Saturday, June 23, 2012

Asia - Voice of America: Chinese Astronauts to Attempt Manual Space Docking

Asia - Voice of America
Chinese Astronauts to Attempt Manual Space Docking
Jun 23rd 2012, 22:46

China is planning to conduct its first manual docking between a spacecraft and an orbiting space module Sunday. Astronauts on the Shenzhou 9 spacecraft will try to dock with the Tiangong 1 lab module without using an automated system. One of the three is China's first female astronaut, Liu Yang. The Shenzhou 9 spacecraft was launched June 16 and it docked with the Tiangong 1 module two days later after a successful automatic procedure. Officials say the attempt at the ...

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USA - Voice of America: Tropical Storm Forms in Gulf of Mexico

USA - Voice of America
Tropical Storm Forms in Gulf of Mexico
Jun 23rd 2012, 22:25

Tropical Storm Debby, the fourth storm of the 2012 hurricane season, has formed in the Gulf of Mexico about 355 kilometers southeast of the mouth of the Mississippi River. The U.S. National Hurricane Center said Saturday the storm has maximum sustained winds of 85 kilometers per hour and is expected to move over the northern Gulf of Mexico during the next few days and some strengthening is forecast. Debby forced the suspension of 8 percent of the region's oil and gas production. ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Demonstrators Clash With Police During Austerity Protests in Sudan

Africa - Voice of America
Demonstrators Clash With Police During Austerity Protests in Sudan
Jun 23rd 2012, 21:25

Protesters clashed with police in Sudan's capital Khartoum Saturday as demonstrations against spending cuts in Sudan continue into a second week. Security forces have been using tear gas and batons to break up the demonstrations which have spread into several neighborhoods.  Reports say some people have been arrested. Activists are trying to spark an "Arab Spring"-style uprising against the government of President Omar Hassan al-Bashir, for imposing austerity ...

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Americas - Voice of America: Californians Target Human Trafficking

Americas - Voice of America
Californians Target Human Trafficking
Jun 23rd 2012, 19:33

LOS ANGELES - A recent U.S. State Department report says 27 million people worldwide are subject to forced labor and sexual slavery.  A major effort is under way in California to fight the problem. Virginia Isaias was forced to marry at 15 in her native Mexico, and later kidnapped with her six-year-old daughter and forced into prostitution.  Her story is told in a documentary now being produced, called Sands of Silence .   Isaias herself is now an anti-trafficking ...

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USA - Voice of America: Californians Target Human Trafficking

USA - Voice of America
Californians Target Human Trafficking
Jun 23rd 2012, 19:33

LOS ANGELES - A recent U.S. State Department report says 27 million people worldwide are subject to forced labor and sexual slavery.  A major effort is under way in California to fight the problem. Virginia Isaias was forced to marry at 15 in her native Mexico, and later kidnapped with her six-year-old daughter and forced into prostitution.  Her story is told in a documentary now being produced, called Sands of Silence .   Isaias herself is now an anti-trafficking ...

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USA - Voice of America: Sandusky Convicted of Child Sex Abuse

USA - Voice of America
Sandusky Convicted of Child Sex Abuse
Jun 23rd 2012, 18:44

A U.S. jury has convicted former Pennsylvania State University assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky, 68, of sexually abusing young boys. The once-revered coach could spend the rest of his life in prison for assaults spanning 15 years. After seven days of testimony and two days of deliberation, the jury found Sandusky Guilty on 45 of 48 charges. Sandusky attorney Joe Amendola told reporters the conviction was not a surprise. "The Sandusky family is very disappointed ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Greece Outlines Plan for Bailout Revisions

Economy - Voice of America
Greece Outlines Plan for Bailout Revisions
Jun 23rd 2012, 18:08

Greece's new coalition government is developing proposed revisions to tough austerity measures that were imposed under an international bailout agreement. The cash-strapped government issued a statement Saturday that says it would try to repeal some taxes, freeze public sector layoffs and extend deadlines for imposing fiscal reforms by at least two years. The government announced its plans two days before Greek authorities meet with European and international debt inspectors. ...

