Wednesday, June 6, 2012

USA - Voice of America: Rights Group: Liberia Fails to Stop Cross-Border Mercenary Attacks

USA - Voice of America
Rights Group: Liberia Fails to Stop Cross-Border Mercenary Attacks
Jun 7th 2012, 01:23

Wisconsin's Republican Governor, Scott Walker, survived a recall election Tuesday in a vote that political analysts believe could have an impact on this year's U.S. presidential race.  VOA National correspondent Jim Malone has more from Washington. It was a moment of sweet vindication for Wisconsin's embattled Republican governor, Scott Walker. "Voters really do want leaders who stand up and make the tough decisions!," Walker said. Walker angered labor unions and Democrats ...

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USA - Voice of America: New Yorkers Welcome Enterprise Space Shuttle

USA - Voice of America
New Yorkers Welcome Enterprise Space Shuttle
Jun 7th 2012, 00:29

NEW YORK -- A treasured relic of the U.S. space program, the Enterprise space shuttle, has arrived at its new home in New York City. Under blue skies, a barge bearing the space shuttle prototype Enterprise powered up the Hudson River Wednesday morning, past the New York skyline -- arriving midday at the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum. Visitors crowded the area around the museum to get a close look at the Enterprise, which never flew in space but was used in landing tests in the ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Malawi President To Visit U.S., Meet with Donors

Africa - Voice of America
Malawi President To Visit U.S., Meet with Donors
Jun 6th 2012, 14:12

Malawi President Joyce Banda will be visiting the U.S this week – but she won't be taking her predecessor's private presidential jet. Mrs. Banda recently announced the government will be selling off the presidential jet, along with dozens of limousines. It's part of an effort, officials say, to streamline government expenses. The moves have received accolades from the international community. "Malawi is going through hard times economically. We are just trying as a government to ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Study Details Political Caste System in North Korea

Asia - Voice of America
Study Details Political Caste System in North Korea
Jun 6th 2012, 22:40

A U.S.-based human rights group has released a report detailing how North Korea ranks its citizens based on their family's loyalty to the Kim dynasty in what it says amounts to an oppressive political caste system. The study released Wednesday by the U.S. Committee for Human Rights in North Korea says all of the country's citizens are divided into three heredity-based classes: loyal, wavering, or hostile. The report argues that "inequality is assigned at birth," and ...

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USA - Voice of America: Pentagon Sends More Warships to Pacific

USA - Voice of America
Pentagon Sends More Warships to Pacific
Jun 6th 2012, 20:53

The United States is building up its navy fleet in the Asia-Pacific region, a part of the world where China also has strategic interests. By 2020 the Pentagon plans to shift 60 percent of its naval assets to the Pacific, in contrast to the current 50-50 split with the Atlantic. The move is part of the Obama administration's strategic pivot to Asia, which analysts say is designed to offset China's rising military power. Still, U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told a recent ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Pentagon Sends More Warships to Pacific

Asia - Voice of America
Pentagon Sends More Warships to Pacific
Jun 6th 2012, 20:53

The United States is building up its navy fleet in the Asia-Pacific region, a part of the world where China also has strategic interests. By 2020 the Pentagon plans to shift 60 percent of its naval assets to the Pacific, in contrast to the current 50-50 split with the Atlantic. The move is part of the Obama administration's strategic pivot to Asia, which analysts say is designed to offset China's rising military power. Still, U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told a recent ...

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Middle East - Voice of America: Syrian Activists: At Least 78 Killed Near Hama

Middle East - Voice of America
Syrian Activists: At Least 78 Killed Near Hama
Jun 6th 2012, 21:30

Syrian activists say pro-government militia and security forces have killed at least 78 people, including women and children, in the central province of Hama. They say some of those killed in the villages of al-Kubeir and Maazarif Wednesday were stabbed to death and at least 12 bodies were burned. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said militiamen armed with guns and knives carried out the attack after regular troops had shelled the area. The Observatory described a ...

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Africa - Voice of America: UN: Central African Republic at Critical Juncture

Africa - Voice of America
UN: Central African Republic at Critical Juncture
Jun 6th 2012, 21:32

UNITED NATIONS - A senior United Nations official says the Central African Republic continues to face challenges after years of political instability and armed conflict. Margaret Vogt, the United Nations Special Representative for the Central African Republic, told the U.N. Security Council that the country is at a critical juncture, a phrase she admitted that she used last year when she delivered a similar report. She said it is essential that the Central African Republic, known as the ...

