Monday, July 23, 2012

USA - Voice of America: Performers and Politicians, Cheers and Chants at AIDS Conference

USA - Voice of America
Performers and Politicians, Cheers and Chants at AIDS Conference
Jul 24th 2012, 02:03

WASHINGTON —  Thousands of people gathered at the convention center in Washington, D.C. Monday for the second day of the International AIDS Conference. Celebrities and diplomats took center stage, and fans and protesters gathered at the conference's Global Village site.  HIV-positive singer Jamar Rogers commanded the stage, just as he did as a semifinalist on the popular U.S. singing competition television program, "The Voice."    But Rogers was ...

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USA - Voice of America: First Female US Astronaut Sally Ride Dies at 61

USA - Voice of America
First Female US Astronaut Sally Ride Dies at 61
Jul 24th 2012, 00:18

Former U.S. astronaut Sally Ride, the first American woman to fly in space, died Monday after a long battle with pancreatic cancer. She was 61 years old.  Ride, who earned four degrees, including a doctorate in physics, from Stanford University was part of the first NASA class for astronauts to accept women in 1978.  She joined four male astronauts on the crew of the Space Shuttle Challenger in June 1983 and became a hero to young girls across the United States as the first ...

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USA - Voice of America: Obama to US Veterans: 'I've Got Your Back'

USA - Voice of America
Obama to US Veterans: 'I've Got Your Back'
Jul 23rd 2012, 22:18

WHITE HOUSE — President Barack Obama on Monday used a speech in Reno, Nevada to a major organization of American military veterans to underscore his record on ending the war in Iraq and winding down U.S. combat operations in Afghanistan. The president is seeking the support of veterans as he runs for reelection in November.  He says he wants them to remember the pledge he kept to honorably end America's combat role in Iraq, and gradually end U.S. military involvement in ...

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Africa - Voice of America: South Africa Studying Proposal to Legalize Rhino Trade

Africa - Voice of America
South Africa Studying Proposal to Legalize Rhino Trade
Jul 23rd 2012, 20:52

​​JOHANNESBURG — Some South African conservationists and owners of wildlife reserves are advocating for the legalization of the rhino horn trade, which is currently banned by an international treaty. The proposed plan would entail selling only horns from rhinos that died of natural causes and using the profits to fund anti-poaching efforts. According to the World Wildlife Fund, a record 448 rhinos were poached in 2011 and more than half that number already have been killed illegally so far ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Philippines Slams China's Establishment of Sansha City in South China Sea

Asia - Voice of America
Philippines Slams China's Establishment of Sansha City in South China Sea
Jul 23rd 2012, 20:44

Philippine President Benigno Aquino says his country will not back down in a territorial dispute with China.  Aquino made the statement Monday in his annual state of the union address, reacting to China's establishment on Sunday of Sansha city across several disputed islands of the South China Sea. China refers to the islands as Xisha, Zhongsha and Nansha. Beijing's planned deployment of a military garrison to Sansha brought a swift response from President Aquino. He said, "If ...

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Asia - Voice of America: South Africa Studying Proposal to Legalize Rhino Trade

Asia - Voice of America
South Africa Studying Proposal to Legalize Rhino Trade
Jul 23rd 2012, 20:52

​​JOHANNESBURG — Some South African conservationists and owners of wildlife reserves are advocating for the legalization of the rhino horn trade, which is currently banned by an international treaty. The proposed plan would entail selling only horns from rhinos that died of natural causes and using the profits to fund anti-poaching efforts. According to the World Wildlife Fund, a record 448 rhinos were poached in 2011 and more than half that number already have been killed illegally so far ...

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USA - Voice of America: Scholars Debate Second Amendment to US Constitution

USA - Voice of America
Scholars Debate Second Amendment to US Constitution
Jul 23rd 2012, 19:58

For many Americans, the most meaningful part of the U.S. Constitution is the Bill of Rights. These 10 amendments were written to protect individual Americans from tyrannical rule. Like the First Amendment, which guarantees freedom of speech and worship, the Second Amendment -- proclaiming the right to bear arms -- has often been at the center of debate. But in the wake of last week's mass shooting at a Colorado movie theater that claimed 12 lives, there have been relatively few calls for ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Juba Offers Khartoum Financial Relief

Africa - Voice of America
Juba Offers Khartoum Financial Relief
Jul 23rd 2012, 19:04

South Sudan presented the African Union with a new proposal on Monday for ending its long standing oil dispute with Khartoum.   South Sudan's Charge d'affaires at the United Nations said the deal, if accepted by Khartoum, will normalize relations between the two countries. Ambassador Nazario said his country has made many compromises in order to achieve lasting peace with Sudan. ''Sudan [has not agreed] on the map which has delayed the establishment of a buffer zone and the ...

