Tuesday, April 10, 2012

VOA News: Asia: Suicide Bombing Kills 10 in Western Afghanistan

VOA News: Asia
Asia Voice of America
Suicide Bombing Kills 10 in Western Afghanistan
Apr 10th 2012, 08:36

Afghan officials say a suicide car bombing killed at least 10 people early Tuesday outside a local government facility in the western province of Herat.

Police say the driver of the car detonated the explosives after being ordered to stop his vehicle at the gate of the compound.  At least one other person, including one wearing a burqa, was inside the vehicle. The militants did not survive the blast.

Three policemen were among the dead. As many as 22 people were wounded.

There has not yet been a claim of responsibility for the attack, which occurred near the provincial capital, Herat.  The western province near the country's border with Iran is relatively calm. Most insurgent attacks occur in the country's south and east.

NATO troops have already transferred security control for much of western Afghanistan to local authorities. All foreign combat troops are scheduled to leave the country by the end of 2014.

Some information for this report was provided by AP and AFP.

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