Friday, August 17, 2012

USA - Voice of America: Ecuador's President Defends Asylum Grant for Assange

USA - Voice of America
Ecuador's President Defends Asylum Grant for Assange
Aug 18th 2012, 03:31

teaser: Correa says he fears that Assange would face possible death penalty if he were prosecuted and convicted in US Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa says the main reason his country has granted asylum to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is that no one could guarantee that Assange would not be extradited to a "third country." Assange has been sheltered in the Ecuadorean embassy in London since June. The Australian took refuge there after losing a legal battle to fight ...

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Americas - Voice of America: Ecuador's President Defends Asylum Grant for Assange

Americas - Voice of America
Ecuador's President Defends Asylum Grant for Assange
Aug 18th 2012, 03:31

teaser: Correa says he fears that Assange would face possible death penalty if he were prosecuted and convicted in US Ecuadorean President Rafael Correa says the main reason his country has granted asylum to WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is that no one could guarantee that Assange would not be extradited to a "third country." Assange has been sheltered in the Ecuadorean embassy in London since June. The Australian took refuge there after losing a legal battle to fight ...

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Economy - Voice of America: South African President Orders Probe Into Mine Shootings

Economy - Voice of America
South African President Orders Probe Into Mine Shootings
Aug 17th 2012, 09:11

JOHANNESBURG — South African President Jacob Zuma has ordered an official inquiry into the police killing of 34 striking miners, the deadliest security operation in the country since the end of apartheid. Zuma said he was "shocked and dismayed" at what he called "senseless violence."  The president cut short a visit Friday to a regional summit in Mozambique and traveled to the mine in Marikana, northwest of Johannesburg. Zuma stopped short of saying who was ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Some African Olympians Choose to Defect After Games

Africa - Voice of America
Some African Olympians Choose to Defect After Games
Aug 17th 2012, 21:57

JOHANNESBURG — The 2012 Olympics ended recently but some of the athletes have stayed behind in Britain. About a dozen African competitors have chosen to defect, including the man who carried the flag for Eritrea.  Uganda's gold medal-winning marathoner returned home this week to a parade, a presidential welcome and a check for $80,000. Not all of Africa's Olympians have been welcomed home like Uganda's Stephen Kiprotich. In fact, at least a dozen appear to have left the Olympic ...

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USA - Voice of America: Facebook Stock Hits New Low

USA - Voice of America
Facebook Stock Hits New Low
Aug 17th 2012, 22:37

Facebook stock has fallen below $20 per share -- nearly half the stock's initial selling price after its much-hyped public debut in May.  The sell-off came Thursday after the expiration of a 90-day ban that prevented early investors from selling shares of Facebook for quick profit. Despite the stock's poor performance so far, some say it's too early to give up on Facebook. It was easily the most anticipated, most watched public offering of 2012, but just three months later, ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Facebook Stock Hits New Low

Economy - Voice of America
Facebook Stock Hits New Low
Aug 17th 2012, 22:37

Facebook stock has fallen below $20 per share -- nearly half the stock's initial selling price after its much-hyped public debut in May.  The sell-off came Thursday after the expiration of a 90-day ban that prevented early investors from selling shares of Facebook for quick profit. Despite the stock's poor performance so far, some say it's too early to give up on Facebook. It was easily the most anticipated, most watched public offering of 2012, but just three months later, ...

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USA - Voice of America: Coney Island Amusement Park Still Up and Spinning

USA - Voice of America
Coney Island Amusement Park Still Up and Spinning
Aug 17th 2012, 19:07

NEW YORK — For over a century, tourists and New York natives have flocked to Coney Island, a peninsula on the Atlantic Ocean in southern Brooklyn. It's best known for its amusement parks and exciting rides but also features cool sea breezes and world famous hotdogs. Coney Island is only half a kilometer wide, but this "playground by the sea" has been offering giant-sized fun ever since the early 19th century. It's been a "Big Apple" summertime destination, beginning with ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Zimbabwe's Political Impasse High on SADC Agenda

Africa - Voice of America
Zimbabwe's Political Impasse High on SADC Agenda
Aug 17th 2012, 18:44

MAPUTO — The 15-member regional bloc known as the Southern African Development Community, or SADC, began meeting in the Mozambican capital, Maputo on Friday.  During the two-day meeting, heads of state will address several regional issues including Zimbabwe's ongoing political impasse.  SADC leaders are pressing Zimbabwe's leaders to agree on a draft constitution amid signs that President Robert Mugabe is unhappy with it.  The sudden departure of South Africa's ...

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Africa - Voice of America: South Sudanese Scholar Returns Home

Africa - Voice of America
South Sudanese Scholar Returns Home
Aug 16th 2012, 17:18

Sitting in a friend's cluttered university office and drinking a cup of instant coffee, Makwei Deng insisted he has not been in the United States for a full four years. "Thirteen days before it becomes four years," he said, laughing. During the time he has been in the United States, Deng has earned a college degree in economics and philosophy at George Washington University (GW) in Washington, DC. That course of study was not exactly what Deng had in mind when he applied for a Banaa ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Northern Mali Militants Recruiting Children

Africa - Voice of America
Northern Mali Militants Recruiting Children
Aug 17th 2012, 19:10

DAKAR — A recent investigation by the Malian Coalition for Rights of the Child found that militant groups in control of northern Mali are using hundreds of children, aged 9 to 17, not just as combatants but also as scouts, couriers, minesweepers, cooks and servants.   But Amadou Bocar Tekete, the coalition's vice-president, says militants aren't using force to swell their ranks.  "They are seducing youth, giving them money and food," he said, explaining that ...

