Tuesday, August 28, 2012

USA - Voice of America: Romney Nominated, Christie Wows Delegates

USA - Voice of America
Romney Nominated, Christie Wows Delegates
Aug 29th 2012, 03:30

TAMPA — Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney was officially nominated as the Republican Party's presidential candidate Tuesday, ending a lengthy selection process that began with the Iowa caucus vote in early January.  Republican delegates attending the party's national convention in Tampa, Florida, also heard a  rousing speech from New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. Although there was no suspense about the outcome, Republicans went ahead with the traditional roll call ...

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USA - Voice of America: Officials Say New Orleans is Better Protected This Time Around

USA - Voice of America
Officials Say New Orleans is Better Protected This Time Around
Aug 28th 2012, 21:29

Hurricane Isaac is churning through the Gulf of Mexico, reminding residents of the death and destruction caused by Hurricane Katrina almost  seven years ago. That storm was one of the worst in U.S. history, killing more than 1,800 people, wrecking hundreds of thousands of homes and tripling unemployment in the area. ​​Seven years ago, Hurricane Katrina hammered the U.S. Gulf Coast with a storm surge eight and a half meters high and winds that blew apart buildings. The storm overwhelmed ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Nigeria Official Denies Insecurity Drives Away Investors

Africa - Voice of America
Nigeria Official Denies Insecurity Drives Away Investors
Aug 28th 2012, 22:32

An adviser to Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan has denied reports that the country's security challenges are driving away investors. Doyin Okupe, senior special adviser for public affairs, says the administration is working with prominent elders in the north to find solutions to the violence often perpetrated by an Islamist militant group, Boko Haram. "Now, very important personalities in the country, especially in the north, have constituted themselves into a very strong body and they ...

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USA - Voice of America: 7 Years After Katrina, New Orleans Prepares for Isaac

USA - Voice of America
7 Years After Katrina, New Orleans Prepares for Isaac
Aug 28th 2012, 22:24

NEW Orleans — Hurricane Isaac is hitting New Orleans exactly seven years after another storm, Hurricane Katrina, devastated the city.  New Orleans' Ninth Ward is a low-lying area surrounded by water on three sides.  In 2005, the levees meant to protect it failed during Hurricane Katrina, flooding the area and killing hundreds of residents. In the calm before the anticipated arrival of Hurricane Isaac, the streets were quiet.  Many residents evacuated. Mary-Belle Nelson ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Saudi Arabia Straddling the Line on Women’s Rights

Economy - Voice of America
Saudi Arabia Straddling the Line on Women's Rights
Aug 28th 2012, 18:39

Recent reports that Saudi Arabia is building "women-only" industrial zones have raised eyebrows.  Will offering segregated employment help women progress -- or tuck them even further out of sight in Saudi's male-oriented society?  Earlier this month, the Saudi Industrial Property Authority—or MODUN, announced it was building a number of industrial cities that will include women-only business zones. This will allow women to work without violating religious laws banning unrelated men ...

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USA - Voice of America: Study: Genes May Play Role in Political Beliefs

USA - Voice of America
Study: Genes May Play Role in Political Beliefs
Aug 28th 2012, 20:52

As the Republican National Convention gets under way in Florida with Mitt Romney formally accepting his party's presidential nomination, a new study suggests genes may play a role in people's political views. Researchers say genetic influences seem to be especially strong as related to social issues. For years, political scientists assumed that people's political views were determined by their environments, such as what their parents and friends believed, and the communities in ...

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USA - Voice of America: On Iowa Stump, Obama Attacks Romney

USA - Voice of America
On Iowa Stump, Obama Attacks Romney
Aug 28th 2012, 20:58

WHITE HOUSE – As Republicans hold their national convention in Tampa, Florida, Democratic President Barack Obama again hit the campaign trail in key election states, returning to the Midwestern state of Iowa, which he won by more than a nine percent margin in 2008,  Addressing students at Iowa State University in Ames on Tuesday, President Obama criticized Romney's budget proposals as harmful to young people who are struggling to repay student loans.  To frequent cheers and an ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Burma's President Pardons 2 UN Staffers, Another Aid Worker

Asia - Voice of America
Burma's President Pardons 2 UN Staffers, Another Aid Worker
Aug 28th 2012, 20:17

Burmese President Thein Sein has pardoned two U.N. personnel and a third aid worker who were sentenced to prison last week for their alleged involvement in a deadly outbreak of Buddhist-Muslim violence in June. The Burmese presidential office said Tuesday that Thein Sein granted the pardon to the three aid workers employed by the U.N.'s World Food Program, the U.N. refugee agency, and a Burmese non-government organization affiliated to the refugee agency. All three are Burmese Muslims. A ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Christians Flee Their Homes in Pakistani Capital

Asia - Voice of America
Christians Flee Their Homes in Pakistani Capital
Aug 28th 2012, 20:39

