Thursday, June 14, 2012

Africa - Voice of America: Family Members: No Need for Inquiry Into Late Malawian President’s Death

Africa - Voice of America
Family Members: No Need for Inquiry Into Late Malawian President's Death
Jun 15th 2012, 04:32

James Butty

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Africa - Voice of America: Mali Journalists Denounce Attack on Press Freedom

Africa - Voice of America
Mali Journalists Denounce Attack on Press Freedom
Jun 15th 2012, 01:27

Journalists in Mali are condemning what they call a grave attack on press freedom, after several armed soldiers came to the offices of a private media house and ordered it not to broadcast an interview with a Tuareg rebel leader. Residents of the capital, Bamako, say the move shows that despite a lot of talk about a transition to civilian rule, real power remains with the military. A private television company, Africable, began airing spots on Monday about an interview with a leader of the ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Clinton: North Korea's Kim Has Opportunity to Bring Historic Change

Asia - Voice of America
Clinton: North Korea's Kim Has Opportunity to Bring Historic Change
Jun 15th 2012, 00:41

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says North Korea's new leader Kim Jong-un could go down in history if he helps his people emerge from poverty and isolation. Clinton said Thursday in Washington that leaders are judged by how they help their people create stability and prosperity. She said she hopes the 29-year-old Kim will choose to bring the North into the 21st century and spend money on food, education, and health care instead of implements of war. Clinton said she ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Egyptian Court Decision Could Give Power to the Military, says Human Rights Official

Africa - Voice of America
Egyptian Court Decision Could Give Power to the Military, says Human Rights Official
Jun 14th 2012, 21:03

Heba Morayef, a researcher with the U.S.-based group Human Rights Watch (HRW), says the ruling by the Supreme Constitutional Court could hand over unbridled power to the military. The court ruled as unconstitutional a parliamentary law that barred officials from former President Hosni Mubarak's administration from running for office. The ruling clears the way for former Prime Minister Ahmed Shafiq to contest this weekend's presidential run-off vote. The court also ruled that ...

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USA - Voice of America: Former US Officials Weigh In on Global Sea Treaty

USA - Voice of America
Former US Officials Weigh In on Global Sea Treaty
Jun 14th 2012, 21:27

CAPITOL HILL - Top officials of the former Bush administration have aired disagreements on whether the United States should join a global maritime treaty known as the Law of the Sea Convention. Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld and former Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Thursday.   More than 160 nations belong to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, which governs how nations may use the world's ...

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Economy - Voice of America: African Fashion Finds a Home in Dakar

Economy - Voice of America
African Fashion Finds a Home in Dakar
Jun 14th 2012, 16:39

DAKAR - Dakar Fashion Week celebrates its 10th year with the biggest lineup yet. The organizers of the international event aim to reach the heights of fashion weeks in Paris and New York, while remaining distinctly African. High fashion is nothing new in Africa.   And Senegalese designer Adama Ndiaye says it has its own special quality. "We do one piece, one by one. We're not sending it to the factory because we don't have a big factory," Ndiaye said. ...

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USA - Voice of America: Jury Begins Deliberations in US Insider Trading Case

USA - Voice of America
Jury Begins Deliberations in US Insider Trading Case
Jun 14th 2012, 18:46

NEW YORK - A jury in New York began deliberations Thursday in the insider trading case against Rajat Gupta, a former director of the Goldman Sachs investment banking firm and former head of McKinsey and Company, a  global consulting firm. Federal prosecutors say Gupta telephoned a friend and investment partner, Raj Rajaratnam, with information from a Goldman Sachs board meeting that investor Warren Buffett was going to invest $5 billion in the investment bank. That information had not ...

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USA - Voice of America: US Marathoner Aims for Another Olympic Medal

USA - Voice of America
US Marathoner Aims for Another Olympic Medal
Jun 14th 2012, 20:30

The United States qualified three men to run the marathon at the London Olympics on August 12, the final day of competition.  Joining Ryan Hall, a 2008 Olympian, are two runners who took their first steps in Africa:  Somalia-born Abdi Abdirahman and Eritrea-born Meb Keflezighi. Keflezighi has had a very successful athletics career since moving to the United States with his family at age 12. His two biggest highlights are a silver medal in the marathon at the 2004 Athens Olympics ...

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USA - Voice of America: US Media, Historians Mark 40th Anniversary of Watergate Scandal

USA - Voice of America
US Media, Historians Mark 40th Anniversary of Watergate Scandal
Jun 14th 2012, 17:02

WASHINGTON - Sunday, June 17, marks the 40th anniversary of the most consequential political scandal in U.S. history, the Watergate scandal.  What began as a bungled break-in at Democratic Party headquarters at the Watergate complex in Washington D.C. eventually led to Richard Nixon's resignation as president and continues to resonate today as a cautionary tale of political ambition, money and the abuse of power.  Start of a scandal It began in the early morning hours of ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Former Nigeria Military Leader Hints at Presidential Run

Africa - Voice of America
Former Nigeria Military Leader Hints at Presidential Run
Jun 14th 2012, 16:57

ABUJA - Three years before Nigeria's next presidential election, retired General Muhammadu Buhari has rescinded his pledge not to run again, hinting he make take a fourth try at the office.  Buhari, a former military head of state, has an unusual reputation for a leader in Nigeria.  Supporters say he is not corrupt. In fact, they say he is incorruptible.   They also say he is strict.  As the military head of state between 1983 and 1985 he prosecuted hundreds of ...