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USA - Voice of America: Gene-Modified Corn Designed to Resist Drought

USA - Voice of America
Gene-Modified Corn Designed to Resist Drought
Aug 17th 2012, 16:33

SUTTON, Nebraska — Walking through Bruce Trautman's cornfields near drought-hit Sutton, Nebraska, you could walk right by Monsanto's genetically-modified, drought-tolerant varieties and not notice a difference.  With about a third less rainfall this season, the leaves are turning brown just like their conventional neighbors.  But Trautman peels back the husks to show ears of modified corn that look bigger, with more kernels than the others.  With a month or so to go ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Gene-Modified Corn Designed to Resist Drought

Economy - Voice of America
Gene-Modified Corn Designed to Resist Drought
Aug 17th 2012, 16:33

SUTTON, Nebraska — Walking through Bruce Trautman's cornfields near drought-hit Sutton, Nebraska, you could walk right by Monsanto's genetically-modified, drought-tolerant varieties and not notice a difference.  With about a third less rainfall this season, the leaves are turning brown just like their conventional neighbors.  But Trautman peels back the husks to show ears of modified corn that look bigger, with more kernels than the others.  With a month or so to go ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Zimbabwe Census Kicks off, Mugabe Says He Wants Baby Boom

Africa - Voice of America
Zimbabwe Census Kicks off, Mugabe Says He Wants Baby Boom
Aug 17th 2012, 17:05

HARARE — Zimbabwe's government census kicks off at midnight Friday and the country's President Robert Mugabe expects a higher population growth from the previous count done 10 years ago. Zimbabwe is one of the countries most affected by the HIV/AIDS pandemic.   Speaking ahead of the two-day head-counting exercise which ends Sunday, the 88-year-old Zimbabwean leader said he was not pleased with how the 2002 census reflected the effects of the HIV/AIDS pandemic on the African country. ...

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USA - Voice of America: Taliban Leader Issues 'Unmistakable Message of Death'

USA - Voice of America
Taliban Leader Issues 'Unmistakable Message of Death'
Aug 17th 2012, 11:51

The commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan has accused the Taliban's reclusive leader of issuing a "message of hate and hopelessness" to mark the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Fitr. General John Allen said Friday Mullah Omar's message focused on insurgent operations, revenge, death and lies. Allen said the faithful expect a message of congratulations at the end of Ramadan. The NATO commander said just recently, during attacks in Nimroz and Kunduz, Mullah Omar sent ...

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USA - Voice of America: US Outbreak of West Nile Virus May Be Worst in Years

USA - Voice of America
US Outbreak of West Nile Virus May Be Worst in Years
Aug 17th 2012, 16:48

Government officials in Texas have ordered aerial spraying of insecticide in Dallas to kill mosquitoes carrying the potentially deadly West Nile virus. An outbreak of the disease this year has killed 26 people and sickened perhaps 700 more this year across a wide area of the U.S. Texas has been worst affected by what is seen as likely the worst outbreak in years. William Reisen, a research entomologist from the University of California at Davis, says the current wave of infections is the ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Somalia May Miss Key Political Benchmarks

Africa - Voice of America
Somalia May Miss Key Political Benchmarks
Aug 17th 2012, 16:02

NAIROBI —Observers of Somalia's political transition process say the final political benchmarks to end the transition, including the election of a new president, will not be met by the August 20 deadline.  An arbitration committee working to solve clan disputes on how to share parliamentary seats is yet to reach agreement. Some reports also say the technical selection committee working to screen and approve members of the next parliament objects to some of the candidates put forward. ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Japan's Decision to Deport Chinese Activists Reignites Diplomatic Row

Asia - Voice of America
Japan's Decision to Deport Chinese Activists Reignites Diplomatic Row
Aug 17th 2012, 12:08

TOKYO – Japan is embroiled in a set of diplomatic crises with China and South Korea over two groups of disputed islands.  The long-standing disputes flared up as countries on the region commemorated the end of World War II. Authorities deported 14 Chinese activists and journalists accused of illegally entering the country's territory when they landed on an island that Japan controls but China claims. The group traveled by boat to rocky outcroppings  known in Japan as the ...

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USA - Voice of America: Obama Urges Romney to Release More Tax Records

USA - Voice of America
Obama Urges Romney to Release More Tax Records
Aug 17th 2012, 14:59

U.S. President Barack Obama's campaign is keeping the spotlight on the tax records of challenger Mitt Romney. Obama's campaign manager, Jim Messina, called on the Romney campaign Friday to release five years of tax returns, saying that if it did so, the Obama campaign would not criticize the Republican candidate for not releasing more of his tax returns. Romney said Thursday he had not paid less than 13 percent of his income in federal taxes over the past decade. In January, ...

