Thursday, August 2, 2012

USA - Voice of America: Cape Cod Is US Northeast's Summer Capital

USA - Voice of America
Cape Cod Is US Northeast's Summer Capital
Aug 3rd 2012, 05:00

A narrow peninsula that looks like a scorpion curled around Cape Cod Bay, with its stinger pointed toward the Massachusetts mainland, is the summer capital of several northeast states.  Patti Page described it in a 1950s hit song:    If you're fond of sand dunes and salty air,    Quaint little villages here and there,    You're sure to fall in love with old Cape Cod.  According to some accounts, Vikings from Scandinavia set foot on ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Indonesia Working to Soothe South China Sea Tensions

Asia - Voice of America
Indonesia Working to Soothe South China Sea Tensions
Aug 2nd 2012, 22:06

WASHINGTON — In all the anger over rival claims to the South China Sea, Indonesia has emerged as a voice of calm, working to mediate a dispute involving China, Vietnam, the Philippines, Taiwan, and Malaysia. Chinese patrols in waters that Vietnam and the Philippines also claim have heightened tensions in the mineral-rich South China Sea. Vietnamese protestors condemn what they call a Chinese invasion over Beijing's decision to take bids for oil blocks off Vietnam's coast. Hanoi has ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Zimbabwe’s Tobacco Production Up, Faces Challenges

Africa - Voice of America
Zimbabwe's Tobacco Production Up, Faces Challenges
Aug 2nd 2012, 19:24

Zimbabwe's Tobacco Industry and Marketing Board has announced the 2011 sale of more than 140 million kilograms of tobacco generated $517 million in revenue – an increase of more than $100 million from last year. But, Harare-based economist John Robertson warns that the uptick in production and revenue should not distract from the potential risk of future deforestation, due to new curing methods being used. "The farming methods being applied right now are environmentally damaging and very ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Documentary Profiles Ai Weiwei's Political Activism

Asia - Voice of America
Documentary Profiles Ai Weiwei's Political Activism
Aug 2nd 2012, 20:17

A documentary about the Chinese dissident Ai Weiwei is being released across the United States, just months after the dissident's year-long probation in China was lifted. The film, by first-time director Alison Klayman, presents the artist as a creative force and a digital crusader, in addition to being a fighter for human rights. For years Ai Weiwei lived abroad where he created art installations. But for more than a year, he hasn't been allowed to leave China. Now, Alison ...

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Africa - Voice of America: New Egyptian Cabinet Little Time to Achieve Results, says Analyst

Africa - Voice of America
New Egyptian Cabinet Little Time to Achieve Results, says Analyst
Aug 3rd 2012, 00:12

An Egyptian scholar said the country's new Cabinet has at least two months to resolve security and economic challenges before citizens take to the streets again in protest. Said Sadek, professor of political sociology at the American University in Cairo, said the Cabinet, mostly composed of technocrats, has drawn a mixed reaction from the public. He said some Egyptians are unhappy about the presence of prominent members of the Muslim Brotherhood. "You have some skeptics [who] find that ...

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Economy - Voice of America: China Seeks New Technology in Oil Deal

Economy - Voice of America
China Seeks New Technology in Oil Deal
Aug 2nd 2012, 19:42

WASHINGTON — A major Chinese government-owned oil company's effort to buy a Canadian company could help Beijing get the new technology needed to exploit the largest shale gas deposits in the world.  This is just the latest in a series of Chinese foreign investments that are helping fuel China's rapid economic growth and increasing energy supplies.  But the latest Chinese move is raising concerns in the U.S. Congress. Tar sands projects run by Nexen are one reason the Canadian oil ...