ISLAMABAD — Afraid for their lives, Christians have fled their homes in the Islamabad neighborhood where a young girl has been accused by Muslim neighbors of blasphemy.  Shaqila Bibi, a Christian, is packing up.  She's afraid Muslims in her neighborhood will attack her if she stays.   "We are frightened," said Bibi. "They can harm us any time, set us on fire, and the landlord has asked us to leave so that we are not harmed." David Masih says families fled the area ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Forbes Hails Changes in Africa’s Business Environment

Economy - Voice of America
Forbes Hails Changes in Africa's Business Environment
Aug 28th 2012, 19:23

The vice president of Forbes media says the launch of the Forbes Afrique magazine is a sign of better business possibilities in Africa. Christopher Forbes said his organization is celebrating free enterprise and the entrepreneurial spirit following the official launch of the Forbes Afrique magazine. "We are at a unique moment in time [and] there [are] a lot of exciting things happening in Africa. And also things aren't going so well in the rest of the world that we can't keep pointing ...

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Africa - Voice of America: South Sudan: Rebels Recruiting Youth in Jonglei

Africa - Voice of America
South Sudan: Rebels Recruiting Youth in Jonglei
Aug 28th 2012, 19:02

JUBA — South Sudan's military says rebel leader and former army general David Yau Yau, whose forces killed 24 soldiers last week, is recruiting disgruntled ethnic Murle youth who are resisting army-led disarmament.  South Sudan has had persistent trouble with both rebels and ethnic tension since becoming an independent nation last year.  Military spokesman Philip Aguer said Tuesday that 17 soldiers were still missing and 12 "seriously wounded" from an ambush on 200 troops last ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Forbes Hails Changes in Africa’s Business Environment

Africa - Voice of America
Forbes Hails Changes in Africa's Business Environment
Aug 28th 2012, 19:23

The vice president of Forbes media says the launch of the Forbes Afrique magazine is a sign of better business possibilities in Africa. Christopher Forbes said his organization is celebrating free enterprise and the entrepreneurial spirit following the official launch of the Forbes Afrique magazine. "We are at a unique moment in time [and] there [are] a lot of exciting things happening in Africa. And also things aren't going so well in the rest of the world that we can't keep pointing ...

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Africa - Voice of America: UN Urges No More Executions in Gambia

Africa - Voice of America
UN Urges No More Executions in Gambia
Aug 28th 2012, 16:44

The United Nations is calling on Gambia to spare all additional prisoners on death row, after authorities there executed nine people. The U.N. special envoy on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Christof Heyns, strongly condemned Gambia's action in a statement Tuesday and called for "a halt to further executions." Heyns said the executions are a "major step backwards for the country," and expressed concern that those put to death did not receive due ...

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USA - Voice of America: Romney Arrives at Republican National Convention

USA - Voice of America
Romney Arrives at Republican National Convention
Aug 28th 2012, 15:59

U.S. Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney has arrived at his party's national convention where his wife Ann and his supporters are set to make their case to voters why he should replace President Barack Obama as the American leader. Romney flew Tuesday to the host city of Tampa, Florida, to witness his wife's primetime television speech to the Republican National Convention.  New Jersey Governor Chris Christie closes the night with his keynote address. Party officials ...

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USA - Voice of America: Protesters Converge on Tampa for Republican Convention

USA - Voice of America
Protesters Converge on Tampa for Republican Convention
Aug 28th 2012, 17:03

TAMPA — More than three years after the U.S. economy fell into deep recession, protesters outside the Republican National Convention point to what they call a continuing crisis of unemployment and homelessness. As delegates prepare to nominate Mitt Romney amidst a glitzy three-day party in Tampa, Florida, demonstrators camped out in the heavy rains of a tropical storm. So far, protesters marching on downtown Tampa's mostly deserted streets are outnumbered by police and news reporters. ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Pakistan Clerics Want Impartial Blasphemy Probe for Minor

Asia - Voice of America
Pakistan Clerics Want Impartial Blasphemy Probe for Minor
Aug 28th 2012, 13:13

The lawyer for a Pakistani Christian girl accused of blasphemy says she is a minor and that her case will likely be heard in a juvenile court.  The girl, Rimsha Masih, was taken into custody earlier this month after angry neighbors surrounded her house in Islamabad and accused her of burning pages inscribed with verses from the Quran. Some say she was burning papers from the garbage for cooking. Blasphemy is punishable by death in Pakistan.  On Tuesday, her attorney, Tahir Naveed ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Red Cross Scales Back Operations in Pakistan

Asia - Voice of America
Red Cross Scales Back Operations in Pakistan
Aug 28th 2012, 16:32

The Red Cross is scaling back its operations in Pakistan, following the killing of one of its staff members earlier this year. British doctor Khalil Rasjed Dale was kidnapped and beheaded in Quetta, the capital of the southwestern province of Baluchsitan, in April.  Dale had been managing a health program in the city. His death prompted the International Committee of the Red Cross to suspend activities in the Pakistani cities of Peshawar and Karachi and undertake an extensive review of ...