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Africa - Voice of America: African Fashion Finds a Home in Dakar

Africa - Voice of America
African Fashion Finds a Home in Dakar
Jun 14th 2012, 16:39

DAKAR - Dakar Fashion Week celebrates its 10th year with the biggest lineup yet. The organizers of the international event aim to reach the heights of fashion weeks in Paris and New York, while remaining distinctly African. High fashion is nothing new in Africa.   And Senegalese designer Adama Ndiaye says it has its own special quality. "We do one piece, one by one. We're not sending it to the factory because we don't have a big factory," Ndiaye said. ...

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Asia - Voice of America: UN Envoy Visits Burma’s Stricken Rakhine State

Asia - Voice of America
UN Envoy Visits Burma's Stricken Rakhine State
Jun 14th 2012, 18:42

BANKGOK - The U.N.'s special envoy to Burma, Vijay Nambiar, returned Thursday from a visit to Burma's western Rakhine state, where sectarian violence has killed 21 people and destroyed scores of homes. Nambiar said he spoke with people caught up in the violence who are still "in a state of shock," and unwilling to return to their homes.  There has been widespread violence in the area recently between Buddhists and Muslims, who are members of the ethnic minority known as ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Jury Begins Deliberations in US Insider Trading Case

Economy - Voice of America
Jury Begins Deliberations in US Insider Trading Case
Jun 14th 2012, 18:46

NEW YORK - A jury in New York began deliberations Thursday in the insider trading case against Rajat Gupta, a former director of the Goldman Sachs investment banking firm and former head of McKinsey and Company, a  global consulting firm. Federal prosecutors say Gupta telephoned a friend and investment partner, Raj Rajaratnam, with information from a Goldman Sachs board meeting that investor Warren Buffett was going to invest $5 billion in the investment bank. That information had not ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Egyptian Court Ruling Ignites Fury

Africa - Voice of America
Egyptian Court Ruling Ignites Fury
Jun 14th 2012, 19:06

CAIRO - Egypt's Supreme Constitutional Court ruling that Ahmed Shafiq, the last prime minister of the old government, is eligible to run for president in this weekend's election despite a law banning ex-officials from the race, has sparked fury among protesters. The court also nullified the election of one third of the Islamist-dominated parliament, effectively dissolving the legislative body. In a crowd gathered outside the court, some called the ruling a political decision ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Intel-Sharing Center Launched in DRC

Africa - Voice of America
Intel-Sharing Center Launched in DRC
Jun 14th 2012, 17:02

GOMA - Eleven countries of Africa's Great Lakes region have set up a new mechanism for sharing information on security threats. Intelligence chiefs from each member nation gathered in Goma this week for the opening ceremony of the Center for Intelligence Sharing for the Great Lakes Countries. According to the center's executive secretary, Professor Ntumba Luaba, a former DRC government minister, partnering countries - Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania, Kenya, Zambia, Angola, ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Karzai: Cooperation Key to Stability in Afghanistan

Asia - Voice of America
Karzai: Cooperation Key to Stability in Afghanistan
Jun 14th 2012, 19:22

ISLAMABAD - Foreign ministers and diplomats from 30 countries gathered Thursday in Kabul to discuss the future of Afghanistan.    The one-day meeting aimed to map out how regional and other countries can work together to stabilize Afghanistan and build up its economy. But not all the nations taking part in the meeting are allies.    Political differences and competing goals between India, China, Pakistan, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United ...

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USA - Voice of America: Clinton Unveals New US Africa Policy

USA - Voice of America
Clinton Unveals New US Africa Policy
Jun 14th 2012, 17:11

The Obama administration says it is launching a new partnership with sub-Saharan Africa to improve democracy, economic growth, security and trade in the region. The new presidential policy directive on sub-Saharan Africa is based on many of the themes outlined in Barack Obama's 2009 speech to lawmakers in Ghana.  The White House says it commits the United States to elevating its work to strengthen democratic institutions and boost economic growth, trade and investment. ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Clinton Unveals New US Africa Policy

Africa - Voice of America
Clinton Unveals New US Africa Policy
Jun 14th 2012, 17:11

The Obama administration says it is launching a new partnership with sub-Saharan Africa to improve democracy, economic growth, security and trade in the region. The new presidential policy directive on sub-Saharan Africa is based on many of the themes outlined in Barack Obama's 2009 speech to lawmakers in Ghana.  The White House says it commits the United States to elevating its work to strengthen democratic institutions and boost economic growth, trade and investment. ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Death Toll Rises in Burma's Sectarian Violence

