Thursday, July 26, 2012

Africa - Voice of America: Zambian Opposition Decries Presidential Appointments

Africa - Voice of America
Zambian Opposition Decries Presidential Appointments
Jul 27th 2012, 05:35

Thursday [July 26] was the deadline for the opposition Movement for Multiparty Democracy (MMD) of Zambia to expel members who had accepted deputy cabinet level positions with the government of President Michael Sata.  Two MMD members have resigned, but were immediately replaced by President Sata by two more MMD supporters. MMD leader Nevers Mumba accused Sata of diminishing democracy and the opposition by appointing MMD members. Sata said he wants to build a government of ...

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USA - Voice of America: Colorado Shooting Renews Questions Over Movie Violence

USA - Voice of America
Colorado Shooting Renews Questions Over Movie Violence
Jul 26th 2012, 22:59

Reports indicating the alleged gunman in last week's mass shooting in the U.S. state of Colorado may have fixated on Batman movies have raised new concerns about possible links between movies and violence. .   Long before James Holmes allegedly opened fire in a crowded Colorado movie theater, there was debate over whether violent movies spur violent acts.   Dr. Jay Reeve, the president of a mental health facility in Florida, says it would be wrong to blame movies ...

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Africa - Voice of America: Seven People Killed in Ivory Coast Attack

Africa - Voice of America
Seven People Killed in Ivory Coast Attack
Jul 24th 2012, 18:15

The UN Refugee Agency, UNHCR, says it is very disturbed by an attack last Friday, July 20th, on a camp for internally displaced people, or IDP's, in western Ivory Coast.                     The agency reports the attack occurred in Nahibly camp and left at least seven people dead and dozens more seriously injured.    The UNHCR says the camp housed 5,000 people who were the area's last ...

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USA - Voice of America: AIDS Conference Turns Attention to Sex Industry

USA - Voice of America
AIDS Conference Turns Attention to Sex Industry
Jul 26th 2012, 15:56

WASHINGTON, D.C. — One key to stopping the spread of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, is making sure workers in the global sex industry take appropriate precautions.  But there are growing concerns medical breakthroughs in the fight against AIDS will soon make that more difficult.  Excitement about turning the tide in the fight against HIV is being tempered by researchers who worry some of the most vulnerable populations will miss out on medical advances. "The risk to sex ...

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