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Africa - Voice of America: One Killed As Kenyan Police Clash With Mombasa Rioters

Africa - Voice of America
One Killed As Kenyan Police Clash With Mombasa Rioters
Aug 28th 2012, 15:46

Kenyan police have clashed with Muslim youths in the port city of Mombasa, in a second day of riots sparked by the killing of a radical Muslim cleric. Police say an officer was killed Tuesday in a grenade attack by one of the protesters.  Earlier, police fired tear gas in an effort to disperse youths who were throwing stones. Mombasa residents said they were taking shelter as groups of young men rampaged through the streets.  A reporter for VOA's Swahili Service says youths ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Survey Shows Lake Tanganyika’s Oil ‘Potential’ in Tanzania

Africa - Voice of America
Survey Shows Lake Tanganyika's Oil 'Potential' in Tanzania
Aug 28th 2012, 14:40

KINSHASA — An Australian company exploring for oil on the Tanzanian side of Lake Tanganyika says it may target potential areas for drilling in about six months' time.  The company, Beach Energy, says the lake has the potential for large discoveries and there are clear signs of a working petroleum system on the Congolese side.    Beach Energy has an exploration license for the southern half of Tanzania's share of Lake Tanganyika.  In June the company started a seismic ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Somali Parliament Elects New Speaker

Africa - Voice of America
Somali Parliament Elects New Speaker
Aug 28th 2012, 15:33

Somalia's parliament has elected a new speaker, taking a major step in a U.N.-backed plan to create a stronger and more permanent government. Mohamed Osman Jawari won the speaker's post in a vote by legislators in Mogadishu Tuesday.  Jawari held a significant lead after the first round of voting, and was named speaker after his opponent in a planned run-off dropped out. The 66-year-old Jawari served as transportation minister and minister of labor and sports under former ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Record Number of Africans Make Journey to Yemen

Africa - Voice of America
Record Number of Africans Make Journey to Yemen
Aug 28th 2012, 16:05

The number of refugees and migrants crossing from the Horn of Africa into Yemen continues at a record pace. Most of the arrivals are Ethiopian. The U.N. refugee agency says so far this year, nearly 64,000 people crossed the Gulf of Aden or Red Sea to reach Yemen. That compares to about 49,000 during the same period last year, a 30 percent increase. "What we are seeing over the first seven months of 2012 is a large increase of the number of refugees and migrants arriving from the Horn of ...

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USA - Voice of America: Romney Heads to Republican National Convention

USA - Voice of America
Romney Heads to Republican National Convention
Aug 28th 2012, 15:59

U.S. Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney is headed to his party's national convention where his wife Ann and his supporters are set to make their case to voters why he should replace President Barack Obama as the American leader. Romney left Tuesday for the host city of Tampa, Florida, to witness his wife's primetime television speech to the Republican National Convention.  New Jersey Governor Chris Christie closes the night with his keynote address. Party officials ...

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USA - Voice of America: Top 5 Wacky Warning Labels Identified

USA - Voice of America
Top 5 Wacky Warning Labels Identified
Aug 27th 2012, 14:13

Each year, a group called the Center for America, which is critical of frivolous lawsits, selects the year's top five "Wacky Warning Labels."  ​​ For instance, it once found a stern advisory on a package of rat poison:  "Warning: Has Been Found to Cause Cancer in Laboratory Mice."     This year's dubious "winners" are out. They include this warning on an electric razor: "Never Use While Sleeping."  And this one on an office desk accessory that looks like the ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Kenyan Officials: Alcohol Abuse Is National Catastrophe

Africa - Voice of America
Kenyan Officials: Alcohol Abuse Is National Catastrophe
Aug 28th 2012, 14:40

NAIROBI, Kenya — The World Health Organization says about 2.5 million people die annually, and many more succumb to illness and injury, as a result of harmful alcohol use. The WHO also says that alcohol increasingly is affecting younger generations and drinkers in developing countries. Kenya is one such country that is experiencing these negative repercussions from alcohol abuse. In a 2011 report, the Kenyan National Campaign Against Drug Abuse Authority, or NACADA, says alcohol and drug ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Mali's Muslim Leaders Negotiate with Northern Islamists

Africa - Voice of America
Mali's Muslim Leaders Negotiate with Northern Islamists
Aug 28th 2012, 14:15

BAMAKO — Mali's High Islamic Council has opened talks with the al-Qaida-linked Islamist militants who control the northern half of the country and are trying to impose a harsh interpretation of Sharia law.   The president of Mali's High Islamic Council, Imam Mahamoud Dicko, is one of several national and regional leaders making attempts at mediation with armed groups in the North. ​​​Dicko believes a peaceful solution to the crisis is still possible and as a highly ...

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Asia - Voice of America: UN Warns Gender Imbalances Growing in Asia

Asia - Voice of America
UN Warns Gender Imbalances Growing in Asia
Aug 28th 2012, 12:38

BANGKOK — A U.N. report on gender imbalances says the continuing preference for boy children, especially in India and China, is leading increasing numbers of families to use prenatal sex selection.  Researchers warn that the phenomenon is gaining favor in more countries. The new United Nations Population Fund report says gender selection practices are showing signs of increase in Southeast Asia, as well as Bangladesh and Afghanistan and Eastern European states of Albania, Armenia, ...

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