Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Africa - Voice of America: Mali Duo End Successful North American Tour

Africa - Voice of America
Mali Duo End Successful North American Tour
Aug 15th 2012, 23:43

The Malian Afro-blues duo Amadou and Mariam brought their seventh studio recording to stages across the US, as they toured North America. The husband and wife team said their ability to team up with musicians and singers from all over the globe was the highlight of their latest release, Folila, a word which means to make music in the Malian language of Bambara. "Our greatest joy was that there were people who came to sing with us, that was the source of our greatest moments of pleasure," ...

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Africa - Voice of America: DRC Army Launches Recruitment Drive

Africa - Voice of America
DRC Army Launches Recruitment Drive
Aug 16th 2012, 01:34

The Democratic Republic of Congo's national army (FARDC) has launched a nationwide recruitment drive as it battles armed groups in the country's restive North Kivu province. Information minister Lambert Mende says the government wants to encourage youth to enlist in the army as part of its effort to improve security in the Central African nation. "We need to renew our military personnel with our young men [and] young women who can serve and replace those who will retire, as any army should ...

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USA - Voice of America: US Military Pilot Training Emphasizes Drone Warfare

USA - Voice of America
US Military Pilot Training Emphasizes Drone Warfare
Aug 15th 2012, 23:22

HOLLOMAN AIR FORCE BASE, New Mexico — The U.S. military is rushing to train more pilots for remotely piloted aircraft as its reliance on drones grows in places such as Afghanistan and Yemen.   Holloman has long been the testing ground for cutting edge warplanes. These days, German training jets are the few manned aircraft to be seen here.   The skies at Holloman are now ruled by remotely-piloted aircraft, or RPA's, flown by crews that never leave the ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Farm Bill Key Issue on Presidential Campaign Trail in Iowa

Economy - Voice of America
Farm Bill Key Issue on Presidential Campaign Trail in Iowa
Aug 15th 2012, 21:37

DAVENPORT, Iowa — Agriculture legislation known as the "Farm Bill", scheduled to expire at the end of September, is one of the top issues on the presidential campaign trail in the Midwest state of Iowa. Continued drought conditions, and lack of action by legislators on renewing Farm Bill legislation, could influence voters when they head to the polls in November.  A lack of rain and scorching temperatures are taking a toll on eastern Iowa farmer Robb Ewoldt.  On his farm outside ...

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USA - Voice of America: First Step toward Admission to a US College? A Simple Call

USA - Voice of America
First Step toward Admission to a US College? A Simple Call
Aug 15th 2012, 18:15

The founder of the popular website has some good advice for foreign students trying to decide the best American college for them. His advice could help score travel money for a real-life campus tour. "Your first stop should be calling up the schools," Chris Carson said. "They're very helpful." Carson is one of the founders of the site that just celebrated 15 years in business, hosting virtual tours and other information for over 1,200 U.S. colleges and universities. Carson ...

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USA - Voice of America: Farm Bill Key Issue on Presidential Campaign Trail in Iowa

USA - Voice of America
Farm Bill Key Issue on Presidential Campaign Trail in Iowa
Aug 15th 2012, 21:37

DAVENPORT, Iowa — Agriculture legislation known as the "Farm Bill", scheduled to expire at the end of September, is one of the top issues on the presidential campaign trail in the Midwest state of Iowa. Continued drought conditions, and lack of action by legislators on renewing Farm Bill legislation, could influence voters when they head to the polls in November.  A lack of rain and scorching temperatures are taking a toll on eastern Iowa farmer Robb Ewoldt.  On his farm outside ...

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USA - Voice of America: Internet Entrepreneur Introduces Children to Math

USA - Voice of America
Internet Entrepreneur Introduces Children to Math
Aug 15th 2012, 21:57

NEW YORK — Ask a lot of people and they will tell you that math is not their strong suit. In an international student assessment program in 2009, the United States ranked 25th in math proficiency. One New Jersey parent wants to help change that, beginning with a new nightly ritual. Laura Overdeck grew up with numbers. She always helped measure ingredients when her mother baked, and she learned about angles from her father, who did carpentry in his spare time. Math became her favorite subject, ...

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USA - Voice of America: Genetic Analyses Show Endangered Species in Shark Fin Soup

USA - Voice of America
Genetic Analyses Show Endangered Species in Shark Fin Soup
Aug 15th 2012, 19:24

Each year, fishermen catch millions of sharks, cut off their fins, and dump the bodies into the ocean to die. The fins are used to make shark fin soup, an Asian delicacy sold in many countries. Recently, a team of scientists and environmental groups collected soup from restaurants across the United States and analyzed the soups' genetic make-up. They found endangered species on the menu.  More than 73 million sharks are killed every year, mostly for their fins, to make shark fin ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Study Suggests Fukushima Disaster Caused Butterfly Mutations

Asia - Voice of America
Study Suggests Fukushima Disaster Caused Butterfly Mutations
Aug 15th 2012, 19:19

Radiation from Japan's damaged Fukushima nuclear plant is affecting life nearby. Scientists collected butterflies at seven sites near the plant, and found that 12.4 percent had physical defects, including misshapen or undeveloped forelegs, dented eyes and tattered-looking wings. This abnormality rate rose to 18.3 percent in the next generation, even when scientists bred the butterflies with normal mates in their lab, proving that genetic damage was inheritable. Six months after the ...

