Sunday, August 19, 2012

Asia - Voice of America: China's Gu Given Suspended Death Sentence for Murder of Brit

Asia - Voice of America
China's Gu Given Suspended Death Sentence for Murder of Brit
Aug 20th 2012, 05:36

A Chinese court has given a suspended death sentence to the wife of disgraced former Communist Party leader Bo Xilai for the murder of a British businessman. The Intermediate People's Court in Hefei on Monday sentenced Gu Kailai to death, suspended for two years, after she confessed on August 9 to poisoning Neil Heywood after a business deal went bad.  The suspension means the death penalty will probably be commuted to life imprisonment if she commits no offenses in the next two ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Anti-Japan Protests Held Across China

Asia - Voice of America
Anti-Japan Protests Held Across China
Aug 20th 2012, 02:10

Anti-Japanese demonstrations spread to more than 20 cities in China Sunday, as Tokyo dismissed China's opposition to Japanese activists landing on disputed islands in East China Sea.  Chinese demonstrators waved national flags and chanted angry slogans as they protested the arrest of Chinese activists who landed last week in the islands known as Senkaku in Japan and as Diaoyu in China. In some cities, protesters vandalized Japanese made vehicles and clashed with police who tried ...

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Africa - Voice of America: South African Mine Shooting Follows Weeks of Tension

Africa - Voice of America
South African Mine Shooting Follows Weeks of Tension
Aug 18th 2012, 01:32

South African police shot 34 protesting miners this week after weeks of growing tension. Authorities say the police tried to disperse the demonstrators using tear gas and other non-lethal methods and fired only when charged by an armed crowd.   The protesters, three thousand striking rock drillers, are pressing for a wage increase. Lucy Holborn, a research manager at the South Africa Institute of Race Relations in Johannesburg, says tension has been mounting.   A week before the ...

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Africa - Voice of America: New Somali Parliament Set to Convene Monday

Africa - Voice of America
New Somali Parliament Set to Convene Monday
Aug 20th 2012, 01:27

A leading member of the Somalia Technical Selection Committee (TSC) said the new parliament will meet for the first time Monday after the recent approval of the country's constitution. Halimo Ismael Ibrahim, co-chairwoman of the TSC, said legislators will begin the process of selecting its speaker, deputies and will soon elect the country's next president. Prime Minister Abdiwali Mohamed Ali and Sharif Hassan Sheekh Aden, the speaker of parliament of the Transitional Federal Government, are ...

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Africa - Voice of America: South Africans Seek Answers After Deadly Mine Protest

Africa - Voice of America
South Africans Seek Answers After Deadly Mine Protest
Aug 19th 2012, 22:22

WONDERKOP, South Africa — South Africa is still reeling after a shootout between police and striking miners left 34 people dead last Thursday. That episode at a platinum mine rocked world markets. But in South Africa, the incident could also signal a major social shift in a nation that is still coming out of the shadow of apartheid.   "Violence." "War." "Massacre."    Those are just some of the headlines in South African ...

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USA - Voice of America: Taxes Heat Up US Presidential Campaign

USA - Voice of America
Taxes Heat Up US Presidential Campaign
Aug 19th 2012, 20:16

The political campaigns of U.S. President Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney have sharpened their attacks against each other with heated discussions on taxes. Romney's decision to limit disclosures about his personal wealth to his 2010 federal tax return and estimates for 2011 drew more fire from the Obama campaign on Sunday.   The Obama campaign, on Friday, had urged Romney to release five years of tax returns. The Romney campaign dismissed the ...

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Africa - Voice of America: More Than 200 Approved for New Somali Parliament

Africa - Voice of America
More Than 200 Approved for New Somali Parliament
Aug 19th 2012, 19:52

MOGADISHU — The United Nations and members of the diplomatic community say they are satisfied with the progress made so far by Somalia's political leaders and elders as they face an August 20 deadline to end the transitional government and elect a new president. Somalia's Technical Selection Committee, which is screening members for a new parliament, approved 215 new lawmakers on Sunday.   On the eve of the expected inauguration of Somalia's new parliament, representatives ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Insurgents Kill 3 NATO Troops, 2 Civilians in Afghanistan

Asia - Voice of America
Insurgents Kill 3 NATO Troops, 2 Civilians in Afghanistan
Aug 19th 2012, 18:09

Insurgents in Afghanistan have killed three NATO troops and two Afghan civilians in separate attacks, while a NATO airstrike killed dozens of Taliban militants in the country's east.  NATO said the three coalition troops were killed Sunday in a bomb attack in eastern Afghanistan. It did not provide further details.   In another attack, insurgents opened fire on members of an Afghan family at a cemetery in the southern town of Lashkar Gah, killing two and wounding seven, ...

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USA - Voice of America: Assange Calls for US to End 'Witch-Hunt'

USA - Voice of America
Assange Calls for US to End 'Witch-Hunt'
Aug 19th 2012, 14:32

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange accused the United States of conducting a "witch-hunt" during his first public appearance in two months on Sunday. The activist - whose organization released hundreds of thousands of classified U.S. cables - spoke from the balcony of the Ecuadoran Embassy in London, where he has taken refuge. Assange is wanted in Sweden for questioning on sexual misconduct allegations. The activist has said he fears Sweden will allow the United States to extradite ...

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Asia - Voice of America: 7 Killed in US Drone Strike in Pakistan

Asia - Voice of America
7 Killed in US Drone Strike in Pakistan
Aug 19th 2012, 11:47

Pakistani security officials say a U.S. drone strike in a restive Pakistani tribal region near the Afghan border has killed seven militants. Authorities say the U.S. fired four missiles on two militant vehicles Sunday in the Shawal district of North Waziristan, a region considered a stronghold of Taliban and al-Qaida insurgents. Four militants were killed Saturday in a drone strike in the same region. Drone strikes are a contentious issue between Washington and Islamabad.  Pakistan ...

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Africa - Voice of America: 31 Killed in Sudan Plane Crash

Africa - Voice of America
31 Killed in Sudan Plane Crash
Aug 19th 2012, 11:32

Sudanese aviation officials say a plane traveling to the border state of South Kordofan has crashed, killing up to 31 people. Authorities say the plane went down Sunday near the town of Tolodi where a festival was being held to mark the end of Ramadan. The official SUNA news agency said several government ministers were aboard the plane.

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Asia - Voice of America: Japanese Activists Land on Disputed Islands

Asia - Voice of America
Japanese Activists Land on Disputed Islands
Aug 19th 2012, 10:47

A group of Japanese activists on Sunday swam ashore on an island claimed by both Japan and China, just days after nationalists from Hong Kong staged the same type of protest. About 10 activists out of a group of more than 100 who came on boats made an unauthorized landing on the deserted island and unfurled Japanese flags before swimming back to their boats. China's official Xinhua news agency reported Sunday that Beijing has filed a strong protest against Japan and urged Tokyo to stop ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Twin Blasts Rock Libyan Capital

Africa - Voice of America
Twin Blasts Rock Libyan Capital
Aug 19th 2012, 10:27

Libyan officials say twin car bombings early Sunday in the capital, Tripoli, have killed at least two people and wounded several others. One of the blasts went off near the Interior Ministry.  The other occurred near a security training facility.  There has been no claim of responsibility for the explosions. The deadly incident in the north African country is one of the worst since the overthrow of Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi last year.

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