Asia - Voice of America
Death Toll Rises in Burma's Sectarian Violence
Jun 14th 2012, 17:44

Officials say 28 people have died in Burma's western Rakhine state, as a top U.N. envoy visits there to assess tensions between Buddhists and Muslims. The outbreak of sectarian violence between ethnic Rahkines and ethnic Rohingyas has caused death and property damage on both sides. Officials say tens of thousands of people have been displaced, more than 2,500 homes burned, and food and water supplies are growing scarce. U.N. officials say that Vijay Nambiar, Secretary-General Ban ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Better Cyber Security Urged in West Africa

Africa - Voice of America
Better Cyber Security Urged in West Africa
Jun 13th 2012, 22:10

This is Part Five of a five-part series on Modernizing African Banking Continue to Parts:     1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 Internet banking is reported to be gaining increasing acceptance along the West Coast of Africa because of the benefits that it offers, but there are emerging security issues. E-Crime consultant Albert Antwi-Bosiako says it is important that cybercrimes --known in Nigeria as 419 and in Ghana as Sakawa - are not allowed to ...

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Africa - Voice of America: African Banks Should Grow Tech with Customers in Mind

Africa - Voice of America
African Banks Should Grow Tech with Customers in Mind
Jun 13th 2012, 21:31

This is Part Two of a five-part series on Modernizing African Banking Continue to Parts:     1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 African banking consultant Edward Randolph Koranteng says, as West African banks look to the future, they should focus on satisfying consumer needs. Speaking at a recent conference in Accra focusing on banking and technology, the Ghanaian said new technological investments will help the banks broaden their scope and adopt new ...

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Africa - Voice of America: African Banking: the Paper-Free Future of Checks

Africa - Voice of America
African Banking: the Paper-Free Future of Checks
Jun 13th 2012, 23:25

This is Part Three of a five-part series on Modernizing African Banking Continue to Parts:     1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 A new software package is promising to help West African banks process checks faster, more cheaply, and more securely. The package works on the so-called "truncation model," which is already being used to speed up secure banking elsewhere in the world. Marius Krige, who has 20 years of experience in the IT and financial ...

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Africa - Voice of America: African Banks Entice Customers with Mobile Money

Africa - Voice of America
African Banks Entice Customers with Mobile Money
Jun 13th 2012, 21:01

This is Part One of a five-part series on Modernizing African Banking Continue to Parts:     1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 Nigerian banks are exploring new ways of reaching the approximately two-thirds of the population who do not currently have bank accounts. About 57 million Nigerians are said to be outside the banking sector. Part of the problem is that microfinance banks, which have so far dominated the sector, have largely focused on just some ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Youth Banking to be Revitalized with Smartcards

Africa - Voice of America
Youth Banking to be Revitalized with Smartcards
Jun 13th 2012, 21:39

This is Part Four of a five-part series on Modernizing African Banking Continue to Parts:     1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 Smartcard technologies are said to be revitalizing the development of services targeted at the youth.   Sheila Bartels-Sam, CEO of Incharge Global Ghana, says cards that deliver more than one service make subscribers versatile. Bartels-Sam says her organization focuses on young consumers, because they easily adapt to ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Stop Funding Explosives, Activists Say

Economy - Voice of America
Stop Funding Explosives, Activists Say
Jun 14th 2012, 12:45

LONDON - During the past three years, financial institutions around the world have invested more than $40 billion in producers of banned cluster munitions, according to a report published Thursday . The investors include Citigroup, JP Morgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank and China Merchants Bank. According to the research paper, 137 private and public institutions have been investing in manufacturing companies that produce cluster munitions. Report co-author Roos Boer says ...

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Economy - Voice of America: For Filipino-Chinese Merchants Ties Trump Tensions

Economy - Voice of America
For Filipino-Chinese Merchants Ties Trump Tensions
Jun 14th 2012, 12:36

MANILA - The territorial tensions between the Philippines and China recently have affected trade and boosted nationalistic rhetoric. But, in Manila, residents of one of the world's oldest Chinatowns take a longer view. The vibrant community of Filipino-Chinese merchants has strong connections to both countries. The Chinese have been doing business in the Philippines for more than 1,000 years, integrating into a well-established Filipino-Chinese community. More than just business, they ...

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USA - Voice of America: Report: US Expands Air Surveillance Across Africa

USA - Voice of America
Report: US Expands Air Surveillance Across Africa
Jun 14th 2012, 13:33

The Washington Post reports the U.S. military has set up small air bases across Africa to conduct surveillance of terrorist groups. The newspaper, quoting U.S. and African officials, says about a dozen bases have been set up since 2007 in a number of countries.  They include Burkina Faso, Uganda, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Kenya and the Seychelles. The Post reports that instead of drones, the program uses single-engine PC-12s flown by pilots.  It says the small, unarmed ...

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