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Europe - Voice of America: Turkey's Political Leaders Discuss How to End Kurdish Insurgency

Europe - Voice of America
Turkey's Political Leaders Discuss How to End Kurdish Insurgency
Jun 6th 2012, 21:22

ISTANBUL - How to resolve a more than three-decade Kurdish insurgency in Turkey was the topic of a rare meeting Wednesday between the country's prime minister and main opposition political leader. The one-hour meeting between Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and the leader of the main opposition People's Republican Party Kemal Kilicdaroglu was described as positive by both sides.  The talk focused on the opposition initiative to bring an end to the insurgency ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Zimbabwe activists Urge UN to Set Up Human Rights Office

Africa - Voice of America
Zimbabwe activists Urge UN to Set Up Human Rights Office
Jun 6th 2012, 15:11

HARARE - Civic activists in Zimbabwe have called on the United Nations to set up an office in the country to monitor what they say is the deteriorating human rights situation.  The call comes after renewed political violence resulted in a senior member of Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai's party being killed - allegedly by supporters of President Robert Mugabe's ZANU-PF party.   Zimbabwean civil society groups want the United Nations to establish an office in the country to ...

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Americas - Voice of America: UN: Current Management of Environment Unsustainable

Americas - Voice of America
UN: Current Management of Environment Unsustainable
Jun 6th 2012, 17:38

GENEVA - The United Nations is warning the world is doing a terrible job of managing the environment and conserving its precious resources for future generations.  The U.N. Environment Program is launching its most comprehensive assessment of the state of the global environment before the Sustainable Development Conference that opens next week in Rio de Janeiro.   The report finds the world is continuing to speed down an unsustainable path, despite more than 500 internationally ...

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USA - Voice of America: Google, Apple Map out Battle Lines

USA - Voice of America
Google, Apple Map out Battle Lines
Jun 6th 2012, 18:37

Two U.S. technology innovators are waging a new battle over the maps that people throughout the world access on their smartphones and other computing devices. For several years, consumers using the hand-held iPhones and iPad tablets sold by the Apple consumer products company have viewed maps supplied by one of the leading search engine companies, Google. But now that arrangement is about to end, as Apple gets set to unveil its own proprietary mapping system and abandons use of ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Eyes Skyward, World Watches Venus Cross Sun

Asia - Voice of America
Eyes Skyward, World Watches Venus Cross Sun
Jun 6th 2012, 12:23

Skywatchers across the world Tuesday witnessed an astronomical event that will not happen again for more than a century -- Venus passing between the Sun and the Earth. Using special viewing glasses or telescopes, people in North and Central America, western Africa, most of Europe and many parts of the Asia-Pacific region watched for more than six hours as Venus crossed in front of the Sun in the form a small, black dot.  New York tourist Simon Beins said he was surprised by how ...

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Europe - Voice of America: Spain Denies Seeking Bank Bailout

Europe - Voice of America
Spain Denies Seeking Bank Bailout
Jun 6th 2012, 17:13

LONDON - Spain's economy minister has been forced to deny reports his government is seeking international help to prop up its banks, as fears grow that many lenders are facing huge losses on loans.  Several banks in Europe's strongest economy, Germany, have also been drawn into the crisis. Spain's southern shoreline, the Costa del Sol, has long been a favorite on Europe's tourism map.  But alongside the beach bars and nightclubs are row after row of half-built, ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Spain Denies Seeking Bank Bailout

Economy - Voice of America
Spain Denies Seeking Bank Bailout
Jun 6th 2012, 17:13

LONDON - Spain's economy minister has been forced to deny reports his government is seeking international help to prop up its banks, as fears grow that many lenders are facing huge losses on loans.  Several banks in Europe's strongest economy, Germany, have also been drawn into the crisis. Spain's southern shoreline, the Costa del Sol, has long been a favorite on Europe's tourism map.  But alongside the beach bars and nightclubs are row after row of half-built, ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Ugandan Journalists Face Violence and Intimidation

Africa - Voice of America
Ugandan Journalists Face Violence and Intimidation
Jun 6th 2012, 16:58

KAMPALA, Uganda - Harassment of journalists is on the rise in this East African nation, and freedom of speech is under threat, according to a recent report by Amnesty International.   When Ugandan photojournalist Isaac Kasamani covered an opposition rally last January, he expected it to be a straightforward assignment.  First there were speeches.  Then Kasamani, who works for a local newspaper in the Ugandan capital, Kampala, followed Uganda opposition leader Kizza Besigye ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Pakistan Ponders Panetta's Visit to India

Asia - Voice of America
Pakistan Ponders Panetta's Visit to India
Jun 6th 2012, 16:38

ISLAMABAD - U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta's visit to Pakistan's rival, India, highlights Washington's increasingly friendly ties with New Delhi. His visit may pressure Pakistan to consider the kind of approach it wants to take with the United States.   Defense Secretary Panetta on Wednesday called on India to provide additional support to Kabul, including to Afghanistan's security forces. He added that peace in South Asia requires closer India-Pakistan ties.   The ...

