Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Voice of America: Deepening Divides Stop Libyan Families from Returning Home

Voice of America
Voice of America is an international news and broadcast organization serving Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Russia, the Middle East and Balkan countries
Deepening Divides Stop Libyan Families from Returning Home
Feb 26th 2013, 18:40

Every day, Ibtisam Mohammed Salem's children ask her when they will go back to their home in the abandoned Libyan town of Tawergha. Although she wants to reassure them, she fears they will have a long wait. Salem, 32, and her family were among thousands of residents of the town - used as a base by Moammar Gadhafi during the country's 2011 uprising - who fled when victorious rebels charged in. More than a year on, the people of Tawergha are still stuck in limbo, homeless and, they ...

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