Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Voice of America: Syria Rebuffs Egypt's Bid for Negotiated End to Conflict

Voice of America
Voice of America is an international news and broadcast organization serving Central and Eastern Europe, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Russia, the Middle East and Balkan countries
Syria Rebuffs Egypt's Bid for Negotiated End to Conflict
Sep 4th 2012, 21:09

The Syrian government has again lashed out at its regional critics, in particular Egypt, whose leader has called on President Bashar al-Assad to step down. As fighting continues, the Syrian government says it welcomes another attempt to bring an end to the conflict - this time  by new United Nations-Arab League envoy Lakhdar Brahimi.     But Syria's Information minister Omran al-Zoubi mocked Egypt and its attempts to find a solution to the civil war, arguing ...

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