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Middle East - Voice of America: Bomb Targets US Embassy Office in Libya

Middle East - Voice of America
Bomb Targets US Embassy Office in Libya
Jun 6th 2012, 16:19

An explosion outside the U.S. mission in Libya's eastern city of Benghazi caused no injuries but heightened concerns about instability in the country as it plans for elections.  A U.S. official said the administration "deplores the attack" outside the diplomatic office and will continue to support democracy in Libya. A U.S. official in Libya says the attack late Tuesday damaged the front gate of the mission. Speaking on condition of anonymity, the official told VOA that ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Rights Group: Liberia Fails to Stop Cross-Border Attacks

Africa - Voice of America
Rights Group: Liberia Fails to Stop Cross-Border Attacks
Jun 6th 2012, 16:04

Human Rights Watch says mercenaries in eastern Liberia are running deadly cross-border raids into Ivory Coast and recruiting child soldiers.  The international rights group reports Liberia has failed to investigate and prosecute Liberian and Ivorian fighters who set up camp in Liberia after committing atrocities during the 2011 post-election crisis in Ivory Coast.   As former Ivorian president Laurent Gbagbo awaits his first hearing on charges of crimes against humanity this ...

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Africa - Voice of America: South Sudan Proposes Demilitarized Border With Sudan

Africa - Voice of America
South Sudan Proposes Demilitarized Border With Sudan
Jun 6th 2012, 16:44

South Sudan has proposed setting up a large demilitarized zone along its border with rival Sudan - a suggestion that Sudan quickly rejected. The proposal came Wednesday at African Union-mediated talks aimed at settling disputes and reducing tension between the neighbors, who have fought clashes along the border. South Sudan's Foreign Minister Nhial Deng said the proposal calls for both sides to withdraw all forces 10 kilometers from the border. "Basically what we have ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Bomb Targets US Embassy Office in Libya

Africa - Voice of America
Bomb Targets US Embassy Office in Libya
Jun 6th 2012, 16:19

An explosion outside the U.S. mission in Libya's eastern city of Benghazi caused no injuries but heightened concerns about instability in the country as it plans for elections.  A U.S. official said the administration "deplores the attack" outside the diplomatic office and will continue to support democracy in Libya. A U.S. official in Libya says the attack late Tuesday damaged the front gate of the mission. Speaking on condition of anonymity, the official told VOA that ...

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USA - Voice of America: US Science Fiction Icon Ray Bradbury Dead at 91

USA - Voice of America
US Science Fiction Icon Ray Bradbury Dead at 91
Jun 6th 2012, 16:10

​​​​​​Ray Bradbury, one of America's best-known science fiction writers, has died at the age of 91. Bradbury is perhaps most remembered for his 1953 novel Fahrenheit 451, about a futuristic society where book burning is an official policy. Inspired by the Cold War, the rise of television and Bradbury's love of books, the novel was made into a movie in 1966. Fahrenheit 451 is often described as a story about the evils of censorship, but Bradbury said it was really about ...

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USA - Voice of America: Bomb Targets US Embassy Office in Libya

USA - Voice of America
Bomb Targets US Embassy Office in Libya
Jun 6th 2012, 16:19

An explosion outside the U.S. mission in Libya's eastern city of Benghazi caused no injuries but heightened concerns about instability in the country as it plans for elections.  A U.S. official said the administration "deplores the attack" outside the diplomatic office and will continue to support democracy in Libya. A U.S. official in Libya says the attack late Tuesday damaged the front gate of the mission. Speaking on condition of anonymity, the official told VOA that ...

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Arts & Entertainment - Voice of America: US Science Fiction Icon Ray Bradbury Dead at 91

Arts & Entertainment - Voice of America
US Science Fiction Icon Ray Bradbury Dead at 91
Jun 6th 2012, 16:10

​​​​​​Ray Bradbury, one of America's best-known science fiction writers, has died at the age of 91. Bradbury is perhaps most remembered for his 1953 novel Fahrenheit 451, about a futuristic society where book burning is an official policy. Inspired by the Cold War, the rise of television and Bradbury's love of books, the novel was made into a movie in 1966. Fahrenheit 451 is often described as a story about the evils of censorship, but Bradbury said it was really about ...

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Arts & Entertainment - Voice of America: 'For Greater Glory' Dramatizes Mexican War

Arts & Entertainment - Voice of America
'For Greater Glory' Dramatizes Mexican War
Jun 6th 2012, 13:46

HOLLYWOOD - Almost 90 years ago, a civil war erupted in Mexico over religious freedom. Tens of thousands died on both sides during what's known as the "Cristero Wars." But even in Mexico today, the history is not well-known.  For Greater Glory , a new film starring Andy Garcia, dramatizes those events. In 1926, the newly-elected president of Mexico banned religious activities, with special focus on the country's most widespread faith: Roman Catholicism. ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Panetta Calls for Closer India-U.S. Security Partnership

Asia - Voice of America
Panetta Calls for Closer India-U.S. Security Partnership
Jun 6th 2012, 14:02

NEW DELHI - U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, on a visit to India, said both India and the United States will need to overcome deep differences with Pakistan to make South Asia peaceful. The visit underscores the greater U.S. focus on India to promote peace and stability in the Indian Ocean region.      Defense Secretary Panetta said it is important for both the U.S. and India to continue to engage Pakistan in order to further the goal of peace in South Asia. Panetta was ...

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