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USA - Voice of America: Damsels in Distress Now A Thing of the Past

USA - Voice of America
Damsels in Distress Now A Thing of the Past
Jun 23rd 2012, 17:28

Recent movie fairytales show young princesses as strong and emancipated. In the animated film Brave , Merida, a Scottish princess, defies tradition and rejects marriage, while two recent movie versions of Snow White present the fair maiden either as cunning or battle-ready. The question is whether the new image is satisfying young audiences. In 1937, Disney's Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs captured the imagination of children the world over.   The princess, from ...

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USA - Voice of America: Obama Urges Congress to Act on Transportation, Student Loans

USA - Voice of America
Obama Urges Congress to Act on Transportation, Student Loans
Jun 23rd 2012, 13:34

U.S. President Barack Obama has urged Congress to reach an agreement on a transportation bill and take action to keep student loan interest rates from doubling. During his weekly radio and Internet address Saturday, Obama said thousands of workers could be forced off their jobs and millions of students could face higher loan payments if Congress does not take action over the next week. Congressional negotiators have been working on a deal to keep interest rates on federal college ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Egypt Election Results to be Announced Sunday

Africa - Voice of America
Egypt Election Results to be Announced Sunday
Jun 23rd 2012, 14:58

Tensions are high in Egypt as election officials prepare to announce official results of the country's disputed presidential runoff vote on Sunday. The secretary-general of Egypt's election commission, Hatem Bagato, said Saturday that commission head Faruk Sultan will announce the results at 3 p.m. local time Sunday. Both Muslim Brotherhood candidate Mohamad Morsi and former prime minister Ahmed Shafiq have declared victory in the election for a successor to former leader ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Immigrants Change Australia's Cultural Identity

Asia - Voice of America
Immigrants Change Australia's Cultural Identity
Jun 23rd 2012, 14:08

A census is revealing how immigration from Asia and the boom in mining are reshaping modern Australia.  The census data indicates the country is becoming increasingly multicultural.   According to census data compiled last year by the Australian Bureau of Statistics, nearly 22 million people now reside in Australia.  But behind the population statistics lies a portrait of a growing multicultural society influenced by a rise in immigration and the development of new economic ...

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Africa - Voice of America: UN Human Rights Chief Condemns Boko Haram Attacks

Africa - Voice of America
UN Human Rights Chief Condemns Boko Haram Attacks
Jun 23rd 2012, 13:29

GENEVA - The U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights is condemning the recent deadly bomb attacks on churches by the radical Boko Haram group in Nigeria.  High Commissioner Navi Pillay says the violent acts may amount to crimes against humanity.   Over the past week, scores of people have died in a wave of violence and killings, including suicide attacks on churches in Nigeria by the Boko Haram group.  Some of the victims reportedly died in subsequent retaliatory attacks by ...

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Asia - Voice of America: 8 Dead in Pakistan Shooting

Asia - Voice of America
8 Dead in Pakistan Shooting
Jun 23rd 2012, 12:57

Gunmen riding on motorcycles have shot and killed eight people at a business in the southwestern Pakistani city of Quetta. Pakistani police say another person was wounded in the attack on a laundry facility Saturday in a busy area of Quetta, the capital of restive Baluchistan province bordering Afghanistan and Iran. There was no immediate claim of responsibility. Baluchistan is home to militant groups including pro-Taliban factions, and Baluch separatists who are fighting a ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Bomb Blast Hits Nigeria's Capital

Africa - Voice of America
Bomb Blast Hits Nigeria's Capital
Jun 23rd 2012, 12:08

Nigerian authorities say a bomb exploded outside a nightclub in the capital, Abuja, late Friday.   Officials say no one was injured, but the windows of nearby buildings were shattered and a number of cars were damaged. The explosion came just hours after Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan fired his national security adviser and defense minister.   Nigeria has been hit by scores of bombings blamed on Islamist group Boko Haram.   President Jonathan has been ...

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USA - Voice of America: Jury Convicts Sandusky of Sexually Abusing Boys

USA - Voice of America
Jury Convicts Sandusky of Sexually Abusing Boys
Jun 23rd 2012, 10:12

A jury has convicted former Pennsylvania State University assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky of 45 of 48 counts of sexually abusing 10 boys during a period of more than a decade. Sandusky was escorted out of the courthouse in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania Friday night in handcuffs, and taken to jail for processing.  The jury reached its verdict after 21 hours of deliberation. The panel heard seven days of testimony, including statements from eight of the 10 men claiming to be his ...

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