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Asia - Voice of America: China-Japan Island Dispute Has Long History

Asia - Voice of America
China-Japan Island Dispute Has Long History
Aug 17th 2012, 13:48

The chain of uninhabited islands at the center of a territorial dispute between China and Japan sits on top of what are thought to be vast oil deposits, and are surrounded by rich fishing grounds. But the islands, known as Senkaku in Japanese and Diaoyu in Chinese, have a long history of straining relations and inspiring nationalist resentment between the two Asian neighbors, long before the issue of oil resources in the area came up. China says the islands have been considered part of its ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Bomb Slams Into Bus Carrying Pakistan Shi'ites

Asia - Voice of America
Bomb Slams Into Bus Carrying Pakistan Shi'ites
Aug 17th 2012, 13:57

Pakistani authorities say a bomb has hit a bus carrying Shi'ite Muslims in the southern city of Karachi, killing at least one person. The blast comes a day after suspected Sunni militants shot and killed 22 Shi'ites who were traveling on buses in Pakistan's northwestern Mansehra district. Officials say the bus was carrying Shi'ites on their way to an annual rally marking solidarity with the Palestinians when the bomb exploded in Karachi.  At least 11 people were wounded ...

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Asia - Voice of America: India’s PM Reassures Northeast Migrants on Safety

Asia - Voice of America
India's PM Reassures Northeast Migrants on Safety
Aug 17th 2012, 12:25

NEW DELHI — India's prime minister extended assurances of safety to thousands of migrants from the northeast who are fleeing cities in the country's south and west. The exodus has been triggered by rumors of reprisal attacks by Muslims following ethnic unrest in the northeastern state of Assam and in neighboring Burma. Manmohan Singh said in parliament Friday that the recent ethnic violence in Assam should not be used to create an environment of insecurity for migrants from the northeast. ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Afghan Police Officer Kills 2 NATO Service Members

Asia - Voice of America
Afghan Police Officer Kills 2 NATO Service Members
Aug 17th 2012, 10:51

NATO says an Afghan police officer has killed two U.S. service members. NATO said the service members were killed Friday morning in western Farah province. The alliance said the attacker was shot and killed. Last week, six U.S. service members were killed by members of Afghan security forces or gunmen wearing their uniforms in two separate attacks. More than 33 coalition service members have been killed this year in so-called "green-on-blue" attacks.  "Green on ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Big Tobacco Hinders Anti-Smoking Efforts in China

Asia - Voice of America
Big Tobacco Hinders Anti-Smoking Efforts in China
Aug 17th 2012, 11:12

A new study says China has the largest number of tobacco users in the world. And analysts say efforts to curb the habit are being hindered by the country's state-owned tobacco enterprises. The British-based medical journal Lancet said Friday in a report on global smoking rates that around 300 million people, about 28 percent of the population, use tobacco products in China, despite new restrictions on public smoking. The study's lead author, Dr. Gary Giovino, says China's ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Visa to Enter Cash-Dominated Burma

Asia - Voice of America
Visa to Enter Cash-Dominated Burma
Aug 17th 2012, 10:27

It may soon be easier to make credit and debit card transactions in Burma, after financial services company Visa announced it is preparing to enter the Southeast Asian nation's cash-dominated market.   The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that Visa is training local bank workers to use electronic payment systems to help modernize Burma's economy, which is emerging from decades of international sanctions. Although making electronic transactions has become routine elsewhere in ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Powerful N. Korean Official Meets Chinese Leaders

Asia - Voice of America
Powerful N. Korean Official Meets Chinese Leaders
Aug 17th 2012, 10:42

The powerful uncle of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un has met with Chinese President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao after Beijing pledged earlier in the week to help Pyongyang develop two economic zones in North Korea. The talks Friday morning were the highest diplomatic exchanges between the two Communist countries since Kim Jong Un assumed power after the sudden death last December of his father, Kim Jong Il. The official China Radio International said the meetings came near the end of ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Taliban Leader Issues "An Unmistakable Message of Death"

Asia - Voice of America
Taliban Leader Issues "An Unmistakable Message of Death"
Aug 17th 2012, 11:51

The commander of U.S. and NATO forces in Afghanistan says the Taliban's reclusive leader has issued "an unmistakable message of death, hate and hopelessness" for Eid al-Fitr, the festival marking the end of Ramadan, the holy fasting month. U.S. General John Allen said Friday Mullah Omar's Eid message focused on insurgent operations, revenge, death and lies.  Allen said "normal members of the faithful" expect a message of congratulations at the end of the ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Visa to Enter Cash-Dominated Burma

Economy - Voice of America
Visa to Enter Cash-Dominated Burma
Aug 17th 2012, 10:27

It may soon be easier to make credit and debit card transactions in Burma, after financial services company Visa announced it is preparing to enter the Southeast Asian nation's cash-dominated market.   The Wall Street Journal reported Friday that Visa is training local bank workers to use electronic payment systems to help modernize Burma's economy, which is emerging from decades of international sanctions. Although making electronic transactions has become routine elsewhere in ...

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