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Africa - Voice of America: DRC Hails ‘Diplomatic Turnaround’ on Rwanda Aid

Africa - Voice of America
DRC Hails 'Diplomatic Turnaround' on Rwanda Aid
Aug 15th 2012, 18:57

KINSHASA —The Democratic Republic of Congo's (DRC) information minister says his country is at last being heard after 15 years of being ignored. Minister Lambert Mende was referring Tuesday to recent announcements by several countries that they are freezing aid to Rwanda over suspicions that it is supporting rebels in Congo, a move the DRC government has long been calling for.    The DRC information minister says that, for the first time since the country's late president Joseph ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Ghana President Mahama Seeks to Improve Citizens Lives

Africa - Voice of America
Ghana President Mahama Seeks to Improve Citizens Lives
Aug 15th 2012, 20:46

Ghana's newly installed president, John Dramani Mahama, says his vision for the country is to improve the lives of citizens and to create an environment that ensures a constitutionally stable democratic nation. "Ghanaians want a stable, democratic country constitutionally governed under the rule of law, but at the same time we want to create a country where our people can live in decency and dignity -- a country where our mothers are not dying in the process of giving birth, our country where ...

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USA - Voice of America: For Moira Smiley, Global Music Journey Transcends Time

USA - Voice of America
For Moira Smiley, Global Music Journey Transcends Time
Aug 15th 2012, 13:57

LOS ANGELES – Moira Smiley and the vocal group VOCO have performed all over the world. The women sing folk music that celebrates everyday life, steeped in generations of tradition, from far-off, tucked-away corners of the globe. Places where songs are passed down, learned by heart, rather than written down. To hear VOCO is to be transported across waters, across worlds, across time. "What I love about old music, is that there is a sense of your smallness in the big story," Smiley ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Australian Court Upholds Cigarette Packaging Laws

Economy - Voice of America
Australian Court Upholds Cigarette Packaging Laws
Aug 15th 2012, 19:02

Australia's highest court has ruled that new laws requiring cigarettes to be sold in plain packaging without company logos do not violate the country's constitution. The court on Wednesday ruled against four tobacco companies that challenged the law, saying the measure violated their intellectual property rights. The companies include British American Tobacco, Japan Tobacco International, Imperial Tobacco and Philip Morris. They argue the new law will also make it easier to ...

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Asia - Voice of America: China Slams Western Involvement in S. China Sea Issue

Asia - Voice of America
China Slams Western Involvement in S. China Sea Issue
Aug 15th 2012, 18:52

WASHINGTON — China is responding to accusations that it scuttled Southeast Asian unity over the South China Sea by lashing out at what it calls Western meddling among rival claimants. The Obama administration, though, says China should not pursue a "divide-and-conquer" strategy in the maritime standoff. Chinese patrols in waters also claimed by Vietnam and the Philippines are deepening animosities in the South China Sea. "What we're most concerned about at the moment is that ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Australian Court Upholds Cigarette Packaging Laws

Asia - Voice of America
Australian Court Upholds Cigarette Packaging Laws
Aug 15th 2012, 19:02

Australia's highest court has ruled that new laws requiring cigarettes to be sold in plain packaging without company logos do not violate the country's constitution. The court on Wednesday ruled against four tobacco companies that challenged the law, saying the measure violated their intellectual property rights. The companies include British American Tobacco, Japan Tobacco International, Imperial Tobacco and Philip Morris. They argue the new law will also make it easier to ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Libya's Minority Berbers Renew Equality Demands

Africa - Voice of America
Libya's Minority Berbers Renew Equality Demands
Aug 15th 2012, 18:30

YEFREN, Libya — Libya's revolution has led to renewed demands from the country's Berber minority for cultural and language rights and full integration into the Arab-majority country.  Such demands have been heard before, but this time the local people believe their goals are being achieved. The Berber village of Yefren is remote, dry and dusty.  It was also one of the cradles of last year's Libyan uprising, claiming one of the first anti-regime demonstrations, and ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Zuma Arrives in Zimbabwe to Monitor Progress on Reforms

Africa - Voice of America
Zuma Arrives in Zimbabwe to Monitor Progress on Reforms
Aug 15th 2012, 18:11

HARARE — South African President and the Southern African Development Community (SADC) mediator Jacob Zuma has arrived in Zimbabwe to meet with the country's coalition partners ahead of a regional summit set for later this week. He is expected to get an update on a draft constitution for Zimbabwe that could go to voters in the form of a referendum by the end of this year. The South African leader arrived in Harare late Wednesday and immediately went into closed door meetings. Zimbabwe ...