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Asia - Voice of America: China Seeks New Technology in Oil Deal

Asia - Voice of America
China Seeks New Technology in Oil Deal
Aug 2nd 2012, 19:42

WASHINGTON — A major Chinese government-owned oil company's effort to buy a Canadian company could help Beijing get the new technology needed to exploit the largest shale gas deposits in the world.  This is just the latest in a series of Chinese foreign investments that are helping fuel China's rapid economic growth and increasing energy supplies.  But the latest Chinese move is raising concerns in the U.S. Congress. Tar sands projects run by Nexen are one reason the Canadian oil ...

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Asia - Voice of America: Hong Kong Endures Worst Smog in Two Years

Asia - Voice of America
Hong Kong Endures Worst Smog in Two Years
Aug 2nd 2012, 22:37

Hong Kong residents have endured the city's worst smog in more than two years, as a typhoon far to the east caused a build up of bad air that obscured the international financial center's famous skyline. Thursday's air pollution readings at monitoring stations around the city hit the highest levels since a dust storm smothered Hong Kong in March 2010. The government urged people with heart and respiratory illnesses to reduce outdoor activities and avoid prolonged stays in areas ...

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USA - Voice of America: White House Dismisses Reports of Aid to Syrian Rebels

USA - Voice of America
White House Dismisses Reports of Aid to Syrian Rebels
Aug 2nd 2012, 21:49

WHITE HOUSE — White House officials on Thursday dismissed reports that President Barack Obama signed an order to send U.S. aid to Syrian anti-government forces. The administration announced it is sending more humanitarian aid to Syria and neighboring countries.    White House Press Secretary Jay Carney did not deny that the United States is helping the Syrian rebels.  But he told reporters that the administration's policy of providing non-lethal assistance to the opposition has ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Study Explores How Islamic Militants Use Quran

Africa - Voice of America
Study Explores How Islamic Militants Use Quran
Aug 2nd 2012, 16:18

Their online videos often feature scenes of violence – improvised explosive devices going off in Afghanistan, snipers hooting at American troops or scenes of jihadists training in an unidentified wilderness. The video is often coupled with appeals to the Quran and statements by the leader of an Islamic extremist group.  But what are these groups really after? Is it world domination or something else? ASU Study To try to answer those questions, a recent study sampled more than 2,000 ...

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USA - Voice of America: US Athletes Confident Before Olympic Track & Field Competition

USA - Voice of America
US Athletes Confident Before Olympic Track & Field Competition
Aug 2nd 2012, 20:22

LONDON — Olympic track and field competition begins Friday, and the U.S. team has been out in London getting ready. The U.S. track and field team won 23 medals in Beijing four years ago. This year, they hope to beat that with 30.  But they will be facing some tough competition. Former 400-meter World Champion Sanya Richards-Ross is one athlete hoping to win when she runs the 200- and 400-meter races for the United States. She was the favorite for gold in the 400-meter four years ago, ...

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USA - Voice of America: Museum Hits Milestone With '40 Under 40'

USA - Voice of America
Museum Hits Milestone With '40 Under 40'
Jul 31st 2012, 15:25

The Smithsonian museum's Renwick Gallery in Washington, D.C. is celebrating its 40th anniversary with a display by 40 artists under the age of 40. The show includes works in many media, from glass and ceramics to non-traditional materials such as yarn and light bulbs. Matt Moulthrop, a third generation artist, works with wood. "Wood is a material that has a very natural element to it, and it's a revelation process because there's beauty hidden within that," he ...

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USA - Voice of America: Activists Urge Next US President to Focus on Human Rights

USA - Voice of America
Activists Urge Next US President to Focus on Human Rights
Aug 2nd 2012, 19:34

Human rights groups say the next U.S. president faces several critical challenges in advancing human rights. Those challenges include preventing genocide and atrocities, protecting human rights at home and abroad, fair treatment of immigrants and refugees, and ending gender-based violence. The Freedom House, the Connect US Fund, Human Rights Watch and the Human Rights Working Group sent a policy paper listing the challenges to the election campaign staffs of President Barack Obama and his ...