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Africa - Voice of America: EU: Zimbabwe Sanctions Stay Until Elections

Africa - Voice of America
EU: Zimbabwe Sanctions Stay Until Elections
Jul 23rd 2012, 19:48

HARARE - The European Union says it will suspend targeted sanctions on Zimbabwe's leadership if the African nation holds credible elections. Along with other Western countries, the 27-member confederation imposed sanctions on President Robert Mugabe and his ZANU-PF party leadership in 2002, following reports of human-rights abuses. The EU ambassador to Zimbabwe, Aldo Dell'Ariccia, said ministers meeting in Brussels are encouraged by Zimbabwe's unity government reforms in recent ...

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USA - Voice of America: Theater Shooting Renews US Gun Control Debates

USA - Voice of America
Theater Shooting Renews US Gun Control Debates
Jul 23rd 2012, 18:56

​​The theater shooting Friday in Colorado has renewed gun control debate in the United States. ​​​​The Colorado shooter was able to arm himself because gun ownership in the United States has been protected by the U.S. Constitution since 1791. At that time, the Bill of Rights, the first 10 amendments to the Constitution, were ratified to protect personal freedoms that had been curtailed by Britain, the recently defeated colonial power.  The Second Amendment says, "A well regulated ...

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Economy - Voice of America: New Eurozone Focus: Spain's Debt, Economy

Economy - Voice of America
New Eurozone Focus: Spain's Debt, Economy
Jul 23rd 2012, 18:41

The debt-ridden Spanish government and the country's troubled economy are the newest face of the European debt crisis. Stock markets across Asia, Europe and the United States plunged on Monday on fears that Madrid will need an international bailout after the country's borrowing costs soared above the level at which Greece, Ireland and Portugal all were forced to secure rescue packages. Economy minister Luis de Guindos denied that Spain would need help beyond the $122 billion package ...

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USA - Voice of America: Colorado Massacre Suspect Makes Court Appearance

USA - Voice of America
Colorado Massacre Suspect Makes Court Appearance
Jul 23rd 2012, 16:28

The man accused of killing 12 people and wounding 58 others in a Colorado movie theater made his first court appearance Monday, as investigators continue to piece together the events leading up to the shooting. ​​ ​​James Holmes, his hair dyed bright orange, appeared disoriented and unemotional in Monday's appearance, staring at the floor or straight ahead as the judge told him there was probable cause to charge him with first-degree murder.  The judge then ordered that Holmes be ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Scientists Aim to End HIV Epidemic

Africa - Voice of America
Scientists Aim to End HIV Epidemic
Jul 23rd 2012, 16:21

The HIV/AIDS epidemic is more than 30 years old. However, at the 19th International AIDS Conference Tuesday there was talk of ending the epidemic through scientific advances and public health policy. Dr. Anthony Fauci said it was many "incremental steps" over more than 30 years that led to today's major advances against HIV/AIDS. "We want to get to the end of AIDS. That will only occur with some fundamental foundations. And these foundations are basic and clinical research, which will ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Sex Workers Demand Rights at AIDS 2012

Africa - Voice of America
Sex Workers Demand Rights at AIDS 2012
Jul 23rd 2012, 16:42

Sex workers say stigma, discrimination and antiquated laws make them more vulnerable to HIV infection, exploitation and violence. They spoke out at 19th International AIDS Conference in Washington. Sex workers, along with men who have sex with men and intravenous drug users are three groups where HIV infection is rising rapidly. At AIDS 2012, a symposium featured members of the international sex workers rights movement. Sienna Baskin, of the Sex Workers Project at the Urban Justice Center ...

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USA - Voice of America: Gymnast Could Lead US Team to Olympic Gold

USA - Voice of America
Gymnast Could Lead US Team to Olympic Gold
Jul 23rd 2012, 13:24

Jordyn Wieber is the hottest name in women's gymnastics.   The reigning world all-around champion also won the gold medal in all-around for the third straight year at the American Cup in March. She also captured the Pacific Rim Championships in May.   A strong overall performance by the teenager could lead to a gold medal for the U.S. women's team at the London Olympics.    That's why Wieber says now is not the time to relax. "I have to work ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Clinton: US Committed to Creating 'AIDS-Free Generation'

Africa - Voice of America
Clinton: US Committed to Creating 'AIDS-Free Generation'
Jul 23rd 2012, 14:59

​​U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says America is committed to creating an "AIDS-free generation." The diplomat spoke on the second day of an International AIDS Conference in Washington on Monday. She told the gathering the U.S. is working to build sustainable health systems that will help the world "finally win this fight." She said the strategy has involved having "difficult conversation" with some leaders on problems like corruption.  ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Malian Militias Unite to 'Liberate the North'

Africa - Voice of America
Malian Militias Unite to 'Liberate the North'
Jul 23rd 2012, 15:33

DAKAR, Senegal — Six armed militias in Mali have joined forces and say they will retake the country's north from Islamist and rebel groups in control of the territory since April.  The Patriotic Forces of Resistance [FPR] says it will fight the Islamist militants and Tuareg separatists who seized control of northern Mali following a chaotic military coup four months ago. The FPR, the force's French initials, includes the northern Ganda Koy militia headed by Harouna Toure. Toure ...