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USA - Voice of America: US Rolls Out Illegal Immigrant Relief Program

USA - Voice of America
US Rolls Out Illegal Immigrant Relief Program
Aug 15th 2012, 16:31

Young illegal immigrants in the United States are lining up to register for a new program that could keep them from being deported. The government's so-called Consideration of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program took effect on Wednesday. The program allows young people who were brought to the U.S. illegally by their parents to temporarily remain in the country and work, without fear of deportation, if they meet certain requirements. Those requirements include being a ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Greece to Seek Delay in Austerity Measures

Economy - Voice of America
Greece to Seek Delay in Austerity Measures
Aug 15th 2012, 16:08

With its economy crumbling, Greece has decided to ask its European neighbors for a two-year extension to 2016 to carry out its latest austerity program. New Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras plans to travel to Paris and Berlin next week to meet with French President Francois Hollande and German Chancellor Angela Merkel to present Greece's case for a delay in the spending cuts it previously had agreed to. Berlin said Wednesday it would listen to the Greek leader's plea, but remains ...

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Asia - Voice of America: 2 Tibetans Die in Self-Immolation Protest in China's Sichuan

Asia - Voice of America
2 Tibetans Die in Self-Immolation Protest in China's Sichuan
Aug 15th 2012, 15:51

Tibetan sources tell VOA that two men have died after setting themselves on fire to protest Chinese rule in Tibetan regions of China. The two men, a monk and a former monk, carried out the self-immolation protest on Monday on a street in Ngaba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture of central China's Sichuan province. An India-based spokesman for the Kirti monastery of Tibetan Buddhism said Chinese authorities informed family members that the two men were taken to a hospital in Barkham ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Nigeria Flooding Kills at Least 33

Africa - Voice of America
Nigeria Flooding Kills at Least 33
Aug 15th 2012, 16:29

DAKAR — Nigerian officials are warning of more flooding to come just days after floods in Plateau state killed at least 33 people and left hundreds more homeless. Deadly floods have become a recurring event in Nigeria and throughout the region. A closer look at the phenomenon provides some ideas about what can be done to prevent future disasters. The water came to Mikang district in the early morning hours Sunday, after days of heavy rainfall caused rivers and streams to overflow in six ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Third Body Recovered from Uganda Helicopter Wreckage

Africa - Voice of America
Third Body Recovered from Uganda Helicopter Wreckage
Aug 15th 2012, 16:22

Kenyan search teams have pulled a third body from the wreckage of a Uganda military helicopter and are searching for four soldiers who are still missing. Military officials say the body was found at the crash site on Mount Kenya Wednesday.  On Tuesday, the bodies of two Ugandan soldiers were recovered nearby. Three Ugandan military helicopters crashed at different sites on Mount Kenya on Sunday.  Authorities rescued some of the soldiers earlier this week. Ugandan officials say ...

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USA - Voice of America: US Presidential Campaign Turns Nastier

USA - Voice of America
US Presidential Campaign Turns Nastier
Aug 15th 2012, 15:55

The U.S. presidential election campaign has become markedly nastier over the last 24 hours, with the two sides exchanging a series of accusations targeting their respective opponents personally. Presumptive Republican candidate Mitt Romney charged Wednesday that President Barack Obama's campaign is "all about division and attack and hatred." Speaking to the CBS television network, the Republican challenger also accused Obama of "running just to hang on to power" and ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Nigeria Flooding Kills at Least 33

Economy - Voice of America
Nigeria Flooding Kills at Least 33
Aug 15th 2012, 16:29

DAKAR — Nigerian officials are warning of more flooding to come just days after floods in Plateau state killed at least 33 people and left hundreds more homeless. Deadly floods have become a recurring event in Nigeria and throughout the region. A closer look at the phenomenon provides some ideas about what can be done to prevent future disasters. The water came to Mikang district in the early morning hours Sunday, after days of heavy rainfall caused rivers and streams to overflow in six ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Mbeki: Multiationals Siphon $50B in African Capital

Economy - Voice of America
Mbeki: Multiationals Siphon $50B in African Capital
Aug 15th 2012, 15:29

NAIROBI — Former South African President Thabo Mbeki says multinational corporations are responsible for much of the illegal transfer of money out of Africa that is costing the continent tens of billions annually.  Mbeki, chairman of the U.N.-mandated High-Level Panel on Illicit Financial Flows from Africa, told reporters the group has begun looking into the illegal export of capital from the continent after meeting in Kenya's capital on Wednesday.  "It's clear that part ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Mbeki: Multiationals Siphon $50B in African Capital

Africa - Voice of America
Mbeki: Multiationals Siphon $50B in African Capital
Aug 15th 2012, 15:29

NAIROBI — Former South African President Thabo Mbeki says multinational corporations are responsible for much of the illegal transfer of money out of Africa that is costing the continent tens of billions annually.  Mbeki, chairman of the U.N.-mandated High-Level Panel on Illicit Financial Flows from Africa, told reporters the group has begun looking into the illegal export of capital from the continent after meeting in Kenya's capital on Wednesday.  "It's clear that part ...

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