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USA - Voice of America: Future of UN Arms Trade Treaty Uncertain

USA - Voice of America
Future of UN Arms Trade Treaty Uncertain
Aug 2nd 2012, 18:00

A United Nations global arms trade treaty is on hold after member states failed to agree on a final text last month.  Many experts say the accord's future is uncertain. The proposed legally-binding treaty would set international standards to regulate the import, export and transfer of conventional weapons, from aircraft carriers and attack helicopters to machine guns and small arms.  Major arms exporters, such as the United States and Russia, and major importers, such as India, ...

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USA - Voice of America: US House Approves Extension of All Bush-Era Tax Cuts

USA - Voice of America
US House Approves Extension of All Bush-Era Tax Cuts
Aug 2nd 2012, 19:02

WASHINGTON, D.C. —The Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives has approved legislation that will preserve tax cuts for all Americans regardless of income, setting up an election-year standoff with President Barack Obama and Senate Democrats. The measure approved Wednesday by a vote of 256-171 would extend the breaks passed during the tenure of former President George W. Bush. The vote was split largely along party lines, with only 19 Democrats voting for the bill, and one ...

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Economy - Voice of America: US House Approves Extension of All Bush-Era Tax Cuts

Economy - Voice of America
US House Approves Extension of All Bush-Era Tax Cuts
Aug 2nd 2012, 19:02

WASHINGTON, D.C. —The Republican-controlled U.S. House of Representatives has approved legislation that will preserve tax cuts for all Americans regardless of income, setting up an election-year standoff with President Barack Obama and Senate Democrats. The measure approved Wednesday by a vote of 256-171 would extend the breaks passed during the tenure of former President George W. Bush. The vote was split largely along party lines, with only 19 Democrats voting for the bill, and one ...

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USA - Voice of America: UN's Annan Draws Sympathy, Criticism as Syria Mission Fails

USA - Voice of America
UN's Annan Draws Sympathy, Criticism as Syria Mission Fails
Aug 2nd 2012, 17:04

After months of shuttle diplomacy, international envoy Kofi Annan is giving up his bid to resolve Syria's 17-month-long conflict. Annan said Thursday that he will end his peace mission on August 31, when his mandate expires. The former U.N. secretary-general has been serving as a joint special envoy for the United Nations and Arab League since February 23. Soon after starting his mission, Annan unveiled a six-point peace plan calling for a cease-fire and dialogue between Syrian ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Taiwan Expects US Deals After Beef Import Concession

Economy - Voice of America
Taiwan Expects US Deals After Beef Import Concession
Aug 2nd 2012, 10:59

TAIPEI — After months of wrangling, Taiwan has decided to allow imports of American beef that contain a controversial feed agent.  But the decision - which had grown so controversial that it shut down parliament in June - was not made because Taiwanese want more steak dinners. The government of the trade-dependent, diplomatically isolated island expects key favors in return from its strongest informal ally, Washington. Taiwan's parliament agreed to allow imports of beef containing traces ...

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USA - Voice of America: USA Track & Field Holds High Hopes in London

USA - Voice of America
USA Track & Field Holds High Hopes in London
Aug 2nd 2012, 13:43

LONDON — The U.S. track and field team considers its performance at the 2008 Beijing Olympics subpar, with 23 medals - seven gold, nine silver and seven bronze. The team has high hopes to make a dramatic improvement at the 2012 games.  USA Track and Field has a goal of 30 medals for the London Olympics, and of course, the more gold the better. At the last Olympics, the U.S. men came home with four gold medals and believe they can do much better in London. Optimistic outlook ...

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USA - Voice of America: US Military Involvement in Uganda Yields Mixed Results

USA - Voice of America
US Military Involvement in Uganda Yields Mixed Results
Aug 2nd 2012, 13:44

KAMPALA — U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will be in Uganda Friday to talk with President Yoweri Museveni about regional security and American-Ugandan military cooperation. Hillary Heuler reports from Kampala. The U.S. State Department describes Uganda as a "key U.S. partner," particularly in the fight against the rebel Lord's Resistance Army and in Somalia. Fighting al-Shabab Ugandan troops make up the bulk of the African Union peacekeeping force in Somalia, AMISOM - ...

