Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Voice of America: US Foreign Policy on Gay Rights Sparks Debate

Voice of America
Voice of America is an international news and broadcast organization serving Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Russia, the Middle East and Balkan countries
US Foreign Policy on Gay Rights Sparks Debate
Jul 16th 2013, 22:07, by webdesk@voanews.com (Brian Padden)

The steady growth of support for the gay rights movement and same sex marriage equality within the United States has been accompanied by increased U.S. government support for gay rights around the world. The U.S. foreign policy to promote equal rights, no matter sexual orientation, has sparked criticism both abroad and at home.  Living now in relative freedom and security in New York City, artist and filmmaker Alexander Kargaltsev remembers the harassment and violence he suffered as a ...

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