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Africa - Voice of America: South Sudan Makes New Peace Offer to Sudan

Africa - Voice of America
South Sudan Makes New Peace Offer to Sudan
Jul 23rd 2012, 14:56

South Sudan has unveiled proposals to advance peace talks with Sudan, including billions of dollars in financial concessions. The two countries went to the brink of war in April, after failing to resolve issues on borders, oil and citizenship stemming from the South's independence last year. South Sudan says it would pay more than previously offered to use Sudan's oil pipelines, needed to export southern oil.  It also offered greater debt forgiveness and a cash transfer of more ...

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USA - Voice of America: Clinton: US Committed to Creating 'AIDS-Free Generation'

USA - Voice of America
Clinton: US Committed to Creating 'AIDS-Free Generation'
Jul 23rd 2012, 14:59

​​U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton says America is committed to creating an "AIDS-free generation." The diplomat spoke on the second day of an International AIDS Conference in Washington on Monday. She told the gathering the U.S. is working to build sustainable health systems that will help the world "finally win this fight." She said the strategy has involved having "difficult conversation" with some leaders on problems like corruption.  ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Al-Shabab Executes Three Militants for Western Spying

Africa - Voice of America
Al-Shabab Executes Three Militants for Western Spying
Jul 23rd 2012, 12:48

Somali militant group al-Shabab has executed three of its own members for alleged spying on behalf of U.S. and British intelligence agencies. A pro-al-Shabab website says the three men were executed Sunday in the town of Merka. ​An al-Shabab judge said one man, Mukthar Ibrahim Shiekh Ahmed, had admitted to working for British spy agency MI6 and handing over Muslims to authorities in the breakaway state of Somaliland. He said the other two, Yasin Osman Ahmed and Ishaq Omar Hassan, planted ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Fighting in North Kivu Forces Thousands to Flee

Africa - Voice of America
Fighting in North Kivu Forces Thousands to Flee
Jul 23rd 2012, 11:10

Humanitarian agencies said they are deeply concerned over the deteriorating situation in the North Kivu province of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Fighting between different breakaway groups of soldiers from the national army and government soldiers have forced thousands of families to flee from their homes in the area for safety. Yvon Edoumou of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, OCHA, Kinshasa, said while the fighting on the one hand is between the ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Sierra Leone Parents Say Children Adopted Without Consent

Africa - Voice of America
Sierra Leone Parents Say Children Adopted Without Consent
Jul 23rd 2012, 12:53

FREETOWN, Sierra Leone — For years, parents in the West African nation of Sierra Leone have claimed their children were adopted without their consent during the country's civil war in the 1990s.  A police investigation was concluded recently regarding their claims. And staff from the agency that handled the adoptions have been charged with 32 counts, including human trafficking.   "Whenever I go to bed I see their faces, whatever I'm doing, normally my mind will ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Panel Criticizes Government, Regulators, Owner for Japan's Fukushima Disaster

Asia - Voice of America
Panel Criticizes Government, Regulators, Owner for Japan's Fukushima Disaster
Jul 23rd 2012, 12:45

TOKYO — An investigative panel has concluded the last of a series of high-profile reviews of last year's accident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. The report criticizes actions by the plant's operator, the government and industry regulators.  The 12 members of a panel appointed by the Japanese Cabinet interviewed 770 people in the past year. They include government officials, Tokyo Electric Power Company employees and some of the 160,000 residents forced to evacuate their ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Africans Urge China to Help Create Sustainable Development

Asia - Voice of America
Africans Urge China to Help Create Sustainable Development
Jul 23rd 2012, 12:10

BEIJING — African leaders and independent groups are pressing China to prioritize sustainable development in its trade with African countries. In Beijing, officials say they increasingly recognize the importance of sound environmental practices for building strong relations with the continent. During meetings this month as part of Beijing's China-Africa forum, World Wildlife Fund Director General Jim Leape said the growing trade between China and Africa presents a chance to create a new model ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Burmese, Thai Leaders Sign Agreement about Economic Zone

Asia - Voice of America
Burmese, Thai Leaders Sign Agreement about Economic Zone
Jul 23rd 2012, 12:09

BANGKOK — Burma President Thein Sein is in Thailand, where he signed several key economic agreements with Thailand's prime minister. One of the projects, a long-planned deep sea port, still faces obstacles. Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra and Burmese President Thein Sein signed three memorandums of understanding during the president's first trip to Thailand since he took office in 2010. The agreements included a pledge of the Thai government to help the Burmese government ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Africans Urge China to Help Creating Sustainable Development

Economy - Voice of America
Africans Urge China to Help Creating Sustainable Development
Jul 23rd 2012, 12:10

BEIJING — African leaders and independent groups are pressing China to prioritize sustainable development in its trade with African countries. In Beijing, officials say they increasingly recognize the importance of sound environmental practices for building strong relations with the continent. During meetings this month as part of Beijing's China-Africa forum, World Wildlife Fund Director General Jim Leape said the growing trade between China and Africa presents a chance to create a new model ...

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