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Economy - Voice of America: Nigerian Communities, Government Fight Over Housing Demolitions

Economy - Voice of America
Nigerian Communities, Government Fight Over Housing Demolitions
Aug 2nd 2012, 15:49

ABUJA — Nineteen villages inside the Nigerian capital are suing the government, demanding a halt to plans to demolish most of their homes and businesses. The government says the "villages" are actually shantytowns-settlements of illegal squatters.  Almost every tin or wooden shack and concrete building in this vast slum is marked with a large red painted "X" and the word "demo" for demolition or the letters "D.C." which stands for "Development Control," a governmental department. At ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Nigerian Communities, Government Fight Over Housing Demolitions

Africa - Voice of America
Nigerian Communities, Government Fight Over Housing Demolitions
Aug 2nd 2012, 15:49

ABUJA — Nineteen villages inside the Nigerian capital are suing the government, demanding a halt to plans to demolish most of their homes and businesses. The government says the "villages" are actually shantytowns-settlements of illegal squatters.  Almost every tin or wooden shack and concrete building in this vast slum is marked with a large red painted "X" and the word "demo" for demolition or the letters "D.C." which stands for "Development Control," a governmental department. At ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Somali Pirates Serve as Inadvertent Marine Conservationists

Africa - Voice of America
Somali Pirates Serve as Inadvertent Marine Conservationists
Aug 2nd 2012, 14:11

MOMBASA, Kenya — Although the economic and human costs of piracy off the coast of Somalia are enormous, the pirates may actually be helping to improve marine life in the area.  As commercial fishermen steer clear of the Somali coastline, fish and coral reefs thrive. The cost of Somali piracy in 2011 was estimated between $6.6 and $6.9 billion, according to the One Earth Future Foundation. And, the United Nations says that, although the number of incidents declined in 2011, there were ...

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Africa - Voice of America: WFP to Airdrop Tons of Food to Refugees in S. Sudan

Africa - Voice of America
WFP to Airdrop Tons of Food to Refugees in S. Sudan
Aug 2nd 2012, 16:05

The World Food Program says it will soon begin air-dropping food aid to tens of thousands of refugees in South Sudan. The U.N. food assistance agency said Thursday the situation has grown dire for more than 100,000 people in Upper Nile State, including 35,000 recent arrivals. Spokeswoman Rene McGuffin says the start of the rainy season has made it hard to deliver food by ground, and is spreading sickness among those fleeing their homes. "These refugees are arriving in weakened ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Sudan, S. Sudan Fail to Reach Agreement

Africa - Voice of America
Sudan, S. Sudan Fail to Reach Agreement
Aug 2nd 2012, 14:36

Sudan and South Sudan have failed to reach agreement on disputes left over from their separation last year, as a U.N.-imposed deadline expires. The two countries could face sanctions as negotiations continue in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa. Negotiators from both countries meeting remain hung up on several issues, including a final deal on the fees South Sudan will pay to move oil through the north. South Sudan had offered to pay Sudan more than $9 per barrel to transport oil, and to ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Zimbabwe Woman Fights Conviction of Deliberately Transmitting HIV

Africa - Voice of America
Zimbabwe Woman Fights Conviction of Deliberately Transmitting HIV
Aug 2nd 2012, 14:46

HARARE — A 34-year-old Zimbabwean woman - who last month was found guilty of deliberately infecting her husband with the HIV virus - is fighting her conviction.  Her lawyers have approached the country's highest court, demanding repeal of the law she was charged under, saying it stigmatizes HIV/AIDS.  HIV-positive Samukelisiwe Mlilo is facing 20 years in jail for infecting her husband with the HIV virus.  But she is not yet serving her sentence because of Zimbabwe Lawyers ...

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