsider their options. The study, conducted by researchers at Children's Hospital in Boston, monitored 1,250 women from before their 22nd week of pregnancy until they delivered their babies at ...

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USA - Voice of America: Bikers Rally to Remember the Fallen

USA - Voice of America
Bikers Rally to Remember the Fallen
May 24th 2012, 22:53

Memorial Day in the United States is a day set aside to remember and to honor members of the military who have died in America's wars.  But sometimes, amid the patriotic displays and the barbecue parties that kick off the summer season, memories of the individuals who perished in war are lost.  A motorcycle rally for veterans and their supporters showed another side of the story    The din of hundreds of gleaming Harley Davidson motorcycles and country music ...

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USA - Voice of America: US-Russia Relations in Holding Pattern, Analysts Say

USA - Voice of America
US-Russia Relations in Holding Pattern, Analysts Say
May 25th 2012, 15:39

Relations between the United States and Russia are in a holding pattern until after the U.S. presidential elections in November, according to experts on diplomacy between the two nations. According to this analysis, once the new American president is chosen and Vladimir Putin settles in as the new Russian president, U.S./Russia relations should resume a level of cooperation established in recent years.   Putin was sworn in as president this month, succeeding Dmitri Medvedev, who ...

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Europe - Voice of America: Suicide Bombing Targets Central Turkey

Europe - Voice of America
Suicide Bombing Targets Central Turkey
May 25th 2012, 16:32

Suspected suicide attackers have set off a car bomb near a police station in central Turkey, killing one policeman and wounding nearly 20 civilians. Turkey's interior minister, Idris Naim Sahin, said two suspects sped through a checkpoint Friday and detonated the bomb outside a police station in the town of Pinarbasi in Kayseri province. Sahin said police spotted the car in neighboring Kahramanmaras province, where it ignored calls to stop at the checkpoint. He said security ...

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Europe - Voice of America: US-Russia Relations in Holding Pattern, Analysts Say

Europe - Voice of America
US-Russia Relations in Holding Pattern, Analysts Say
May 25th 2012, 15:39

Relations between the United States and Russia are in a holding pattern until after the U.S. presidential elections in November, according to experts on diplomacy between the two nations. According to this analysis, once the new American president is chosen and Vladimir Putin settles in as the new Russian president, U.S./Russia relations should resume a level of cooperation established in recent years.   Putin was sworn in as president this month, succeeding Dmitri Medvedev, who ...

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Middle East - Voice of America: Suicide Bombing Targets Central Turkey

Middle East - Voice of America
Suicide Bombing Targets Central Turkey
May 25th 2012, 16:32

Suspected suicide attackers have set off a car bomb near a police station in central Turkey, killing one policeman and wounding nearly 20 civilians. Turkey's interior minister, Idris Naim Sahin, said two suspects sped through a checkpoint Friday and detonated the bomb outside a police station in the town of Pinarbasi in Kayseri province. Sahin said police spotted the car in neighboring Kahramanmaras province, where it ignored calls to stop at the checkpoint. He said security ...

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Middle East - Voice of America: Egyptian Presidential Hopeful Morsi Leads Pack

Middle East - Voice of America
Egyptian Presidential Hopeful Morsi Leads Pack
May 25th 2012, 16:37

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohamed Morsi was not his Islamist group's first choice for its presidential candidate. But he got the job when the Brotherhood's lead candidate was disqualified and then became a front-runner in a show of the group's political muscle. During the campaign, Morsi delivered fiery speeches and vowed his presidency would be based on Islam but not be a theocracy. Morsi was born in the Nile Delta in 1951 and received an engineering degree ...

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USA - Voice of America: 'Outrage' Over US Prostate Cancer Testing Recommendation

USA - Voice of America
'Outrage' Over US Prostate Cancer Testing Recommendation
May 25th 2012, 14:13

WASHINGTON -  After lung cancer, prostate cancer is the most prevalent killer of men in the United States. So when the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommended that men stop having a test that can tell if they have prostate cancer, it stirred up controversy in the medical community. For years, men over the age of 40 were told to get a simple blood test to see if they have prostate cancer. But the rationale behind the new recommendation is that treating the cancer can ...

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USA - Voice of America: Tallgrass Still Waves Undisturbed on the Plains

USA - Voice of America
Tallgrass Still Waves Undisturbed on the Plains
May 25th 2012, 15:56

But it's only a fraction of the 'Sea of Grass' that once grew there

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Asia - Voice of America: Indian Prime Minister Heads to Burma to Strengthen Ties

Asia - Voice of America
Indian Prime Minister Heads to Burma to Strengthen Ties
May 25th 2012, 14:18

NEW DELHI - Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh visits Burma Sunday,  becoming the first Indian leader to travel there in a quarter century.  Although Singh will be the first prime minister to visit the country since 1987, it is not the first time that India is engaging Burmese leaders.   New Delhi established relations with Burma's military junta despite international criticism in the mid-1990s, and there has been a steady stream of high level visits between India and ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Suu Kyi Thailand Visit Stirs Excitement Among Burma Exiles

Asia - Voice of America
Suu Kyi Thailand Visit Stirs Excitement Among Burma Exiles
May 25th 2012, 14:20

BANGKOK - Burma's opposition said leader Aung San Suu Kyi next week will take her first trip outside the country since 1988. The National League for Democracy said she will attend the World Economic Forum in Bangkok ahead of a tour of Europe. Thailand hosts a large community of Burmese activists and exiles and they are quite excited about her trip. NLD spokesman Nyan Win on Friday said Aung San Suu Kyi will arrive in Bangkok mid-week. He said the democracy leader will meet Tuesday morning ...

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